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myOtaku.com: Shallow Heart

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

~Wednesday August, 29th 12:30AM~



there's bite marks on my hand and fingers. It's funny how pain can feel so good, sometimes.

I feel giddy-ish. like...run up and down the hallway giddy-ish. like.....run to new jersey giddy-ish. like I can't stop giggling giddy-ish ah god I feel like a girl..

Anyways, besides my unusual mood swings should I tell you what happaned today? Okay! I went to my old school with my sister and seen a bunch of my old teacher's and almost started crying at the memories that place held. GOD I miss it so fricken much. Oh well.

Went to see my grandma....talked to lauren threw texts the entire time I was there.... =3 huzzah. God...I never thought I could feel this way about another human being. but i do, and if any of you see a missing person alert on the tv DONT TELL THEM WHERE I AM =P

hah i just noticed i send text messages in the length of a short email.....haha poor lauren. I'm so horrible.

okay, im goin to bed now. Mm...see ya,

Mucho love,


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