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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
MIDI: "Song 2" - Blur
Episode 12: The Dramatic Cliffhanger!
(Copyright 2001 - 2005 Brian Clevinger. Some images are property of Square-Enix.)
Hey guys, how are you? *huggles for all* I'm pretty much back to normal ^_^ My nose is still irritating me a tad, but other than that, its all good ^^
Yesterday was just one big annoyance LOL I spent the whole morning pacing back and forth waiting for Mike to show his ass up. He was supposed to take me down to the new block of stores over in Leominster so I could grab a couple applications. Well, when he finally showed up at 11:30, he ended up taking me down to the "Career Center", since he feels I'll have more luck finding a job if I go through them. Now, I obliged, because yeah, theoretically, it doesn't sound like a bad idea. I figured that I'd go in, maybe talk for a bit with someone, then they could just show me a list of available jobs in the area....not quite that simple...They made me sign up for a stupid seminar which I had to go back for from 4:30-6....and believe me, THAT was frickin' pointless. In the beginning, the guy gave us a packet. The hour and a half was spent with him reading it to us......WHY?!?!?! now I'm like a "member" there and can officially go in to "use their facilities" whenever I want.....jeez, all this crap just to get a frickin' job listing ROFL
Day brightened up mucho when I was able to get home and talk to my dear, sweet Kathy ^__^ (LOVE YOU!!! ^^) We're both working on new AMVs.....k, she still is.......I kinda finished ^_~ And yeah, before you go telling me.....I's not the can't hit 'em all out of the park.....this AMV kinda just started with the song as an idea, so I never had any solid plans for what direction I wanted it to take. It just kinda formed itself as I went along, so, yeah....not my best ^_^ But please, still check it out, at least the song kicks major ass ^____^:
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"Sin Destruction"
Alright mis amigos, that be all for today ^_^ Thank you all for coming by, it means a lot to me to know that there are a few of you who care *HUGGLES* Adios until tomorrow! - Triple J
Oh, take this for what it's worth since Square-Enix hasn't officially announced anything yet, but there are a couple sites online taking preorders for the domestic release of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children......and these sites list the ship day as NOVEMBER 29, this finally our day in the sun?!?!?!?! I'll let you guys know as soon as I can confirm this......I'm still a tad skeptical, because I've also seen a couple sites that say Kingdom Hearts 2 is due out on December 15, 2005 here in the U.S..........which would be a good trick, considering it hasn't been translated/voice acted yet and isn't going to be released in JAPAN until December 22!!!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for AC, though ^_^
Episode 13: The Dramatic Flashback!
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(Copyright 2001 - 2005 Brian Clevinger. Some images are property of Square-Enix.)
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
MIDI: "Key Of The Twilight" (.hack//SIGN)
Episode 10: It Had To Happen Sometime
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(Copyright 2001 - 2005 Brian Clevinger. Some images are property of Square-Enix.)
Hey everybody!!! And welcome to DVDuesday!!!......*cough cough* er......I mean, its Theme-change Tuesday!!! (blasted Attack Of The Show ^_~) This week I just couldn't resist the alluring beauty of SUBARU!!!!! ^^ Was going through some random pics on my puter thinking of who to do this week, came across the pic you see in my intro, and voila! ^__^ You like?
Well, in news about yesterday.....there's nothing ^_^ Only thing out of the ordinary that happened was I did end up going to see the doctor. Spent 45 minutes waiting for the guy only to have him come in, look at me, and prescribe me amoxycilin ROFL Definitely doing a heck of a lot better today, just need to get rid of this bastard stuffy nose!!!
So, yeah, nothing else exciting happened....unless you guys want me to go on and on about how great Kathy is and how much I love her ^______^ But I think you guys are sick of it.......oh well, too bad ^^ KATHY IS THE GREATEST!!!! I LOVE HER INFINITELY!!! I spent the night talking to her till I was finally forced to retreat to my bed ^_~
Alright, I'm done, no use keeping you guys, I don't think you love me that much to stick around ^_~ So go ahead, on to your lives, and I shall catch you all tomorrow!!! Luv ya!!!! - Triple J
Episode 11: The Great Black Mage Hype
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(Copyright 2001 - 2005 Brian Clevinger. Some images are property of Square-Enix.)
