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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

MIDI: "Birth Of A God" (Final Fantasy VII) - by Nobuo Uematsu

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*HUGGLES* Hi everybody!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday.....was.....ONE OF THE GREATEST DAYS OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, ok, ok....I'll give you guys the rundown:

Alright, yesterday I was definitely planning on reading Wizard's First Rule.....didn't even make it to opening the cover ROFL When I walked out of the shower in the morning...and I mean, literally walked out, had only my towel on....I opened the bathroom door to see Ryan's smug face......I of course immediately screamed like a little girl and ran back in the bathroom ^_~ He just said: "get your shit on, we're going to school. I'll be in the car" ROFL

So yeah.....we ended up going back to high school for a day ^________^ And I tell ya, I MISS THAT PLACE SO MUCH!!!! We went around to ALL of our old teachers, and the best part was, we got to sit in on one of Mr. Whittemore's chemistry classes!!!!! Ah, the memories......*gets teary eyed*

We came back to my house for a little bit so Ryan could....."take advantage" of my computer......don't ask.....*coughcough*.....I made sure to hide the shortcut to YIM so he wouldn't get any ideas and bother Kat ^_^ Afterwards we headed down to the mall for a bit. Checked in on the guys at Gamestop (no openings yet.....) and went into Hot Topic to see if any of the Naruto stuff was in (nothing till next month) And then.......the absolute GREATEST thing happened........

We went into Walden Books, right?.......Ryan wanted to pick up some D&D book.......and you're NEVER, EVER gonna believe who we saw there...........the one and only.......my writing idol, R.A. SALVATORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean......I LITERALLY FROZE!!!!! I could feel my heart in my throat......I broke out in hives even!!!!! Completely unannounced, he just showed up at the store, pulled random copies of his books off the shelves, and started autographing them. And you know what? Ryan and I were the only ones in there who recognized him!!!!! I'd like to say that I got to talk to him....but, yeah....my jaw wasn't exactly functioning...but Ryan totally did!!!! ROFL Hell, Ryan even asked him if he'd be willing to play in a game of D&D with him!!!!!!

It was absolutely AMAZING!!!!! I swear....that guy just has.....this aura of greatness ^____^ Ooooh!! And, Ryan bought me a random copy of Siege of Darkness (even though I already have it ^_~) just so I could get it autographed!!!!!!

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Ok....a lot of you are probably shrugging your shoulders, saying "so what? who the heck is this guy, anyway?" Well, I implore you, please, PLEASE, check him out!!! Click on the link I provided above. R.A. Salvatore created an ICON in the world of fantasy: DRIZZT DO'URDEN!!!!!

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Have you ever played either of the Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance games? Drizzt is in those. Have you ever played Demon Stone? Not only is Drizzt in it, but Salvatore WROTE THE GAME'S STORY HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alright, alright, alright. I've gone on with my rambling too much, so, I'll shut up now. I'll DEFINITELY be seeing you guys tomorrow, hehehe ^_^ LOVE YOU ALL!!! - Triple J

P.S. Tomorrow is a VERY important day.......if you miss coming to my site.....I'll kill you *winks* ........well.....I'll at least take a picture of you and stab it a bunch of times ^_^

8 BIT THEATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Episode 3: They Call It "Giant's Forest" For A Reason
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(Copyright 2001 - 2005 Brian Clevinger. Some images are property of Square-Enix.)

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