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Sunday, August 21, 2005
Oh man i stayed up all night and i just woke up at 2pm... and i'm still sleepy.... oh well.. but the good news is that i get to play Final Fantasy XI on tuesday YAY!!!!!!! FINNALY!!!!!!! but i still have two more days till it comes... -.- ok finnaly heres chapter ten... for thoes of you who have missed the other nine chapters their in the archives... anyways here it is hope ya like it..
Chapter 10
*Sheeva, Rinoa, and Kitsune peeked around the corner to see just who and how many prisioners there were..*
*To Sheevas surprise, it was Aditurru and Takako who were taken captive....*
Sheeva wispers: Talk about clichied.. -.-(did i spell that right?)
*There were 5 beastly looking charr guarding the two girls...*
Aditurru: You better let me out or i'l kick ur ass later!!!!
Takako: Can you please be quiet for just one second!
Takako: God your annoying...
Rinoa Wispers: We have to create a diversion...
Kitsune Wispers: Shall we use an undead?
Sheeva Wispers: Sounds good to me...
Rinoa Wispers: But they might find out our location....
Sheeva Wispers: well theres that... -.-
Kitsune Wispers: Then should we have someone in whole create the diversion themselfs?
Rinoa Wispers: But thats suciside!
Kitsune Wispers: Ok ok... so shall we just stick with the first plan? just use undead?
Rinoa and Sheeva wisper: ok..
*Kitsune mumbles something and an undead looking thing rises from the ground...*
Kitsune to the Undead: Ok.. Go over there *she points to a hill on the other side of them..* and make sure they see and chase after you then you run away.. got it? ok.... go!
*The undead scurries away.. it reaches the top of the hill where the Charr could clearly see it.. the Charr notice it and sun after it.. the undead runs away...*
Kitsune: Nows our chance..
End of chapter 10
well wadda ya think? okie dokie bb for now ^.^
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
I.. I cant believe it...
My brothers... are auctually acepting me... Treating me like i'm a real person.. I cant believe it i'm just so...so speechless... wow....
btw go spy on the happy ppl of Final Fantasy XI whial they celebrait summerfest via this link...
Just click on the icon at the bottem that says Vanadiel LIVE! It's really cool watching all the ppl run around... enjoy! And tell me what you think of it.. sry no chapter today... bb ^^
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Friday, August 19, 2005
Well nothing happened much yesterday i'm still waiting for my game to come... hope it arrives soon.... any how if ya need something or have questions of the viedo above i'd be happy to answer them so ya understand it better.. anyhows i know i havent written a chapter in AGES.. bud do you mind waiting 1 more day? well anyways i gotta go ttyl! ^.^ btw the video link is just below the club banners its really good... bb
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
Running Back and Forth......
Wow i am soo tired! -.- i still have stuff to do so i'll be quick about it. Nothing much has happened recently except for this nightmare i had about vampires.. yea i know what your thinking. but it was one of thoes realistic dreams where you can feel *or your brain makes you feel..* everything... which isnt good if its a nightmare about vampires. well anyway i ordered Final Fantasy XI online on the internet so it should be arriveing soon.. *looks out the window* well anyways since i dont have time to write a few chapters of my story today i'm gonna give everyone a japaniese update brought to you by SPAM!
Japaniese Update!!!! *backround music*
Well its augest 18! The perfect weather for gohsts gouls and orcs!! Yes its that time of the year for japan when all thoes dead people we know and love come down to earth to say hello! Japan is a mess of people right now, over half of all the people in japan are moveing so expect lots and lots of traffic! and crowded bus stops... and crowed trains.. So today think to your self are my dead grandparents happy with me? Cause there watching youuu!!!!!!!!!!!
This report was brought to you by SPAM!
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Hopefully today is the day i FINNALY get Final Fantasy XI online.... well i've gotta do some research soo cya..
PS when is the cute and fun contest gonna be over? and vote for me!!!!!!!!!
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Monday, August 15, 2005
I GOT IT I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I GOT FINAL FANTASY XI ONLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! ok ok ok i gotta go play it and install it see ya!!!!!!!!
*runs off... comes back a minute later...* nm i don have it bb for now... T.T
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Saturday, August 13, 2005
I FEEL SO LOVED!!!!! lol
Yay i woke up and i was in second place this morning yay! and takako was in first yay!!! and today i have to do my book report booo! lol well any ways the riddle last time nobody answered... well i'll put it up for one more day and then i'll give you the answer... Ok here it is: How far can you walk into the forest? Hint: the middle
well thats it!! ^.^ ok heres the next.. but short chapter... lol i wonder what the people who are just visiting this site will think of it.. -.-
Chapter 9
Sheeva: Really you think you know where coco is?
Rinoa: Coco? is that what you named it?
*sheeva nods*
*The dead skeleton dog wines something again..*
Rinoa: Mmmmmm... i dont think its you pet...
Sheeva: -.- ah well..
Rinoa: but i did find out where the prisoners are being held..
Kitsune: *tired of sitting around waiting* finnaly! now lets go rescue them!!!!
*Kitsune, Sheeva, and Rinoa set off to do the mission!! The area around them had many cliffs and cracks in the ground from the incident many years ago, the dead skeleton looking dog was leading the way. After a few hours of walking they herd someone yelling...*
Sheeva: ( I think i know that voice...)
End of chapter 9
Yea.... takako i bet you know who it is.... well thats all for now lolz :P
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Friday, August 12, 2005
Ahh well....
