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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

MIDI: "Key Of The Twilight" (.hack//SIGN)

Episode 10: It Had To Happen Sometime
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(Copyright 2001 - 2005 Brian Clevinger. Some images are property of Square-Enix.)

Hey everybody!!! And welcome to DVDuesday!!!......*cough cough* er......I mean, its Theme-change Tuesday!!! (blasted Attack Of The Show ^_~) This week I just couldn't resist the alluring beauty of SUBARU!!!!! ^^ Was going through some random pics on my puter thinking of who to do this week, came across the pic you see in my intro, and voila! ^__^ You like?

Well, in news about yesterday.....there's nothing ^_^ Only thing out of the ordinary that happened was I did end up going to see the doctor. Spent 45 minutes waiting for the guy only to have him come in, look at me, and prescribe me amoxycilin ROFL Definitely doing a heck of a lot better today, just need to get rid of this bastard stuffy nose!!!

So, yeah, nothing else exciting happened....unless you guys want me to go on and on about how great Kathy is and how much I love her ^______^ But I think you guys are sick of it.......oh well, too bad ^^ KATHY IS THE GREATEST!!!! I LOVE HER INFINITELY!!! I spent the night talking to her till I was finally forced to retreat to my bed ^_~

Alright, I'm done, no use keeping you guys, I don't think you love me that much to stick around ^_~ So go ahead, on to your lives, and I shall catch you all tomorrow!!! Luv ya!!!! - Triple J

Episode 11: The Great Black Mage Hype
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(Copyright 2001 - 2005 Brian Clevinger. Some images are property of Square-Enix.)

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