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This morning I was playing .hack infection and I kept dieing. Which really pisses me off.
Then I had to go to church. When my sister, mom, and I arrived at the church I got all light headed for some reason, but that ended after a few seconds. I saw some of my relatives there. I also saw Kikyo, but I didn't get to say hi to her and I saw my friend Silsby too. He looked like he just got out of bed. Also I kept daydreaming I was playing tennis, I love playing tennis it's so fun.
Well there's not much more to say except my family is trying to convince my dad to go to a restraunt and eat because of the whole Mother's day thing.
Yesterday night I was talking to Kikyo and we were watching full metal alchemist. It was the episode with which auto-mail was the best. Ed was sweet one minute, when he said he had the best auto-mail in the world and Winry, Ed's childhood friend who built his auto-mail was there. Then an idiot the next, when he made Winry cry, that idiot. Well that's it for now.