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myOtaku.com: ShikamaruKnowsAll

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Wer zu Lebzeit gut auf Erden
wird nach dem Tod ein Engel werden
den Blick gen Himmel fragst du dann
warum man sie nicht sehen kann

Erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn
kann man uns am Himmel sehn
wir haben Angst und sind allein

Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein

Sie leben hinterm Sonnenschein
getrennt von uns unendlich weit
sie mussen sich an Sterne krallen (ganz fest)
damit sie nicht vom Himmel fallen

Erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn
kann man uns am Himmel sehn
wir haben Angst und sind allein

Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein

Erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn
kann man uns am Himmel sehn
wir haben Angst und sind allein

Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein

"Engel" - Rammstein

Hello, my friends, another Tuesday, another theme!!!! This week you get to see the incomporable Ban Mido from Get Backers!!!

Over the course of history.............

There have been many rivalries.........

But now...........

A new rivalry breathes life.........

One that puts Sakura vs Ino to shame......

I'm talking about........

KATHY vs AMANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let the games begin!!!!

(well, I guess the games would be a bit on the pointless side, cuz, there already is a victor in this rivalry ^_^ But that's what rivals do, they don't quit, hehe)

So Amanda, you may continue in your quest to smite my Kathy....but its going to take more than the strength of a God-slayer to sever the bonds that bind us!! THE POWER OF LOVE IS UNBREAKABLE!!!!

Yeah.......so, um, yesterday was a fairly good day. The first half of the day was spent outside. Yesh, I was outside ^_^ We had a yard sale.........and I made a whopping TEN CENTS!!!! I sold ONE.....ONE Yu-Gi-Oh Card!!! LOL

After the yard sale we went to Mike's house for a BBQ. Was stuck over there for longer than usual. When I finally got home, it was time to talk to KittyKat ^____^ And that was awesome!!! I gots to talk with Ashley too!! *huggles his lil sis* And......I got to meet their mom!!! WOOOOOT!!! She is seriously, like, THE greatest mom!!! She's completely a nut.....but its in such a great way, she was so fun to talk to!!!! LOL I can't wait to meet her in person!........wait, I take that back......maybe I can wait ^_^

Today, depending on whether or not I get stuck being with my mom, I'll be in and out the whole day; she's got like 50 places she's gotta run to. Well, at least if I go I can keep my eyes peeled for anywhere that may be hiring ^_^

Well, I'll let ya guys go for now, I'm gonna take the free time I've got right now to do some more work on the stepfile for "Evolution" I'm making for Kathy ^_^ (StepMania people, PLAY IT!!!!) Love you all!!! - Triple J

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