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Monday, September 26, 2005
MIDI: Vamo' Alla Flamenco (Final Fantasy IX) - Nobuo Uematsu
Well, I'm all out of Happy Noodle what to do?.......what to do?......*snaps fingers* MORE 8 BIT THEATER!!!!!! There we go, you guys get TWO episodes every day! How's that sound? ^__^
Episode 8: Adventurers 1, Giant 0
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(Copyright 2001 - 2005 Brian Clevinger. Some images are property of Square-Enix.)
Hey guys!!! Remember yesterday morning how I said I was feeling much better?.....yeah, that didn't last ROFL I was fine for most of the morning, but it struck me like a train in the afternoon
The morning was spent reveling in the fact that I could see straight ^_^ playing PSO and StepMania with my bro. The afternoon was spent out and about going grocery shopping and whatnot with my mom. That's when the sickness arose its ugly head ^_~ We were in Target (brand new!!! And I am SO going back ASAP to fill out an application) when I got a wicked bad dizzy spell. After Target we headed off to Mike's where I spent time LAYING DOWN TRYING NOT TO PUKE. Got home around 7:30.....stupid Red Sox....My bro had to work on a report for school so I was unable to chat with Kat just yet. I just went downstairs to my room and crashed, forgetting to grab another anime for my DVD player. So, I was stuck watching more Hellsing (though I was much more in the mood for some Najica ^_~). My bro finally came down and WOKE me sometime around 10:30 saying I could finally have the puter. And thats where the rest of my night was spent ^_^ Spent with the world's bestest medicine, Kathy!!! ^_~ No matter how shitty I feel, be it physically or emotionally, she's just the thing I need to bring a smile to my face. (I'll say it for the....8,462,956th time: I LOVE YOU KAT!!!!!!)
Today I'm gonna try and get in to the doctor's, though that's probably useless. The guy will probably end up prescribing me amoxycilin, and I'm pretty sure my body's built up an immunity to the stuff over the last 20 years ^_^
Don't worry too much about me guys, I RARELY get sick. That's why when I actually do, its absolute crap. I don't feel too badly right now, pretty sure my fever's gone....Alright, well, right now I gotta go and figure out how to disinfect my keyboard cuz I just sneezed all over it (again ^_~). I'll see you all tomorrow....WITH A NEW THEME! WOOT!!!!! - Triple J
Double the 8-Bit, double the fun!!!!!
Episode 9: What The Thief Says.....
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(Copyright 2001 - 2005 Brian Clevinger. Some images are property of Square-Enix.)
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Sunday, September 25, 2005
MIDI: "No Place To Run" (Phantasy Star Online) - by Hideaki Kobayashi, Fumie Kumatani
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Hi everybody!!! How you guys doing? I just wanna thank everyone who wished me well yesterday ^_^ *huggles* Today I'm feeling a heck of a lot better. Still sneezing a bit and have runny nose, but other than that, I'm fine ^_^ Should be back to 100% tomorrow ^^
Yesterday started off fairly decently. I spent all morning/the beginning of the afternoon laying in bed watching Excel Saga/FLCF/Hellsing and eating ramen ^_^ That all changed when Ryan showed up, sometime around 2. He had called me Friday morning and told me that he wanted to get me something for my b-day this weekend. I told him I felt too much like crap and just to forget about it, but he dragged me out anyways. So we went down to the mall and spent almost 4 hours just staring at stuff cuz I just couldn't make up my mind as to what I wanted ROFL I kept going back and forth between Gamestop and FYE going from video game to anime and back ^_^ And then there's Newburry Comics!!! They have some of the WEIRDEST shit you could ever find. Heck, that's where I got my Johnny The Homicidal Maniac comics (where Happy Noodle Boy came from). Well, after the mall adventure was over, I was still empty handed because I just couldn't decide what I wanted more: Volumes 1 and 2 of Oh! Super Milk Chan or a preorder for DragonQuest VIII ^_^
After the mall adventure Ryan wanted to go see Corpse Bride. I told him that I just went to see it the night before, but he just smacked me and said "shut up and take the free movie". So......we saw Corpse Bride ROFL AFter that we headed back to my house. Ryan only stayed for a couple minutes, long enough for us to do a quick search on Ebay......Managed to find a 9 DVD set of the fansubbed version of Naruto, containing every single episode. We placed a bid, and still have $10 to kick around should we get overtaken. Keep your fingers crossed for me on this one, I NEEDS ME THE NARUTO!!!!!!
