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Quezon City, Philippines
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I have 250 anime songs so far... *_* this something to be proud of?
Anime Fan Since
I was 4 yrs. old...but became offficialy when I was in Grade 5
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too many....almost all of the anime I know...
to finish 3rd year High school with no failing marks and line-of-7...Ü
watching anime (duh?!), listening to anime/a bit of j-pop, k-pop songs, playing RPG games ( not a lot), etc.
Talents the piano? it's the only instrument I'm good at...^_^
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Monday, August 23, 2004
sorry if I haven't posted...again. Quarterly exams was just done. It was really a stressful week. I'm sorry if this will se soo short. I'm triying to finish my research and report. Come to think of it, first week of the 2nd quarter and there're already work...well, that's life...^_^

Just watched Mantantei Loki Ragnarok this weekend. It's based on Norse Mythology...really cool anime.
Well, that's all! Ja, itekimasu!
P.S: oh ya...maybe i'll change the layout this week or next week...^_^
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Thursday, August 5, 2004
Arigato Gozaimasu!!
I really want to thank everyone who helped me in my project. Also the people who wished me good luck. A real thanks to all of you. And a special thanks also to chie-sama who sent me stories and pics..thanks talaga Pat!! Friend talaga kita...may gagamitin na rin ako sa proj! Ang ganda nung ginawa na lang lalagay ko! Thanks talaga!! ...^_^
I'm still busy in school. I don't know when this busy life will end...maybe next week. I have a quarterly exam next week. Pls. wish me luck in my exams. If I don't do my exams well my grades in my report card will be low...and I might not be accepted in a good school in college. Some college schools look at 3rd yr. (junior yr.) grades. I also have to submit 3 projects tomorrrow...and forgot to mention the 4 tests I have to take. I'll just wish myself luck tomorrow.
Oh ya, Animax Asia (a 24-hour anime channel in the Philippines...for more info go to is going to show CARD CAPTOR SAKURA! It will start at August 5 (tonight!) at 8:30. Even if I've watched this anime a lot of times, I still want to watch it. It has been one of my favorites. ^_^
Well, that's all! Ja, itekimasu! ^_^
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Wednesday, August 4, 2004
Still busy at School...
Hi! I'm really sorry...I really don't have time to post everyday. I'm seroiusly busy at school. I have to pass 2 projects on Friday...and they're really long. I just had 5 mastery tests today. (just like a long test similar to the quaterly exams..I'll be taking the quarterly exams next week)And I have 3 long tests tomorrow. I'm really sorry...^_^
Anyway, I know I shouldn't be doing this but...I need help. I have to pass this project on friday. And I haven't done it!(...laziness and really busy) We've read a sonnet about everlasting love. And I've got to write a story about everlasting love with pictures. I can't think of anything right now...busy doing other projects. all of you help me? I need to finish this project tommorow because I'm going to pass this on Friday. Can anyone give me stories with pictures. It can be fictional or non-fictional. It can be stories about anime...but I just can't think of anime couples with EVERLASTING love. I know there's many...but I can't think of one. It can be your story of everlasting love(if you have any) I know I'm asking much but I hope someone can help me.
Well, that's all! Hope you can help me..^_^

hehe! One of my favorite characters..Plue of Groove Adventure Rave! Just found it in a site...he just looks cute here.
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Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Nothing important nor special...just read the announcement at the top....^_^
hehe! Sorry about this...I'm really busy. So i'll just post a pic. It's Ginji Amano from Getbackers. This pic always makes me happy! ^_^

