myO Still <3's You
Comments (10) | Permalink Friday, August 17, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Geez, this family just has bad luck man. Okay, yesterday we were all supposed to go to West Palm together but my mom was like, "I'm not feeling so good, i won't be able to go. Naline stay with me."
Then i was like, "CRAP" so my big sister got to go with my dad. Then later in the evening someone called and said that my sister was in the hospital. What happened was my sister had to take a blood test, they said she fell off the bed and fell on her face and i think she injured her neck...My family has one catastrophe after another. I could name em all but i think it just may be too much >.<
Well anyways i'm unding my hair so i can wash it cuz tomarrow ima have it done by a friend @.@
Well ANYWAYZ, How are you all today?
Anything interesting happen?
Have a nice day!!
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Monday, August 13, 2007
Hey there everyone!! How are you all today? Well i'm doing alright so far *woke up a moment ago*
Tomarrow morning we are going to West Palm for the rest of the week to get all our school clothes and stuff, YAY. School starts on Monday and i'm kinda frantic about it because of the teams i might be on and teachers i might get. I want to be in the team called Eagles but then again i don't want to be because there's a teache there called Ms. Paneranda *idk if thats how you spell it* And i've seen her and she's down right EBIL! Well i guess i should just cross my fingers and hope.
Anyways here's a vid!!!!
This is just so sad *tear runs down face*
Have a nice day everyone!!! *hugs*
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Friday, August 10, 2007
Hey there everyone!! How are you all doing? I'm alright here. