Me: IIt's sooooo early...... But today I have rehearsals, so I have to post.
Chaud: She won't be home until 5.
Me: Yep, And again, I ust ask ElvesAteMyRamen this: HOW THE HECK DO YOU DRAW REALISTIC PEOPLE SO GOOD?! I know you're older, but oh well... You don't ahve to tell me if you don't wanna, then it becomes a rhetorical question XD
Chaud: Uuuh huh.
Me: Yep! XD Anywhoooo.......... Yeeeeeaaahhhh... Read yesterday's post if that question didn't make any sense to you ^^'
Me: But on another note, I decided to wait awhile before sending in my Chahud picture because-
Chaud: Because she's working on a 3-piece set. We won't tell what it's made up of though.
Me: Yep! And I'll see if I can do Protoman too, but it looks hard!
Chaud: Hm... I guess he does.
Me: *Looks at trash can and sees dirty(NOT MINE!) tissues* EWEWEWEWEW!!!!!!! EW! GROSS! MY SISTER'S USED TISSUES! GROSS! I TOLD HER NOT TO THROW THEM! EW! *Goes to pick up and thinks: Ew! Ewewewewewewewewewew!*
Chaud: That's gross.
Me: On yet another note, My sister found her digi-cam!
Chaud: But she couldn't find the connector cable to link to the computer.
Me: T-T She needs to clean up better T________________T
Chaud: _-_
Me: Anywhoo, when I finish my Chaud set, I might make some G. Wing pictures! YEAH! WHEE! I have an art book full of them! ^__^
Chaud: Uhm... yeah.. so if you like Gundam Wing, that should be good for you.
Me: Teehee ^_^ Well, I'm off to school now..... I'll visit sites when I'm back, 'kay? JA NE!!!!!!!
Chaud: ..... *Clicks 'Add Post' button*