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Georgia, i rule kagegakure, i often visit alegeashia
Member Since
Real Name
wouldn't u like to know
..........wrote 106 pages of my book so far
Anime Fan Since
anime was created
Favorite Anime
DBZ, dragonball z
to be a graphic artist, or zoologist
playing videogames
drawing and writing mainly
| sharingan-shinobi
I am kage of SHADOWS....FEAR ME......k but really i rule the hiden shadow villiage......BIG naruto fan, i love to draw, read,write.i'm mainly here because Emily asked me to join so i did. About me....i'm 14.....a bit tall bout 5'8..5'7........animes i like are naruto, DBZ mainly but i also like shows like yugioh, xoalin showdown, grim adventures of billy and what i'm a bit childish for my age, but i like being a i leave you with these words...........I LOVE COOKIES.
Sunday, September 3, 2006
YEAH Chibi's!!!!!
I never update this site. If you ever wonder where i am i'll be at

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Saturday, May 20, 2006

What Darker Naruto Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Saturday, March 11, 2006
AIM naruto chat on my page...=)
TenTen Is: Weapon_Mistress
Neji Is: Distressed_Branch
Temari Is: Temari_Is_Phat
Gaara Is: ThexSandxCoffin
Sasuke Is: ShariganxBoy
Orochimaru is: Micheal_J
ThexSandxCoffin Has Signed On
Distressed_Branch Has Signed On
Micheal_J Has Signed On.
Micheal_J: Hello? Anyone? -Licks Lips-
ThexSandxCoffin: Ello, I guess. -_-
Temari_Is_Phat Has Signed On
Temari_Is_Phat:Kankuro? Oh...Gaara. Hey.
ThexSandxCoffin: Your User Name is stupid x.x
Temari_Is_Phat:No it's not 0_0
Micheal_J:Hush my children....lets all be friends
ThexSandxCoffin: Who the hell are You?
Micheal_J: -Gasp- Your Daddy, now hush you brat.
Temari_Is_Phat: Leave us alone you werido. x.x
ThexSanxCoffin: Shut up Temari.
Temari_Is_Phat: Okay
Micheal_J: I'm not interested in you brats, I'm waiting for someone online.
Distressed_Branch: Ello Gaara, Temari, and...Orochimaru. 0_o
ThexSanxCoffin: Yo
Orochimaru: Hey Neji -Winks-
ShariganxBoy Has Signed On
ShariganxBoy: Hey Orochimaru, do you want your noodles cold or hot? Oh! Hey guys. -Waves-
Micheal_j:What do you think?
ShariganxBoyunno, that's kinda why I'm asking you -_-
Micheal_J:Whatever Works
New ScreenNames Added:
Itachi(Thren) Is: WeaselxChef
Panda(???) Is: PandaxBearxnoxglum
Wind (???) Is: LoveMeGaaraforever
LoveMeGaaraForever Has Signed On
WeaselxChef Has Signed On
PandaxBearxNoxGlum Has Signed On
PandaxBearxNoxGlum: Neji! -Internet Tackle-
Distressed_Branch: Eh....hello? -Ish tackled-
LoveMeGaaraForever: Gaara, hey. -Waves-
WeaselxChef: Hello Temari! hi for me? -Sobs-
Temari_Is_Phat:I thought we told you to skaddadle Micheal -_- And hey Itachi.
Shariganxboy: If it makes you feel better, I didn't get a hi either Orochimaru ^^
Micheal_J:Aww, that does make me feel better. -Tear-
Temari_Is_Phat has Signed Off
Weapons_Mistress Is No Longer Idle
Weapons_Mistress: Neji Hi! And...Panda. -Spirits drop lower than IQ-
WeaselxChef: ARe you...Grr-ing at TenTen Panda?
Distressed_Branch: Uhh..yeah, whatever. Hey.