Well, once Ryan left I was able to safely log into YIM and talk to Kat for a few hours, before she had to leave. After that, I watched Naruto (Dave Whittenberg is a GREAT least in my opinion ^_~). They even managed to keep in 1000 years of pain!!!!....although they changed it "death"....but, oh well, close enough ^_^ And afterwards, Naruto shouted the GREATEST LINE EVER!!!!!
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Alright, that's enough of me for today, so I'll talk to you all laters!!! Luv ya guys!!!! - Triple J
8 Bit Theater!!!!!!
Episode 7: KAMEHAMEHA!......Or Something
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(Copyright 2001 - 2005 Brian Clevinger. Some images are property of Square-Enix.)
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Saturday, September 24, 2005
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Hey guys!!! This is gonna be short, cuz right now, my head is POUNDING and I feel like CRAP!!!! Hopefully all of you are feeling a lot better than I am ^_^
Well, yesterday wasn't anything too spectacular. I helped my mom and Mike out with cleaning the church yesterday. After I got home I was able to spend a couple hours with Kathy ^_^ After she had to leave for class I headed off to play Final Fantasy IX for a bit (So far I've only played through once and decided to change that ^_~, it would also be my current obsession at the moment, hence anothe MIDI from the game today ^_^) Later on we went out to eat at Burger King, then headed over to the movies to see The Corpse Bride ^^ I think the thing that got to me most about that movie was the animation, it's beautiful!!! And also crazy to think that it was all done stop-motion!!! Guess thats why it took 'em 3 years to make it ROFL. After we got back I waited up until a little later than 12 for Kat, hoping she'd make it back home early, but she didn't. S'okay though ^_^ I'LL ALWAYS LOVE YOU SWEETHEART!!!!
Alrighty guys, I think I'm gonna spend a good part of the day in bed, emerging only to try and catch my love at some point ^_~ Adios!!! - Triple J
8 Bit Theater!!!!!
Episode 6: Time To Make A Stand
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(Copyright 2001 - 2005 Brian Clevinger. Some images are property of Square-Enix.)
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Friday, September 23, 2005
MIDI: "Jesters Of The Moon" (Final Fantasy IX) by Nobuo Uematsu
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Hello everybody!!!! How are you guys? Hopefully you're all feeling a lot better than I am.......Oh, and all 5 of you who got to my site to wish me a happy birthday....I thank you, from the bottom of my heart.....its good to know that a few people actually care.....And if you didn't make it to my site, hehe, don't feel're just treating me like the rest of my family, so, no biggie......
I'd love to report to you guys how yesterday was the bestest birthday ever....but then I'd be lying to you. Yesterday was, as predicted, a completely normal day. The only person in my family to even say "happy birthday" to me was my mom, and it took her until almost 2 o'clock to say party, no cake, no presents.....Oh well *shrugs* I know I might sound really upset right now, but I'm actually only slightly upset. 2 things: 1. I expected the day to turn out exactly like that, and 2. I had Kathy to talk to ^_^ Kat, who makes all bad things go away ^^ I LOVE YOU SWEETHEART!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, so yesterday was no biggie. Spent the morning listening to some music in my room and watching a few eps of Excel Saga. The afternoon was dragged out over Mike's. Well, I was able to at least get in the 4 or so hours with my love when I got home ^^
This weekend's really gonna suck.....Kat's gonna be really busy so I won't be able to talk to her that much. It's alright, though, I know she's got a life, and I want her to live it to its fullest and never have to stop for me ^_^ Besides, isn't there a saying along the lines of "separation makes the heart grow fonder" or something? ROFL
My b-day may be a thing of the past, but the birthdays just keep a-rollin' in!!!! Today we throw a party for.....INO!!!!!!!!!!!
