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myOtaku.com: sheshomaru 2000

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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P-chansacutie (10/08/05)

Sesshoumaru is one of my favorite anime characters!! nice bg by the way!!well i'm short on words so I dont have much to say but nice site and have great day!!;)

babygurl3332009 (10/06/05)

Love your site! come visit mine if you get a chance. bye.

sephiroth. (10/05/05)

cool site visit mine...

MagikSalem (10/05/05)

Your site is awesome
I like the background ^-^

Grif 2.0 (10/05/05)

Your sites awesome I love the background pic Im adding you as a friend TTFN.

Evil Akito (10/05/05)

Awesome site you have here.
I like the background. It matches your name.
Talk to you later sometime, maybe.
Bye, take care.

Reoku-Himura (09/28/05)

8signs in puprle* good luck on getting ungrounded ^^ the site is great too.


FlowerKiss (09/25/05)

Thanks for signing my guestbook. That was awesome. Your site is awesome, like ya mentioned. hehe.
I don't know how to give you the music...
Yeah, well, I'll add you as a friend.
Later, take care.

Cash-chan (09/23/05)


Bonjour! Ca va? lol. im just in a french mood today, ya know? Ne way, thanks much for signing my guestbook and i have decided, in return, i will grace u with my presence upon ur page and even a signing by the wonderful, lovely, girlfriend of Edward himself. I'm just playin. im pretty hyper. I noticed that u r a big Sesshomaru fan- SESSY-CHAN ROCKS! My site was based on him before. PM me and i will give u the well sought after secret to the magical pop ups of doom. Actaully, they r just javascripts and they don't kill... usually. And the colors of ur site r lovely. Add a background of sesshy-chan and put the hex code as XXXXXX to make it clear so we can see it. Okies? Well i've taken up enuff room as it is. Ja ne.


Cash Elric


Is death really so bad?

EdwardElricThe2nd (09/23/05)

Nihao! Como estas? n_n lol Nice sitez u gotz goinz here! w00t! I shall addu 2 me almighty list of forever gaining friendz! w00t! YAY! U R MY FRIEND NOW!!! YOU NEVER COME OFF MY LIST! n_n lol jk don't mean to sound obsessive. n_n' lol jk *sigh* yes...so drop by sometime...and please don't make fun of the hieght like most. n_n' lol YAY! Claps 4 u! n_n well drop by sometime! that'd be great! email me sometimez! ttfn! CULATER! n_n
Idiots do cool things.

That's why it's cool.
"They say that catching a mere rabbit takes every bit of a lions strength..."- Edward Elric

Da Fullmetal Cheerio King knowz bestiestz. do watz rite & don't do da drugz! o.o thanxiez! n_n

-ur friend 3dw4®d3lric7he2d♣♠ ♣♠

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