Me: *Sighs* A time to post...... XD
Chaud: You didn't comb your hair this morning, did you?
Me: Nope!
Chaud: We can tell.
Me: At least nothing's sticking up!
Chaud: ... things are sticking OUT.
Me: ^^; *Ahem* On another note, I'm sure you all don't want to hear about how much my hair can stick out when I first wake up XD But I'm coloring a picture of one of my OCs for my story and she's only 1/2 body, but it was only meant for practice sketching, but I liked it so much, I wanted to finish it anyways. I'll work on full body pictures later ^^; I'll try to scan them, but I'm not sure when though. Sorry! I'll most likely send it in on Y CaNNoN- no, I'll send it in on ShamanGIrl and send in *Something* else on Y CaNNoN. =D havn't been on that one lately, I will today, if you signed. ^.~ WHEE!
Chaud: Now what are you hyper for NOW?!
Me: I'm goin' to the mall today... NO, not clothes, BOOKS! WOOT! Aaaaand a haircut....... XP My hair's plenty short though! XD
Chaud: .....
Me: Sorry for ntot posting lately, sorry! *Bows* I was too busy with all the studying for the finals! XP And I've been plotting my revenge for those racist snobs. I go to a school with the majority of blacks, some whites, and I'm the only asian in the MS sector. They always make fun of my heritage, and that's wring. I don't make fun of theirs!
Chaud: This IS excluding her friends. one is white, but the ones she hangs out most with (Meaning at recess) are black.
Me: Yeah, I don't mind, either! But those snobs are total racists. making fun of heritage. feh! They don't think I hear them, and they don't think I understand their "Gangsta" Talk just because I speak PROPER english! NOT 'Yo, why my fries be cold?" Now, I don't mean to offend you guys who say things like that, but that's only what the people at my school say, and that just really irritates me.
Chaud: it's no wonder why a lot of them have low grades in LA.
Me: Really. Don't you just hate it when someone talks about you? It makes me so sad, because I wanted to be friends with everyone in the sixth grade at LEAST, but they won't accept me, and that makes me sad, that less than 1/5 make up my friends =( I never thought that it could happen... *Shakes head* But you guys don't want to hear that, sorry! *Bows* Anyways, vinegar got spilled behind the rice and it filled the whole kitchen!
Chaud: So that's what I've been smelling....
Me: Pew! I just hope the rice is okay! XD
Chaud: Well, there's no more to say-
Me: Beeeeeeesudes... the face that MY BIRTHDAY IS NEXT SUNDAY! MY BIRTHDAY IS NEXT SUNDAY! XD Anywho, post laters, ja neee! *Continues watching TV*