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Coincidentally, today is also the birthday of HEVN (from Get Backers)!!!!!!!!
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Alright everyone, I've run out of stuff to say ^_^ Unless you want me to rant about something....and I really don't think anyone wants that ^_~ Take care you guys, I love ya!!!!!! - Triple J
8 Bit Theater!!!!!!!!
Episode 5: Run Heroes, Run!
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(Copyright 2001 - 2005 Brian Clevinger. Some images are property of Square-Enix.)
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Thursday, September 22, 2005
MIDI: "Clint Eastwood" by Gorillaz
Nope!!! He isn't dead yet!!!!!! ^__^
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Alright people, an important day......a day to have fun...... a day to celebrate.....there shall be much rejoicing......
Today, there are two, count them, TWO birthdays to celebrate today.....One in our beloved world of anime.....and one in our actual crazy-corrupt little world of today......
In anime, there is but one person who fits the description of "super-genius lazy basard", whose past times include: cloud gazing, pining about women, and of course, letting everybody know how "troublesome" everything is.......That's right, my friends, in the anime world, it's SHIKAMARU'S SPECIAL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Oh ho ho!!!! Don't you DARE think about getting your party stuff put away just yet!!!!! There is......another b-day today.....One that is far more important..........
IT'S MY BIRTHDAY DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Alright, I'm gonna go and make an attempt and try to enjoy it (keyword being "try"). I doubt it, though....No one in my house has even said "happy b-day" to me.......Oh well. I'm talking to my "real" family right now anyways (love you guys!!!) ROFL I know that there are at least a couple of you who love and care about me ^_~ See you guys laters!!!! - Triple J
8 Bit Theater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Episode 4: Fight heroes, fight!
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(Copyright 2001 - 2005 Brian Clevinger. Some images are property of Square-Enix.)
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
MIDI: "Birth Of A God" (Final Fantasy VII) - by Nobuo Uematsu
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*HUGGLES* Hi everybody!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday.....was.....ONE OF THE GREATEST DAYS OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, ok, ok....I'll give you guys the rundown:
Alright, yesterday I was definitely planning on reading Wizard's First Rule.....didn't even make it to opening the cover ROFL When I walked out of the shower in the morning...and I mean, literally walked out, had only my towel on....I opened the bathroom door to see Ryan's smug face......I of course immediately screamed like a little girl and ran back in the bathroom ^_~ He just said: "get your shit on, we're going to school. I'll be in the car" ROFL
So yeah.....we ended up going back to high school for a day ^________^ And I tell ya, I MISS THAT PLACE SO MUCH!!!! We went around to ALL of our old teachers, and the best part was, we got to sit in on one of Mr. Whittemore's chemistry classes!!!!! Ah, the memories......*gets teary eyed*
We came back to my house for a little bit so Ryan could....."take advantage" of my computer......don't ask.....*coughcough*.....I made sure to hide the shortcut to YIM so he wouldn't get any ideas and bother Kat ^_^ Afterwards we headed down to the mall for a bit. Checked in on the guys at Gamestop (no openings yet.....) and went into Hot Topic to see if any of the Naruto stuff was in (nothing till next month) And then.......the absolute GREATEST thing happened........
We went into Walden Books, right?.......Ryan wanted to pick up some D&D book.......and you're NEVER, EVER gonna believe who we saw there...........the one and writing idol, R.A. SALVATORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean......I LITERALLY FROZE!!!!! I could feel my heart in my throat......I broke out in hives even!!!!! Completely unannounced, he just showed up at the store, pulled random copies of his books off the shelves, and started autographing them. And you know what? Ryan and I were the only ones in there who recognized him!!!!! I'd like to say that I got to talk to him....but, jaw wasn't exactly functioning...but Ryan totally did!!!! ROFL Hell, Ryan even asked him if he'd be willing to play in a game of D&D with him!!!!!!
