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myOtaku.com: Shin-Hana

Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Haven't been on in a while...working on a fundraising project for my class. Really time consuming. At least I'm learning how to use PhotoShop...sadly it's 6.0. So it's pretty old. After "exploring" PhotoShop, I felt like dying...and some how ended up on hte floor. Hmm, I might've fallen...again. .:checks pulse:. Still fine. Hmm, I think I might know the cure for this...drown myself in yaoi...xD Lets hope I get better and not fall off my chair again...(I think I'm some kinda workaholic...until I feel bored or I feel lik dying xD).
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Sunday, March 4, 2007

   Feeling strange...
OMG! It's like what? 12:09 am right now! (Eastern time) Just finished playing some Gunz, my eyes feel sleepy, I'm blind (sister turned off lights, typing in the dark), but I'm still kicking! Ever felt this way? If you did, you right? So...strange! .:prays:. Please God, don't let parents come in and she me on the computer! Well, G'Night!
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Saturday, March 3, 2007

   Feeling Sleepy?
.:yawns:. I'm so tired today... So tired that it's not funny. Well, the reason for it is some extra/advance mathtutor my parents made me go to...I've been at it for almost two years now and I'm surprised I haven't died yet! It's every Saturday from 10 am to 12 pm. .:yawns:. I'm not a morning person, so this makes me so sleepy. I'm struggling to even type!
My mom cut me off soymilk because either I was getting too high or the fact that I abandoned milk. Soymilk = Good Milk = Bad
Trying to finish up another wallpaper...looking at the snow outside, and deciding if I should play gunz or go have a nap nap. Hmm, what shall it be?

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

   Can't think of one...
Hmm, did anyone c the new bg I made yet? It's for my cousin. Hope you all like it too. I'll try to put up a bg soon...after having some mmorpg fun first...
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Friday, February 23, 2007

   One of my most favorites...
Well, no background for myotaku.com account yet. But will be coming soon...just wondering, what's one of your most favorite anime or manga? Or both? One of mine would hav to be...D.GRAY-MAN!!!! Hell yea! Such awesome-ness! If those who just heard of D.Gray-Man, and read the summery of it, they'd think what the hell? Innocence? How can you find that? WEll, doesn't matter! It's still good! Ah, if only you could put pictures in the posts...BTW been fan of D.Gray-Man for a while now...not a new fan...a while...^.^ well, G'night cause it's nap nap time here! xD
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Monday, February 19, 2007

   New, wanna talk about anime/manga?
I'm new, I had an account before but just can't remember... I'd love to talk to anyone who's interested any anime/manga and would like to share with me (meaning, if I've never heard of it before, tell me what it's about). Plus, I would love to get comments on this wallpaper I made. It was for a friend, the size is 1024 x 768. Plz comment, my second time making a wallpaper, first time made one with cousin but it got lost.
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