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Fitchburg, MA
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Real Name
Josh Jeremy Jacob - Triple J ^_^
Mesmerizing FFVII nearly word for word
Anime Fan Since
Anime fan since the early 90's. But true otaku since 1999
Favorite Anime
Neon Genesis Evangelion, Naruto, and Bleach ^_^
To get a job and feed my video game addiction! I needs me the following games: Resident Evil 4, Shadow Of The Colossus, Guitar Hero, Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi, Inuyasha Feudal Combat, and Soul Calibur III!!!
Watching lots of anime, playing video games, and listening to music
Meh, don't really have any ^_~
| ShikamaruKnowsAll
Sunday, October 16, 2005
MIDI: "Battle Theme" (Final Fantasy X) - Nobuo Uematsu
Episode 48 - Memories And A Modest Proposal

Good Sunday everybody!! How are you all? Hope your weekend is going well ^_^ Mine's shaping up to be the average weekend LOL Yesterday didn't bring too much. It was still raining (like the 6th day in a row ><) so we didn't go "yard sailing" or anything. Just spent the morning watching a few eps of Naruto/reading a bit more of "The Crystal Shard". Ryan came over with X-Men Legends 2: Rise Of Apocalypse. We played that for a couple hours ^_^ It's actually a pretty awesome game, only real problem is: the camera can become a tad of a pain in the ass >< Other than though, it's all good ^^
Once we got sick of that we dug out Atmosfear The DVD Board Game and played with my bro. I, of course, won ^_~ After that, Ry and I headed out to grab some food, then we crashed back at his house to catch Toonami. A couple notes on Toonami: 1. Why the hell are they airing Dragon Ball Z UNCUT AT 7:30, but they WON'T air Naruto uncut at 9? Does that make sense? Hell, in terms of language, DBZ can actually be a tad worse LOL 2. Naruto was frickin' awesome!!! Steve Blum has done an absolutely beautiful job as Momochi Zabuza! His pronunciations are authentic, and his voice just has that dark/sinister sound to it ^_^ 3. Why must they replay Naruto at 10? Couldn't they just air TWO episodes of Naruto instead of having nothing to put on except a repeat? 4. Finally, Bobobo was once again, TEH GREATEST!!!! I swear, if you haven't watched it yet, you're missing out!!
Alrighty, enough of my day, on to yesterday's results:
Match #1: Mugen
Match #2: Sesshomaru
Match #3: Kenshin Himura
Match #4: Kurodo Akabane
And now, I present to you: HALF of the FINAL matches for Round 2:
Match #1: Shuuichi Shindou (Gravitation) VS Nara Shikamaru (Naruto)
Match #2: Melfina (Outlaw Star) VS Jing (King Of Bandit Jing)
Match #3: Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho) VS Inuyasha (Inuyasha)
Match #4: Vicious (Cowboy Bebop) VS Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Match #5: Miroku (Inuyasha) VS Saki (Steel Angel Kurumi)
Vote now! Wanna vote on the other half of the final matches of Round 2? Then get on over to Kathy's (Sariana) site right now!!!!!!
And that will just about do it for me today. I thank you all for stopping by and keeping this tournament a success; stick around, we're only 4 rounds away from crowning a champion ^_^. Just before I go, though, I'm gonna give you all the link to my Advent Children AMV again, cuz I know some of you didn't get the chance to see it yesterday:

Alrighty, see you guys tomorrow!!!! Luv ya tons!!! ^_^ - Triple J
Episode 49 - What Else Would He Think About?
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