It was absolutely AMAZING!!!!! I swear....that guy just has.....this aura of greatness ^____^ Ooooh!! And, Ryan bought me a random copy of Siege of Darkness (even though I already have it ^_~) just so I could get it autographed!!!!!!
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Ok....a lot of you are probably shrugging your shoulders, saying "so what? who the heck is this guy, anyway?" Well, I implore you, please, PLEASE, check him out!!! Click on the link I provided above. R.A. Salvatore created an ICON in the world of fantasy: DRIZZT DO'URDEN!!!!!
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Have you ever played either of the Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance games? Drizzt is in those. Have you ever played Demon Stone? Not only is Drizzt in it, but Salvatore WROTE THE GAME'S STORY HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alright, alright, alright. I've gone on with my rambling too much, so, I'll shut up now. I'll DEFINITELY be seeing you guys tomorrow, hehehe ^_^ LOVE YOU ALL!!! - Triple J
P.S. Tomorrow is a VERY important day.......if you miss coming to my site.....I'll kill you *winks* ........well.....I'll at least take a picture of you and stab it a bunch of times ^_^
8 BIT THEATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Episode 3: They Call It "Giant's Forest" For A Reason
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(Copyright 2001 - 2005 Brian Clevinger. Some images are property of Square-Enix.)
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
MIDI: "Sphere Hunter" (Final Fantasy X-2) by Norika Matsueda and Takahito Eguchi
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Hello everybody!!!! Well, I think it's safe to say that things are back on track and rolling like normal again ^_^ It's Tuesday, and of course, that means a new theme!!!!! I decided to go back to good ol' Final Fantasy this week and show some love for the underrated FFX-2!!!!! GULLWINGS, GO FOR THE GOLD!!!!!! ^_~
Ah, yesterday....what happened yesterday?.....hmmmm. Well.....pretty much nothing ROFL. Mike and I went to Maureen's house to paint her stupid living room....that took up the morning. And the afternoon was spent with me walking downtown praying I could get That's Entertainment (a comic book shop) to hire me ^^.....of course, all to no luck, hehe
My mom picked me up and we headed to Mike's for some burgers. Normally, we get out of his house around 6ish. Well, 6:30 rolled around and it didn't look like my mom had any plans on leaving...said she wanted to stay for some of the Red Sox game at 7......So, of course, I said "screw this" and walked home ^_^
And if you guys can't guess, the rest of my night was spent with my one and only true love, Kathy!!!!!!!!!! Managed to get in a good 5 hours or so before we both decided to call it quits and get ready for bed ^_^
And....yeah. That's about it LOL So....I guess I'll see you all later on today when I get to your sites/talk to you guys tomorrow!!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!! GIMME HUGS!!!!! *points above* ^_~ - Triple J
OH YEAH THAT'S RIGHT!!!!! This news is kind of a couple days old, but hey, I've been f'ed up LOL. Anyway, KINGDOM HEARTS 2 HAS BEEN LABELED WITH A JAPANESE RELEASE DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2005
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So what does that mean for the U.S.? It means that we SHOULD probably expect the game perhaps towards the end of spring/early summer....leaning more towards summer....HOWEVER......summer isn't exactly the "biggest" time for games, for game developers, its seen as a "drought"....with that in mind, it may be that we won't see KH2 until the fall......and seeing what Square did with Advent Children *sighs*.....all we can do is keep our fingrs crossed
8 Bit Theater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Episode 2: Why is he in the lead anyway?
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(Copyright 2001 - 2005 Brian Clevinger. Some images are property of Square-Enix.)
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Monday, September 19, 2005
Today's MIDI: "Original Prankster" by The Offspring
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First off, let me say.....I'm sorry.....The last few days of my life have been......"eventful" so to say.....I haven't been able to get to anyone's sites.....and I didn't even get to make a post yesterday.....I'm sorry everyone, truly very sorry....
I'm at half-capacity right now.....I'm doing my best for you see part 2 of Happy Noodle'll get a new change in my feature of the day......but, today, post-wise....I've got some things to get out to you guys.......I promise....all will be back to normal, all will be right, I shall be my "old self" soon.....hopefully tomorrow
For anyone out there that actually cares about me, this post is for you.....if you don't care....then, please, do me a favor, make life easier on me, and just leave, ok? I'm gonna do my best to try and fill you guys in on all that I've been through since Friday night. I"ll spare as many of the detail as I can to try and keep it short.......
