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Fitchburg, MA
Member Since
Real Name
Josh Jeremy Jacob - Triple J ^_^
Mesmerizing FFVII nearly word for word
Anime Fan Since
Anime fan since the early 90's. But true otaku since 1999
Favorite Anime
Neon Genesis Evangelion, Naruto, and Bleach ^_^
To get a job and feed my video game addiction! I needs me the following games: Resident Evil 4, Shadow Of The Colossus, Guitar Hero, Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi, Inuyasha Feudal Combat, and Soul Calibur III!!!
Watching lots of anime, playing video games, and listening to music
Meh, don't really have any ^_~
| ShikamaruKnowsAll
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
Well, I'm still alive
I'll try and make this quick.
Yeah, basically for the past 2 weeks my comp has been dead. I don't know what the crap was wrong with it, but, the end result was that the whole thing had to be blanked and rebooted from disk. Yeah, lucky me. Anyway, if you didn't pick up on it in my updated intro, my plan to do walkthroughs has totally halted. I'd have to relocate and redownload a decent Playstation emulator and find all the plugins needed. Plus, with my comp memory gone, all progress I had made in FF7 that I had ready for the site is lost. So, unless you guys actually care and beg me to, your most likely not gonna see anymore walkthrough, at least not for quite awhile. In my time away from my comp, I've started to play Breath Of Fire III, so, I don't have time for much right now.
Alright, well, now that I've brought you all up to speed, I shall take my leave. See you guys whenever - Triple J
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Apologies in place of TripleJ
Sorry there hasn't been much here folks. Oh... *looks around and clears throat* this is the closet pervert just giving the friends of my buddy TripleJ a heads up. His compy went [insert random onomatopoeia here] and so he isn't going to be posting for a while. Um... in the mean time, come to my site! Here is the link again, click here!
And... make sure you check out the CWC! (Cloud Watchers' Club), my fanclub tribute to Shikamaru Nara! ^_^ Dewa!
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
A thank you, an explanation, and an unexpected turn of events.....
Well, I'm back. Firstly, I want to thank you guys for caring. I deeply appreciate the kind comments. It just goes to show you that otakus really are the best people in the world! I spent yesterday and Monday collecting my thoughts/feelings. While I was absolutely crushed at the semi-loss of my dear friend, I came to the realization that this can be just as much a blessing as it is a burden. This is exactly the motivation I need to stop whining about how shitty my life is and to finally get the fuck up and do something about it. I bitch and complain about my family life every chance I get (I've spared you guys from that, though, heheheh) This is now my opportunity to get out.
This is the goal that I have set before myself: Before my friend left, I pledged to her, that I WILL reunite with her.....within 6 months time, by the end of the year.
My main obstacle preventing me from beaing able to move down to Texas myself right now is: MONEY. I just recently got a job, so why should I be complaining? Here's the deal: I'm making $6.75 an hour, working roughly 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. After taxes and shit, I'm bringing home about $160-170. My mom's taking $60 each week for "rent" since I'm living in "her house". That leaves me with about $100 each week. So, in 6 months time, I should have plenty of money saved up and be able to move, right? Not quite.
Last year, I spent 1 semester in college. To put it bluntly, I fucking sucked. At the end of the semester I was informed that, "since my grades were inadequate" one of my grants had been cancelled. Well, I thought my mom and her boyfriend were able to work things out, explaining my family's financial situation and such. I was told that things would clear up and me "debt" would be erased. Well, out of nowhere, 2 months ago, I received a call from a collection agency demanding payment. And due to my "tardiness" of not paying up, extra money has been added upon to what I must pay. WTF? I thought things were clear? To be truthfull, I still don't know what the fuck happened, but I'm not taking my chances with the law. So, right now, as we speak, I must currently pay off a collection agency about $1100. That's my money dilemma. So my job is now entirely going to paying that off.
But I'm not going to let this derail me in reaching my goal. Starting today, I'm desperately looking for a second job so that I CAN keep up with putting money away to move. Unfortunately, things don't look too good. But enough of my rambling. I'm sure you guys probably can't follow that which is spewing out of me anyway. But I don't blame you. I don't understand everything, either.
With that aside, I'll get to the "unexpected turn of events" part. 26 hours and 31 minutes in, I am exactly halfway through Shadown Hearts Covenant. Here's the turn of events: the story is at a perfect break. The whole second half of the game will have its own course of events. I mean, I can stop playing here and be content, looking to the second half of the game as simply a sequel. And that is exactly what I'm going to do. Shadow Hearts is being moved onto the back burner, and starting tonight, my free time shall belong to FF7 and my walkthrough! Jeez, wasn't that the main purpose of my site? The only snag now that we may run into is when I do get my second job. I dunno how much free time I'll have then, but, hey, we'll worry about it when we get there.
So, my dear friends, I thank you all once again for being here with me and visiting my site. It really means a lot to me. Tomorrow I should be able to throw up part 2 of my guide.
Until then, love and peace to you all.

