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myOtaku.com: ShikamaruKnowsAll

Thursday, August 4, 2005

Yes, folks, it is now official: Asuka and I are officially together!!! w00t!! *awaits wedding gifts*

I don't have much time to post, so I shall keep this short. Yesterday, as you know, I spent the day shadowing Ryan at work. Here's my conclusion that I reached: Ryan is a saint. Seriously. I'm sure it's a great paying job and all, but there is just no way I would have the patience required for the job. Basically, I spent 12 hours watching Ryan take care of his 2 guys (both are blind and deaf) and get scratched, punched, kicked, and pissed on (yeah, don't ask). So, my hat's off to Ryan for being able to deal with all that. As for me, I'm gonna stick with whole "trying to get a job at Quiznos" thing.

That was seriously my entire day, so, yeah, I gots nothing else to say, lol. Well, I hope everyone's doing good. I WILL be checking in with you all at some point today, it depends on when I end up getting home. We're going to New Hamprshire for something, I dunno what, but, yeah. So, I'll see ya guys laters! *leaves, then comes back 1 minute later when he realizes he forgot something: HUGS!!* - Triple J

You guys can look, but ya can't touch. That's reserved for me, now XDDDD
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