Birthday • 1990-04-11 Gender •
Male Location • Who wants to know Member Since • 2005-04-13 Occupation • High School Student Real Name • Itachi
Anime Fan Since • I'll give you one guess. Favorite Anime • Naruto Geed Destiny Air Prince of Tennis Chrono Crusade Inital D Full Metal Alchemist Mar Bleach Full Metal Panic Full Metal Panic The Second Raid Gundam Wing Ruruoni Kenshin Saiyuki Reloaded Goals • To end all the pain of suffuring in this world, if I can't do that travel the world. Lol Hobbies • Hang out with friends Playing video games like Halo or DDR Watching anime Making Graphics Dancing cause it's fun Talents • Making graphics socializing
1. No flamming, stealing, and dishonesty
2. Treat others like you would like to be treated
3. No one sentence guestbook entries
4. Do not ask for my assistance if I don't know you
Latest News~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time written: 2:55PM
Mood: Tired
Listening to: Nothing yet again...
Yawn! Lol Man have I been having such a stressful week aside from school, people, friends, tennis, etc etc... My wrist is like dead now for some reason and when I try to swing my racquet it hurts. Oh well, hopefully it'll heal in a few days. So how's everyone today? Just asking since I haven't been around all that much. I will eventually get to your sites someday. Oh and one more thing it's been a year for me on myo and plus my b-day is coming up next tuesday! It's going to be awesome. I can get my license soon hopefully since I don't want to have to walk home everyday from tennis practice or get a ride to our matchs. Our school is so poor. Tennis is like the least funded sport ever. We have to go to another park right after school to practice and we have to be there by 3:15 and it only gives us like 15 mins to get there when we don't have cars. Oh well that's it for my update.
Later peeps!