Well its not perfect but its cute!!! ^.^ we shall see in good time!! Hahaha man i keep thinking of that chocobo song that Takako put in her site! i really do think shes gonna win... anyways aside from the contest... 4 MORE DAYS UNTIL I GET Final Fantasy XI online... man the wait is killing me... X.X Mmmmmm i dont feel like putting up a chapter today... but i will put up this riddle see if you can answer it!!! ^.^ untill then see ya!!
How far can you walk into the woods?
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
ok!!! I need thoes of you who arent judgeing to lell me what you think of my site!!! pls brutaly critique my site i want it to be as good as i can get it! i've used the img scr froumla, its worked but i cant see the picture.. < : / oh well!!! i figured out how to change Takakos avatar i can figure this out too!!!! how do you like your avatar takako? it was HARDDDD!!!! ok 2 chapters!!!! yay!!!! ok i'm gonna try a few different themes that orbit around FF so thoes who visit my site alot tell me your favorite!! ^.^ pls and ty!!
Chapter 7
*2 years have passed since that day, there was no longer sun, no water and no life except for the hundreds of charr, and about 100 people who survived, all was in destruction and the charr had destroyed it all...*
*Sheeva had been sperated from her friends, her family was presumed dead, and her chocobo(((( i changed moa bird to chocobo cause their almost the same, and thanks to Takakos site i've got chocobo fever..))))was lost and she haden't found it..yet... everyone and everything around her was either depressed lost or dead...*
* The prince and king still live trying to keep what was left of the kingdom alive. Sheeva had been sent on missions to push back the charr.. all of them so far have failed... and still she searches for Takako and Aditurru...*
* We now join her on her next mission as she meets her teammates and listens to the briefing..*
Sheeva: *leans against the walls waiting for her teammates to arrive so they can start the briefing* sigh when are they gonna get here...
* all of a sudden, everything goes dark and a figure rises from the ground a few feet away from Sheeva, it looked as tho it was a necromancer with short jet red hair, when she finnaly had risen from the ground she said...*
Sheeva: O.o;......
Kitsune: hmm!!!! you must be my new teammate!!! The last one got a bit of an injury... ^^; he shouldive listened when i said that it was acid... Rinoa should be here in a minute!!! ^.^
Sheeva: ok.... may i ask what your name is? and who is Rinoa?
Kitsune: ah! how rude of me!! I"M KITSUNE!!!!!! *confetti fireworks*
And Rinoa is... ummmm how should i say.... just plain weird... i was with her on the mission before this all... happened... *She guestures around her at the what was left of asclon...*
Rinoa: *walkes over next to kitsune..* Hey! i'm not weird!!! its just my gunblade and clothes that are weird!!!
Sheeva: Gunblade?
Kitsune: its what she calles her wepon.... shes kinda a mix between a necromancer and a warrior as she fights with that sword thingy...
Rinoa: Its a gunblade!!!!*Turns to Sheeva* Oh and nice to meet you! I'm Rinoa!! and.. you are...
Sheeva: Sheeva... nice to meet you too... ^.^
*soldier walks over to the three of them and says...*
Soldier: alright!! since you're all here let us begin the breifing. Your main priority is to rescue some of our troops. They were outnumbered in one of the missions of late and have been taken captive. If you do not suceed in getting them they will most likely be sacrificed to the charrs gods.. quite nasty yes.. which is why YOU CAN NOT FAIL THIS MISSION!!! We have reason to believe that they are being held 10 miles north of here.. now any questions before we start?
Sheeva: *raises her hand*
Soldier: yes?
Sheeva: Have you seen a chocobo around here?
Soldier:.... no
Soldier: well...if thats all you may start whenever you want to.. Ia word of advice: Use EXTREME caution whial doings this..I have given you all the information i know.. you may start whenever you want to... good luck..
End of Chapter 7
This chapter is a little short ^^;
Chapter 8
*the soldier had left...*
Sheeva: hmmm... how should we go about this..
Kitsune: LETS BURN THEM ALL TO HELLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rinoa: lets not....
Kitsune: >: /
Sheeva: How about...umm...
* The three of them thought long and hard...*
Rinos: OOO!!! I know! Kitsune and i can both summon an undead to scout the area and find out where the people are exactly! ^.^
Sheeva: wow great idea Rinoa!!!
Rinoa: ^^
Kitsune: alright lets do it..
Kitsune: COME....
Kitsune and Rinoa: UNDEAD!!!
*Two dog skeleton things rose from the ground...*
Rinoa: Go find our improsined troops!
Kitsune: Yes!
*After 5 hours of sitting, talking, and waiting the three saw one of the dead bone dogs waddle its way back..*
Kitsune: wheres the other one?
Sheeva: Dunno ( But i have an idea) O.o;;;
Rinoa: Did you find out where they are being held captive?
* The dead skeleton dog wimpered..*
Rinoa: ok got it!!
Sheeva: you can understand it?
Rinoa: yea.. hmmm.... Sheeva...
Sheeva: yea?
Rinoa: we may have found your chocobo...
End of Chapter 8
Well thats it for now!!!! BB ALL!!!
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
So.... Tired.....
Well today my japaniese teacher is comeing over and well.... i havent studied lately.. -.- tommorow i'll write 2 chapters... anyhow 6 more days until FFXI yay.... i gotta find a way for my images to show.. i mean it shows an icon but it doesent show... see?
ok time to visit your sites! ^.^; any ways later...
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