New ScreenNames:
Rock Lee Is: CoconutHead
Master Gai Is: GaixIsxBETTERxThanxKakashi
CoconutHead:I finished training early..-scans for Sakura-
GaixIsxBETTERxThanxKakashi: Where's that runt Kakashi?! Tell me! -Chokes Itachi-
WeaselxChef:-Ish Choked- Do- Dont know..
New ScreenNames:
Stephie Chan is: xNekoxchama
Naruto Is: FishxCakesxRule
FishxCakesxRule Has Signed On
xNekoxChama has Signed On
FishxCakesxRule: Would you stop following me Damnit!
xNekox: But I love you! -Tear-
LoveMeGaaraForever: Hey Stephie
PandaxBearxNoxGlum: So how's your hair TenTen? -Smirks-
Weapons_Mistress: Bad. Someone put super glue in my gel bottle! -Cries as she painfully tries to comb hair while typing-
Distressed_Branch: OMG! WTF? ROFL -Cracks Up-
WeaselxChef: I wonder who did it? -Eyes wide open-
Micheal_J: Heh..too bad Sasuke's a poopy head, he couldn't find any glue to do anything of THAT magnitude.
Shariganxboy: Shut up.
Micheal_j: -Slaps-
Micheal_J: -Comforts- I'm so sorry Sasuke! I didn't mean that! -Wipes Tears away-
Coconuthead:Hey! That's our thing! Gai! He stole our thing!
GaixisxBETTERxthanxkakashi: Don't worry Lee, just calm down. -Nervously excited as he waits for Kakashi-
Distressed_Branch Has Signed Off
Temari_Is_Phat Has Signed Off
Shariganxboy Has Signed Off
xNekoxchama: Naruto. Naruto. Naruto.
FishxCakesxRule: What?
Weapons_Mistress:Aww, don't leave Neji! -Sobs-
PandaxBearxNoxGlum:Shut up you wimp -Shakes fist-
WeaselxChef: -Stands between two s/ns- Anyone want dumplings?
PandaxBearxNoxGlum: No. -_- Curse your dumplings of doom and disaster.
ThexSandxCoffin: I'm off, gotta go prove myself
LoveMeGaaraForever: Hey Panda..I want my pringles back. -_-
PandaxBearxNoxGlum: Nope, sorry. -Smirks-
New ScreenNames:
Sasori Is: Puppet_Child
Kurenai Is: kunochiwithtangledhair
Kakashi Is: Im_so_sorry_rin_
Im_so_sorry_rin: Yo.
GaixisxBETTERxthanxkakashi:Ah ha! You little rat! I found you.
Im_so_sorry_rin:Wha? 0_0
Coconuthead:tell me straight gai! -Cheers-
Weaselxchef: anyone want dumplings! Last chance?
Weapons_Mistress: Oooooo me! -Raises hand-
WeaselxChef: Okie.^^ -Gives dumpling-
PandaxBearxNoxGlum: -Smacks- Don't give her a dumpling! She's my arch foe!
WeaselxChef: -Sings to mp3 player- your missing a toe? What?
PandaxBearxNoxglum: Nothing, nevermind. -Sigh-
LoveMeGaaraForever Has Signed Off
ThexSandxCoffin Has Signed Off
Puppet_Child Has Signed On
Puppet_Child:Ello. See Kankuro anywhere?
WeaselxChef: Nope
Micheal_J:Long time no see -_-
Puppet_Child: Don't make me get my closet know..the 'weird' ones
Michel_J:- Squeals- Spare me.
New ScreenNames:
Itachi(Evil One) Is: My_brother_is_a_pest
My_Brother_Is_A_Pest has just signed on
Kunochiwithtangledhair has just signed on
Kunochiwithtangledhair:Hello Kakashi...and..Gai? 0_o
Im_so_sorry_rin: Hey. -Waves and smiles-
My_Brother_Is_a_Pest: WAs up.