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Monday, June 27, 2005
The worst day of my life?
Yep. Today is the one day I have been dreading for the last couple of months. Today, I TECHNICALLY loose my closest and bestest friend. She's moving away to Texas. I say technically because this isn't goodbye. Not with the internet. We'll keep in contact through IM. But, still......She's closer to me than my own flesh and blood. I love and care for her more than anyone else in this world. She really is like a sister to me. Thats why I'm still really bummed out. What hurts, though, is that it has yet to fully sink in. It's almost 5 a.m. as I write this. I'm going to her house to help pack the truck around 7:30. She's not gone yet, so I've yet to feel the full impact.
I'm a very emotional person so I don't know what kind of state of mind I'll be in for the next few days. A year and a half ago, I probably would have gone into a depression. But since meeting her, I've become a much stronger person. So, I don't think I will break as easily.
Regardless, its probably gonna be a couple days before I can get myself back on track. All of you who visit my site, I thank you, and please, bear with me. I shall return to you all later on this week, hopefully with some better news.
*Goodbye for now, my Katana. We will meet again, and I give you my word, my heart, and my soul on that. (okay, well, you already have my soul, but you get what I mean)And yes, I know when you read this post your just gonna roll your eyes and call me pathetic. But, I don't care. Its that kind of carefree attitude of yours that I admire, and thinking of this will always bring a smile to my face. That, and our Naruto dub, muahahaha.*
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
Really quick.....
Just wanted to wish one of the coolest badasses in all of anime a happy birthday: Mr. Spike Spiegel!

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Saturday, June 25, 2005
In regards to my guide.....
Just want to let everyone know that there's most likely not going to be any new additions to my walkthrough for a week or so. Before I can commit to working on it full-time, I currently have to finish playing another RPG first: Shadow Hearts Covenant. Right now I'm almost halfway through. As soon as I complete it, all my free time will be devoted to playing FF7 for my guide.
In other news regarding my life.....
My friend FINALLY sent me the pic of my highlight of Anime Boston 2005: going out for coffee with Monica Rial!!!!!

Ms. Rial is an absolute sweetheart. Anybody who goes to a con that she is attending MUST go to her panel.
Alright, I'm off to go and put some more time into Shadow Hearts. After a few sleepless nights I'll be back to inform you all of my progress, and with luck be able to continue my guide. Bye!
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Final Fanatsy VII Walkthrough (Part 1)
Alrighty, let's get started, shall we?
After watching the opening FMV, you gain control of the main character, temporarily known as "EX-Soldier". The first thing you want to do is examine the dead bodies of the Shinra soldiers. You shall obtain ITEM: Potion from each of them.

Continue on to the next screen and meet up the memebers of AVALANCHE. You now have the chance to name the main character; Cloud Strife. You're also instructed to name the leader of AVALANCHE; Barret Wallace. Follow everybody into the reactor. Talk to Biggs and Jessie to open the doors. Before going on the elevator, though, go south through the passage to obtain ITEM: Phoenix Down.

Ride the elevator and follow Jessie down the stairs and through the door. Jump the gap and go down the ladder. Go ahead and grab ITEM: Potion.

Continue down the stairs and ladder to the next screen. Follow the pipe and go down the ladder and save at your first save point. Before advancing forward and initiating your first boss battle, I suggest leveling Cloud and Barret to level 10.

Once you have reached your goal, use any potions you have to heal, save, and then follow the walkway to the next screen. Grab the impossible to miss MATERIA: Restore.

Continue on and you will face off against BOSS: Guard Scorpion

Not too difficult of a battle at all. Have Cloud use Bolt 1 and Barret simply attack. Utilize Limit Breaks when they're available for even damamge. There's only one thing you need to watch out for. When Guard Scorpion raises its tail, DO NOT ATTACK or you will get smacked...hard. If needed, heal with potions if you have any.
Guard Scorpion will soon fall. Equip Barret with the newly acquired Assault Gun you received. You are now faced with a ten minute time limit to escape. Worry not, though, as you have more than sufficient time. Retrace your steps, saving at the save point, up the ladder, and across the pipes. On the next screen you will see Jessie off in the corner. Her leg is stuck, so talk to her and help her out. Continue your backtracking up to the elevator and ride it. Talk to Biggs and Jessie to open the doors again and continue to the next screen. You are now free of the time limit, so relax and watch the upcoming scenes.
When you regain control of Cloud, simply head up the stairs and go left. Here, you bump into the Flower Girl. You can buy a flower from her by saying "Nothing... hey, listen..." and "...Don't see many flowers around here." Go south to the next screen. Check near the lamppost for ITEM: Potion.

Coninue south and Cloud will encounter 3 groups of Shinra soldiers. You can run if you want, but I suggest fighting, since Cloud is completely healed. Afterwards, a few scenes ensue. When you regain control, just move forward towards the screen. Talk to whomever you want, ending with Jessie, who explains to you the Midgar Rail System and the reactors. When she's done talk to Barret. Soon you arrive at the train station. Simply follow your comrades to the left to the next screen. If you desire to save, there is a save point a little to the north. Continue to the left to reach Sector 7. Meet Barret in front of the bar which is home to AVALANCHE's hideout, Tifa's 7th Heaven, and enter.
Inside, you meet the owner of the bar and you are asked to name her; Tifa Lockheart. Also, if you bought a flower earlier, you have the choice to give it to Tifa or Marlene. Talk to the other AVALANCHE members and then attempt to leave the bar. Barret will come barging in. Head downstairs to start the meeting, but, you can first have a small talk with Tifa if you want. After talking to everyone, head back upstairs for a scene with Tifa. The next morning talk to Tifa and Barret. Go through the materia tutorial if you wish.
You can now manage your materia, which I will leave entrirely up to you. Before heading off for the next mission, explore the slums. At the item shop you can stock up on a some Potions/Phoenix Downs if you want. You should at least buy one MATERIA: Fire. Over at the weapons shop, I'd suggest buying 3 ARMOR: Iron Bangle for your characters. Head upstairs to the second floor here. This is a huge beginners hall for any who need it. Right when you walk into the room you can nab MATERIA: All and ITEM: Ether.

Now, you're pretty much all set here. Exit the way you came and save your game at the save point to the north.
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