Felt like a change for once. I got tired with the old intro and background and decided to change it. One of my favorite pictures of the series.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Of all the weeks
Well I have officially decided that this week sucks. Not due to the snow but the fact that I can't use it because I have to study for finals. I need to use the snow I wanted all year but can't and now I think that I should just fail a class or two just so I can have a little fun for once.
And for all the people out there that agree with me start a random snowball fight.
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Out with the old and in with the new. But I really am going to miss my old picture.*sniff* I can only hope that I will see it again. Somewhere.
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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
I would like to thank Dark Phoenix for all the help she has given me. She is my pick for the greatest person of the week. Here's a kiss.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
If I get the help I need on this site it will be so awesome. But it will still and always need more. More. MORE!!!! MWWHAHAHAHAHAHA. No I'm just joshin all of you. I'm not crazy(yet). And don't fear the picture, it won't hurt you.
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
Ok, this is a great story. I was out walking with some friends with no actuall destination. So we were walking and this freak patch of ice comes out of nowhere and I slip. I did almost a complete backflip and landed on my feet. But I was leaning to far forward when I landed and slipped again and landed on my stomach. Isn't that funny. Hahahaha.
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 Blue- You have a power that has yet to be released. Though you are tranquil in your ways, but heaven for bid if someone hurts pisses you off...OOOUUCCHHH!
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