PandaxBearxNoxGlum:-Wipes drool off screen-
New ScreenNames:
Hinata Is: MainxHyuga
Thren's Mom: yoxMommyx
YoxMommyx Has Signed On
YoxMommyx: Thren, go do the dishes for me please
WeaselxChef: Z0000nnnngggggg No!!!
YoxMommyx: Do the dishes! -growls and takes away manga book and keeps it in stealth-
PandaxBearxNoxGlum: WElcome aboard the coo coo train Ms..thren's mom!
Distressed_Branch Has Signed On
MainxHyuga Has Signed On
MainxHyuga: H- Hi Naruto
Micheal_J: You studder on the comp too?! -Licks lips- How cool.
ShariganxBoy: -Ish jealous- Hey Orochimaru, back to the noodles thing.
Micheal_J: Don't rush me, Boy
ShariganxBoy: Grr
Micheal_J: ARe you copping lip with me young man?!
ShariganxBoy: No sir, of course not! -Wimpers slightly-
Micheal_J: Wait, I thought you signed off Sasuke?
Shariganxboy: Oops
Micheal_J: Don't make me get my belt -_-
Shariganxboy: Ahhh! Not the belt! -Flees-
Shariganxboy has signed off
Kunochiwithtangledhair is idle
im_so_sorry_rin is idle
coconuthead is idle
gaixisxBETTERxthanxkakashi is idle
lovemegaaraforever is idle
xyoxmommyx has signed off
mainxhyugax has signed off
Weapons_Mistress: Hey Panda, why so glum?
xNekoxChama: Naruto!!!!
fishxcakesxcrock: -Runs-
Pandax bearxnoxglum: -_- If you could read my user name, you'd see I'm FAR from glum damn it! -Smacks milky way into TenTen's Face-
Distressed_Branch: -Gets popcorn and huddles close to weaselxchef to watch fight-
WeaselxChef: -Smacks Neji and moves FAR away-
Micheal_J: Belt trick...gets them every time. -Smirks-
My_Brother_Is_A_Pest: Jesus, out of all the people Micheal, I mean, Jackson, I MEAN, had to pick shampoo boy? You're pathetic -_-
Micheal_J: I hint jealousy ^^
My_Brother_Is_A_Pest: -Uses Sharigan on Orochimaru- Fool.
WeaselxChef: Your good at the sharigan! -Cheers and clings to leg-
My_Brother_Is_A_Pest: Ack! Who the hell is THIS? -Shakes leg to get her off-
PandaxBearxNoxGlum: -Pries Thren off with force-
WeaselxChef: Wanna dumpling Itachi? Wanna?! Wanna?!
My_Brother_Is_a_Pest: ....No thanks.
Micheal_J: Everyone hates me! -Gets Emo- I wann dumpling -sniffles-
PandaxBearxNoxGlum: -Throws two dumplings at Orochimaru's user name- Here, have my stinkin dumplings you butt. x.x
Distressed_Branch: -Ish smacked- owh.
PandaxBearxNoxGlum: You smacked him! -Growls at Thren-
WeaselxChef: -Gets scared- Uhh..Micheal..I mean Orochimaru..can I borrow your belt now? -Gets ready to run away from an angry panda-
Micheal_J: -Shuffles face into dumplings- Yeah...whatever, just give it back..Sasuke ain't no good boy unless he gets his butt whomped once or twice.
WeaselxChef: -Not listening- Yeah...whatever. -Grabs belt- Stay back panda! -Aims belt-
PandaxNoxGlum: Don't you dare!
Distressed_Branch: If only TenTen were as cool.
PandaxNoxGlum: -Gets off of angry mob stage- -Smiles-
WeaselxChef: -Puts belt down- Good Panda! -Pets-
Micheal_J: -Pants fall down-
New ScreenNames:
Masashi Kisimoto(Creator Of Naruto) Is: Thecreator14
Yamanaka Ino Is: yamanakaxpig
thecreator14 Has Signed On
Yamanakaxpig Has Signed On
TheCreator14: -Aruges- No! You're not gonna fall in love with Sasuke Ino, deal with it!
