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myOtaku.com: ShikamaruKnowsAll

Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Leeeeeeeeeeeeerooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyy Jennnnnkinnnnnnssssss!!!!!!
Boo!! How do ya guys like the theme change? I managed to throw this together while at my mom's bf's house last night. I'm thinking its something I'm gonna do every 2 weeks (starting with Asuka). This run I choose to go with Tifa Lockheart from FFVII!!! While Asuka is my absolute favorite anime chick, Tifa is my absolute favorite video game chick!!! Admire her beauty!!!

Um, in goings on in my life: I DIDN't get the new modem yesterday. My mom's boyfriend was in Boston all day and "didn't have the time to pick it up". Take it for what its worth, but he DID promise to take me to get it this afternoon when he gets back from his doctor's appointment. So, with luck, this'll be the last time I have to copy and paste a post from notepad. Quiznos is definitely sounding less and less likely, so, I've stopped holding my breath. However, there is a glimmering shine of hope that has indeed popped its head up. My mom was reading in the obituaries in the paper that someone who worked at K-mart died. Which would obviously create a job opening. I know, I know, that sounds really evil that I'm trying to reap the benefits of a death, sorry, but hey, you can't deny that it'll help when I fill out the application (which BETTER be today! *glares at mother with evil intent*)


It's a fanfiction written by my totally super awesome friend Sariana! (I'm her biggest fan! *sticks out tongue*) If you are even the slightest bit a fan of Naruto, you owe it to yourself to read this fic! (AND ALL HER OTHER STUFFS TOO, WHICH ARE JUST AS GREAT!!!)

Alright guys, no shoutouts today, but I still love you all!! *giant group hug* *cough* Sorry, Kathy, I swear, me grabbing your ass was a TOTAL accident! Really!! Somebody pushed meh!! *coughcough* XDDDDDD

Okie dokies, I hope you all have a great day! I should! *keeps fingers crossed* See you guys tomorrow!! - Triple J

Ya know, just cuz my theme changed to Tifa doesn't mean you're going to spared from Asuka!!!

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