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myOtaku.com: ShikamaruKnowsAll

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

*is dancing around with Kathy singing
My modem is connected!! And I am at my full dial-up capapcity!! Mweeeeee!!! Sorry, I just got really really hyper, lol. And, it managed to knock out the shitty feeling I had this morning. *is enjoying the fact that he's NOT typing this in notepad* w00t!!!

Here! I was now finally able to get to taking this survey I've seen on many people's sites:

Bored? ((Over 100 questions))

Created by xSwtLilAngel666x and taken 118244 times on bzoink!

[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? ::Josh
Birthplace ::Fitchburg, MA
Age ::19 (20 next month)
Age you act ::I'm usually mature, but oftentimes I act like I'm maybe 10 or 11 ^_^
Current location ::In front of the computer in my living room
Eye color ::Blueish
Hair color ::Really dark blond, but not quite brown
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::Lefty all the way, baby!
Zodiac sign? ::Virgo
Height? ::5'4".....I be a midget
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality ::I'm a perfectly normal white human wormbaby
Your hair ::FUCKING SUX!
Your fears ::There are a few of them, and they can really get in the way
Your perfect room ::Top of the line gaming computer, hi-def plasma tv, PS3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Revolution, surround sound speakers....
What you practically do in a day ::Wake up, check out my site, take a shower, walk my dog, and the rest of the day is spent fighting with my bro/sis/mom/mom's bf
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse ::Probably any curse word ^_^
Phrases you overuse ::WTF? , w00t, and Leeeeeroyyyy Jennnnkinns!!!
Your first thought when you wake up ::Why the hell can't my dreams become a reality?
Your greatest accomplishment ::Not killing myself ^_^ Nah, I guess I'd have to say memorizing almost every single line of text in Final Fantasy VII
Something you want to do ::Spend the rest of my life with the one I love
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke ::Either; I'm more of a Barg's Root Beer guy ^_^
McDonald's or Burger Kings ::BK!! I gag on McD's
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::Does it really matter? Truth be told, I'd fuck 'em both. Who wouldn't? ^_^ Oh, wait.....musically? *runs away and blasts System Of A Down*
Chocolate or vanilla ::I like 'em both!
Adidas or Nike ::VANS!!!
Black or white ::black
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::Who the hell would want coins? Gimme mah bills!
Burgers or hot dogs ::BURGERS!!
Egypt or France ::Egypt!! The French scare me ^_^
Rock or rap ::*twicthes severely* ROCK! HARD ROCK! METAL! ANYTHING BUT RAP!!!!!
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke ::no fuggin' way
Cuss ::Yep
Sing well ::Its a 50/50 thing, I've heard that I should have been in the chorus, and I've also heard that if I gargled with razor blades, I'd sound better. *shrugs*
Sing in the shower ::Yep, whether my family likes it or not ^_^
Talk to yourself --a lot-- ::Oh yeah
Believe in yourself ::its a rarity
Like taking these longass surveys? ::Sure. They gimme sumthin' to do
Play an instrument ::nope, but I wanna play the drums!!
Want to go to college? ::I'd love to go back, yeah
Want to get married? ::Definitely
Want to have children? ::not really, but, hey, ya never know
Think you're a health freak? ::NOPE!
Get along with your parents ::*see above*
Get along with your siblings? ::*see above again*
Think you're popular ::*for the third time, see above*
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state ::I went to New Hampshire with Kayoubi's dad on Saturday, so, yeah
Drank alchohal ::Nope. NEVAH!!!!
Get high ::*see above*
Done any drugs ::*rolls eyes* This is very redundant *see above*
Eaten an entire box of oreos ::No. My mom's smart enough not to buy Oreos ^_^
Been on stage ::nope
Gone skinny dipping ::uh, no
Been dumped ::I've never been in a relationship *cries*
Dyed your hair ::I tried that once, years ago, but it didn't work out, lol
Stolen anything ::Nope. Maybe you're thinking of Kayobi?
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest ::Um.....Kayoubi!
Loudest ::.....Kayoubi?
Most shy ::ME!!!!
Blondest ::Right now, as we speak: Ryan. The dumass TRYED to dye it
Smartest ::Damn, gotta go with Kayoubi again
Kindest ::Anybody BUT Kayoubi!!!! Nah, I think I definitely gotta go with Kathy ^_^