We'll start with Friday put it as plainly as mother.....pretty much (for lack of a better description) "went crazy".....And I mean, she literally lost it.......Shit around my house was thrown around, the screen door was destroyed, and much emotional damage was incurred.......My mom made threats about abandoning all of us and killing herself.....Well, Friday night she ended up staying at Mike's house.....
Come Saturday morning, it seemed that Mike was able to calm her least a bit. She did finally come home.....but only to barricade herself in her room, refusing to anwswer to anyone. Then, sometime around 11, she came smashing out of her room, grabbed her pocketbook and keys, and left. Well, we didn't think anything of it at first....then, about an hour later....Mike called, asking where she was....I thought that she might have gone back over his house.....that didn't seem to be the case.....He said he called her cell phone....and couldn't get an answer...He ended up coming to pick us up....and all we could do was sit there waiting by the phone, hoping she'd call....We must have called her 100 times over the course of the day, no lie. One of us tried reaching her every 10 minutes or so.....Never once did we get a response....
Finally....around 10, she showed up.....crying.....crying about having abandoned us and all......Mike took her in the other room and calmed her down and got her to talk....Basically.......she's just been BEYOND stressed out this month.....She can't afford to make her car payment this month, gas is costing her an arm and a leg, she's worried about finding herself a job, she's worried about me finding a job, and she's worried cuz she can't do anything for my birthday this week.....and Friday night....all it took to make her snap was one small arguement.....When she left yesterday, it was to get away from it all, to take a step back, to get away from the environment, to think things out and try and calm down.....and as she said, most importantly, to keep us turns out that she spent the whole day over her friend Maureen's house......
Well, after a sleepless night of talking and working things out, today my mom was seeming much like her old self. What it's unfortunately come down to, though, is: I've gotta help her out financially again this month......I've had money saved up from when I cleaned Mike's basement and when I helped out at the Historical Society, $60. I gave it to her as a start......and I also told her that she doesn't have to think twice about getting me something for my can't be helped. She's still about $50 short of making her car payment, though.....however, being the semi-kind-hearted person that she is, Maureen has offered us up a solution......If Mike and I paint her living room, she said she'll cover the rest of my mom's payment.....And that pretty much brings me to where I am right now, at Mike's. I spent the night here so we could get a fast start this morning. (Actually, I'm not even typing this right now ROFL I typed it all up last night and just copy/pasted really quick this morning ^_~)
As for yesterday's events, we left really early in the morning......we literally spent the whole day in New Hampshire......ok, scratch that, ended up in Vermont......LOL The day STARTED with a purpose, we went up to Nashua to the Super-Walmart, then ended up going to Target and Best Buy (all stores we don't have in cruddy Fitchburg LOL). We grabbed some lunch around 1 ( I couldn't bring myself to eat....) and then Mike got the idea: "hey, let's just ride around for awhile and enjoy some time together after being apart yesterday".........saying that it went "bad" putting it mildly LOL Being the genius that he is ^_~ Mike went and got us lost......and we ended up in Vermont......Didn't get back to Fitchburg until after 5 ROFL
And that pretty puts a summary to all I've been through......except for one part.....if you haven't guessed......I haven't been to talk to Kat for a couple day.......and I am completely dead inside from it......I'm lost.......
Alright guys, I've gotta get going, so, please, take care everyone....I love you all....and thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for sticking with me....again.....all should be back to normal tomorrow....*HUGGLES FOR ALL* - Triple J
Well....after only a few days in, I've decided to scrap my sound clip of the day (not entirely ^_~ It'll be back every once in a while)........And have decided upon something else for a daily feature.....starting today, and shall be lasting for more than 600 days ^____________^ I bring to you, in all of its majesty:
8 BIT THEATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Episode 1: We're going where?
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(Copyright 2001 - 2005 Brian Clevinger. Some images are property of Square-Enix.)
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