Yamanakaxpig: You took my hair! My Beauty! And now the love of my life! -Cries-
Micheal_J: Hah princess, you think you've got it bad? Look at me! -Shows fake nose-
Yamanakaxpig: -Shields eyes-
Micheal_J: What?
Thecreator14: -Draws Orochimaru some new pants-
Micheal_J: -Smiles- Thanksssss.
Micheal_J: Whatever, I'm going to get me some Tacos or something. Want anything?
WeaselxChef: Don't eat the tacos! They're posion I bet! ruined my plan Itachi.
ThexSandxCoffin Has Signed On
ThexSandxCoffin: What plan?
Thecreator14:None of your business, geez. Why did I make you so nosiey, just like my wife. Ugh.
ThexSandxCoffin: -Shruggs- whatever pops.
Distressed_Branch: Finally combed your hair yet TenTen?
Weapons_Mistress: Nope..still working on it.
My_Brother_Is_a_Pest: Where is that little brother of mine? -Scans-
Micheal_J: Leave the poor thing alone Itachi. -Taps shoulder-
My_Brother_Is_A_Pest: -Jumps- Ahh! An Emo! -Runs-
Everyone has Signed Off
Next Day.......
Micheal_J Has Signed On
Distressed_Branch Has Signed On
Thecreator14 Has Signed On
Micheal_J: Wake up sleepy heads! Today's a new day! -Makes burnt pancakes-
Distressed_Branch: Shouldn't you be watching over Sasuke or something?
Micheal_J: And shouldn't you be in School? Waste land, Drop out. x.x
TheCreator14:-Shakes head- You can't make pancakes Orochimaru, I'm sorry.
Micheal_j:Why not? -Pouts-
ShariganxBoy Has Signed On
ShariganxBoy: Your bubble bath is ready si-...oops.
Shariganxoby has signed off.
Distressed_Branch: Bubble Bath? 0_o
Thecreator14: Hey! I didn't write that!
Micheal_J: Yeah you did, you were just drunk. -_-
Thecreator14: Oh, okay. That makes perfect sense.
New Screen Names:
Iruka Is: RamenxForxTwo
Tsunade: HokagexIsntxMyxIdealxJob
Sharingan-shinobi has signed on
RamenxForxTwo Has Signed On
HokagexIsntxMyxIdealxJob Has Signed On
LoveMeGaaraForever Has Signed On
LoveMeGaaraForever: Hey, I heard Orochimaru was it true?
RamenxForxTwo: -Gets nose bleed- No way!
Micheal_J: -Licks Iruka's nose-
distressed_branch: -Cracks Up-
Hokagxisntxmyxidealxjob: How come I can never find clothes that fit me?! Honestly.
Micheal_J: 0_0 I can answer that -raises hand-
Sharingan-shinobi: I love you tsunade!=)
Thecreator14: Ack! You guys are sooo annoying. -Gets out eraser-
Micheal_J: Noooo! -Takes cover under Sasuke-
Hokagexisn'txmyxidealxjob: No! -Covers Chest-
Distressed_Branch: -Closes eyes- So, this is the end?
Sharingan-shinobi:..i guess it has come to this...all good animes must end....
RamenxForxTwo: Ahhh! Gotta run, and take cover! -Huddles next to Orochimaru in bath tub-
Thecreator14: -Erases them all- Muhahahahahaa
TheCreator14 has signed OFF.
-The End-
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Monday, March 6, 2006
Which naruto character would you date?
Hiya ppl. Ever wonder if you lived in Konoha who you would date? So which shinobi/kunoichi do you like? Answer in the comments and after a week or so i'll gather the info and post the results.
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Featured Quiz Result:
I LOVE HINATA!!!!!!!!!!
I'm Uzumaki Naruto, the next Rokudaime Hokage, BELIEVE IT!