Me: Today, I was at my cousin's house, and just got back, we had lunch there. All was well!
Chaud: Yeah, until you started choking.
Me: At least it wasn't serious!
Chaud: Uh huh.
Me: Anywhoo, I'm workin' hard on my picture to get it sent in >:) Work work work! XD
Chaud: *Hits me* Snap out of it.
Chaud: _-_'
Me: O.O Anywhoo, I'm gonna try to see if I can get them in via webcam, but Not too sure =T BUT! I got the new Shonen Jump yesterday in the mail! It's the june issue! (Early, I know!) and I'm reding it now! =D WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Is super hyper*
Chaud: ... you had sugar today, didn't you?
Me: YEP! WHEE-HEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD Okay, I'm done! ^^Not much to say today........... What about you, Chaud?
Chaud: I've got nothing.
Artemus (My navi): We're all bored to death over here!
Chaud: _-_
Me: soooo... bored..... But last night, who saw Harry Potter? I DID! I DID! ^o^ Did any of you see it on Disney? It gave me NIGHTMARES! T-T Voldemort is scary! He gave me nightmares! WAAAAH!
Chaud: She's not kidding, she kept me up all night with her crying.
Me: I did? Oopsie, sorry! ^^'
Chaud: _-_ Anyways, she's about to help her sister find that cable.
Me: *Already looking* EW! EW! ANOTHER DIRTY TISSUE! *Pokes it with a stick* EEEEEEEEEEEEEW! Man, my sister throws things EVERYWHERE! I may be younger, but I have more power in the room, because it's MY room! MINE! It's not fair, nobody gives me any respect around here ._. *Starts to cry* Anywhoo, *Sniff* I'll post later, I guess. Ja ne.
Chaud: *Sighs and clicks 'add post' button*