Me: *Actually rams head* @_@ That's betterrrrrr....
Chaud: *Smacks forehead*
Me: *shakes it out* Okay, I'm better now ^_^ heheh Sorry I havn't been on in awhile and that I havn't commented or posted or anything I'm so sorry, school was driving me crazy, hence why I just did what I did... but school's out and I couldn't be any happier!
Chaud: Great... I can bet that there'll be less sleep around here...
Me: Aw, who needs sleep now?! IT'S SUMMERRRRR!!!!!!!! ^_^ I'm gonna go to CA to visit my cousins but I'll still post from time to time there since my cousin has a computer ^_^
Chaud: Okay...
Me: And I thank those who voted and commented on my newest fanart ^_^ Heehee I'm working on a new one with more of the body than the others I've sent in, like about a bit of the legs showing ^^ It's sideways, so uh.... yeah..... ^^; But anyways, it's a Megaman picture but that's all I'm saying ^.~ Oh, and that SURPRISE I havn't mentioned in awhile is working its way to completion ^.^
Chaud: Are you gonna tell them what it is?
Me: Eventually....
Chaud: -_-' knowing you, you'll forget....
Me: I'll pretend I didn't hear that... hehehe *Is listening to Animaniacs theme* AHAHA! very catchy ^^ I've tried drawing them, Winnie the Pooh, and Kiddie Tarzan, and I've failed on each one... but that doesn't mean I'll stop! AHAHA! I'LL TRY UNTIL MY HAND FALLS OFF! XD I wanna attempt drawing Yakko, Wakko, and Dot which'll be a challenge =) Anywho, uh... yeah I've been watching out for those that comment and those who don't on my site and I'm chopping down my list! AHAHA!
Chaud: Okay, I wouldn't trust you with a knife... you tried to stab your friends when they came over for your birthday...
Me: One thing, she backed up, and two, I was joking.......
Chaud: Suuuuure you were...
Me: Believe what you want... Oh my goodness, I woke up at 1 in the morning and couldn't go back to sleep! I didn't go back to sleep until.... like... 4? it was so hot..... which brings me to the last day of school... the people who participated in the play had a tag day(A day where you don't have to wear your uniform) and so I wore a RF cafe T-shirt I got which is YELLOW!!!!!! My FAAAVORITE color! I was also wearing LONG jeans... and there's no AC... X_X It didn't bother me before, though... but by 12(We left at 12:30), My friends and I were the only one in our HR, since most were in the other 6th homeroom or in another room or roaming the halls, and the desks and chairs were brought into the hall, I was laying flat on the carpeted floor facing up XD Good thing no one saw me haha
Chaud: You actually did that?!
Me: Yeah, so?
Chaud: -_-
Me: *ahem* I shall end the post here and now, seeing as how long it is... soo.... Ja ne minna! Post laters! ^_^
Chaud: -_-' *Clicks "Add Post" button*