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Monday, September 26, 2005

MIDI: Vamo' Alla Flamenco (Final Fantasy IX) - Nobuo Uematsu

Well, I'm all out of Happy Noodle Boy.......so what to do?.......what to do?......*snaps fingers* MORE 8 BIT THEATER!!!!!! There we go, you guys get TWO episodes every day! How's that sound? ^__^

Episode 8: Adventurers 1, Giant 0
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(Copyright 2001 - 2005 Brian Clevinger. Some images are property of Square-Enix.)

Hey guys!!! Remember yesterday morning how I said I was feeling much better?.....yeah, that didn't last ROFL I was fine for most of the morning, but it struck me like a train in the afternoon

The morning was spent reveling in the fact that I could see straight ^_^ playing PSO and StepMania with my bro. The afternoon was spent out and about going grocery shopping and whatnot with my mom. That's when the sickness arose its ugly head ^_~ We were in Target (brand new!!! And I am SO going back ASAP to fill out an application) when I got a wicked bad dizzy spell. After Target we headed off to Mike's where I spent time LAYING DOWN TRYING NOT TO PUKE. Got home around 7:30.....stupid Red Sox....My bro had to work on a report for school so I was unable to chat with Kat just yet. I just went downstairs to my room and crashed, forgetting to grab another anime for my DVD player. So, I was stuck watching more Hellsing (though I was much more in the mood for some Najica ^_~). My bro finally came down and WOKE me sometime around 10:30 saying I could finally have the puter. And thats where the rest of my night was spent ^_^ Spent with the world's bestest medicine, Kathy!!! ^_~ No matter how shitty I feel, be it physically or emotionally, she's just the thing I need to bring a smile to my face. (I'll say it for the....8,462,956th time: I LOVE YOU KAT!!!!!!)

Today I'm gonna try and get in to the doctor's, though that's probably useless. The guy will probably end up prescribing me amoxycilin, and I'm pretty sure my body's built up an immunity to the stuff over the last 20 years ^_^

Don't worry too much about me guys, I RARELY get sick. That's why when I actually do, its absolute crap. I don't feel too badly right now, pretty sure my fever's gone....Alright, well, right now I gotta go and figure out how to disinfect my keyboard cuz I just sneezed all over it (again ^_~). I'll see you all tomorrow....WITH A NEW THEME! WOOT!!!!! - Triple J

Double the 8-Bit, double the fun!!!!!

Episode 9: What The Thief Says.....
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(Copyright 2001 - 2005 Brian Clevinger. Some images are property of Square-Enix.)

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