Ja, itekimasu! ^_^
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Saturday, July 24, 2004
The Quiz....
 I did it in 4 seconds. I deserved an A++!! Take the How Dexterous Are You? Quiz!!
hehe! I saw this in Clair's site! Really addicting. ^_^ jane, mas mataas ako sayo...mwahahahaha!! joke! ^_^ hehe..that's all! and pls. comment the post under this...I really need inspiration and only you people can give mt that...^_^
Thanks again and matashita! ^_^
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Hisashiburi ne!!
Hi! Woow, it's been soo long! It was I think more than 1 month since I went online..^_^ I really missed everyone soo much! Sorry if wasn't updating for such a loong time. I was really busy at school. I have almost 5 assignments a day. 3 of them are long. I also have to prepare for reports, projects and the like. Not to mention the tests and quizes I have to study everyday. I have a maximum of 4 quizzes a day! Most of them are 30-40 items. I know they're common for a quiz in High School but it's still long for me! And I still have a 1 to 2 hour piano lessons. If I have free time I take that time for sleeping. I easily get tired these days. That's why I'm saying being in 3rd yr. High School (Junior) is gonna be hard! I even fear my grades in the report card. I don't wanna have a line-of-7 in my card. (I think that's a B or C..I don't know..hehe!) Besides from me being really busy, I'm also having a hard time in some subjects like Geometry and Flipino. I've mentioned my Filipino teacher to you before...the sloow teacher. I really can't learn anything from her. I'm also having problems with my Geometry teacher. Seriously, it's the teacher's problem why I get low grades in his quizzes. He just says the information about the topic (like the Postulates, Theorems...etc.) and then he asks us to answer some exercises we don't even know how to solve! Even other students in other sections dosen't like his way of teaching. HE even acts and looks gay! (sorry about this..I'm not really a person who always insults people. I'm just enraged that's why I'm saying these things...but seriously, I think he's gay...^_^) Anyway, thank goodness I've catched up from the days when I'm absent. It was really hard when I went to school the first time since I had Chicken Pox! I had a BIG question mark in my head when my teachers were teaching the continuation of the lessons I missed. I can't understand them at first, but I'm really thankful at my classmates for teaching me. And about me taking a quiz I don't even know, I got 22/26! I guess that's fine to me..all thanks to my friend who teached me that morning before the quiz! ^_^ hehe! Now you know how busy I am...^_^ But I'm trying my best in my studies! And I'm gonna try my best to update this more often...I promise! ^_^
I promised to myself that I'm gonna make this really long since it's been a long time I haven't updated but I can't say anyting more. So anyways, that's all! Hope to see you guys again more often!
Ja, itekimasu! 
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Monday, June 21, 2004
Yey! I'm fine now...
I got well now from my chicken pox and I'm really happy about it! At last, after 6 days absent from school, I can see my classmates and friends again! I really miss them soo much!!! Although there are still visible traces of chicken pox, my mom says it's gonna be gone in days and I don't have to worry about it anymore even though I'm still very woried about it...hehe! I'm still embarassed about these little scars(is that what I'm supposed to call them?) on my face and arms. So I'm still scared to go to school. I'm also scared because I'm going to take 2 quizzes about the lessons I don't even know!! I hope all of you know how hard this is. Well, I just have to go self-study even if can't quite understand. GO Shimo-chan!! *cheers self!*...^_^ And I don't know what to do about some assignments and group projects that I have to do in school. I don't even know who my groupmates are...*cries!* But I can't miss school anymore. I missed many lessons and quizzes. I must take and bear them. My grades will be affected by it. So, no choice. I have to go to school tomorrow even if I'm soo scared. I'll just bear it...^_^ Well, gtg now. I have to call my classmate to copy notes and ask assignments. So, just wish me luck for tommorow....^_^
Sore ja, itekimasu!! Ü
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Sunday, June 20, 2004
Happy Dad's Day!! To all dads.....^_^
Just a little something to all dads in the world...^_^ Pls. give it to your dads. It's just some cards I got from I really like these messages so I thought to share it with you. Well, that's all!

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Thursday, June 17, 2004
GetBackers Ban and Ginji!

Ban Mido and Ginji Amano are the two wacky (and if I said wacky I really mean wacky)people who make the best retrival service in the world, the GetBackers! They sometimes look stupid, but when their powers are combined, they can retrieve anything! They also have certain similarities and diferences.
Ginji Amano can generate thousands of volts of electricities from his body like an electric eel. On the other hand, Ban Mido has two powers:the "Snake Bite":his hand has a gripping power of 200kg and the dreadful "Evil Eye": anyone who looks into his eyes will be locked into a powerful and nightmarish hallucination.
Together, Ginji and Ban from the most wackiest and coolest retrieval group, the Getbackers!
more info about each character next time!! Sore ja, itekimasu!! Ü
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Sunday, June 13, 2004
Dakkanya...Get Backers!!!

Ban Mido and Ginji Amano, is known as the "GetBackers" who's motto is "If it's stolen, we can steal it back!". And the GetBackers success rate is always 100%. Also known as the best Retrieval services(dakkanya) in the world!!
Always waiting around the Honky Tonk, clients call in to ask the GetBackers to retrieve something for them. And so, Ban and Ginji goes through many weird and bizarre cases as they set forth to "get back" the belongings...
For me, GetBackers is a really cool anime! Although the anime stopped at only 49 episodes and the whole story is not yet complete! As for the manga, it's still ongoing. I haven't read the manga yet but I'm really looking forward to read it.
Get Backers is a mix of fantasy, comedy, action, and a bit of love in it. It's really worth watching for me. Although rumor says that in the later series in the manga, shonen ai(boy-to-boy relationship) will be present. Well just a bit of warning.
Well, that's all for now! I'll be posting more info as days come..ok?
Sore ja, itekimasu!!! Ü
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