Best personality ::Kathy
Most talented ::damn.....tough one....I'll have to say a dead tie between Kayoubi and Kathy. Both are great!
Best singer ::Well, the only people I've heard sing are Ryan and Kayoubi. Kayoubi takes the cake hands down
Most ghetto ::Well, I don't really hang out with him much, but this definitely goes to Ryan's friend Frankie D, lol
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) ::Kayoubi
Pain in the ass ::Kayoubi!!!!!!!!!
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style))::Patrick Gentry! That bastard NEVER SHUTS UP!!!
Funniest ::All my friends make me laugh
Best person for advice ::Because of the cold hearted, emotionless attitude: Kayoubi, cuz all advice is unbiased
Dependable ::Anybody but Kayoubi
Trustworthy ::Definitely not Kayoubi!! I'm surprised I haven't been stabbed in the back yet ^_^
Druggie ::NOBODY! I hates them peoples
Most likely to end up in jail ::Ryan
Person you've known the longest ::Ryan, we go back to third grade
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream ::^_^ A three-way between me, Asuka, and.....someone else *coughcough*
Last nightmare ::The usual, I was brutally beaten to death by Kayoubi. You think my dreams are tyring to tell me something?
Car ride ::Ryan kidnapped me last night and we drove around for awhile
Last time you cried ::This morning when I read Kayoubi's latest post
Last movie seen ::Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Last movie rented ::Clerks
Last book read ::Harry Potter & The Half-blood Prince
Last word said ::die ^_^
Last curse word said ::fuck
Last time you laugh ::Early this morning after reading a PM from Kathy
Last phone call ::Kayoubi, last night
Last CD played ::System Of A Down: Mesmerize
Last song you listened to ::MC Chris: Cookie Breath
Last annoyance ::My bro asking me to look at the picture he colored on his comp
Last IM ::A couple days ago, yelling at Kayoubi for still being online, lol
Last weird encounter ::Going out for lucnh with Kayoubi's dad on Saturday
Last person you hugged ::In reality: it's been awhile, but, Kayoubi. On the internet: Kathy
Last person you yelled at ::My bro
Last time you wore a skirt ::Hey! That was only that one time when I was like 5!!!
Last time you've been evil ::Yesterday, when I looked at someone's death as a potential benefit
Sarcastic? ::hmmmm, I dunno
Last time you fought with your parents ::Fought with my mom this morning; she refuses to take me to K-mart to fill out an application and I don't wanna have to walk 2-3 miles
Last time you wished upon a star ::a couple months ago, needless to say, it didn't work
Played Truth or Dare ::actually, I've never
Spent quality time alone ::well, considering my bro and sis NEVER shut up, it's been a looong time ^_^
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM ::nope. waiting for Kayoubi to get on so I find out what's up
Do you feel lonely ::All the time. I gots awesome friends online, but no one here beside me
Ever TP'd someone's house ::nope, but was seriosuly asked to partake in it before
How about egging someone's house ::*see above*
Do you not like dislike not like me? ::Can I just shoot you?
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::*focuses mind power to make their heads explode*
Yo Momma ::"Your mom goes to college" - Kip, Napoleon Dynamite ^_^
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? ::uh, lol, not in the term you mean ^____^
What do you think of George Bush? ::Have you ever seen the episode of Family Guy where it's Peter's job to entertain the president? That's pretty much how I view him ^_^
Any secret fetishes? ::not really, lol
Do you like to wear chains? O_o ::meh, its not my forte
How many languages do you speak? ::technically one and a half. I took 4 years of Spanish, so I do know a fair amount. I also know a few random Japanese words, thanks to anime and Kayoubi
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! ::Nope! My modem's been dead, so, it's been awhile since I really typed. I'm all rested up!
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) ::No.....nobody's online right now and I'm lonely *sniff sniff* Don't go!!! *latches onto your leg*

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Alright, that's it for now, everybody!! I gotta go run around some more and blow off the hyperness!! Adios!! - Triple J *runs aways screaming his battle cry: "Leeeeroyyyyy Jennnnkinnnsss!!!"*

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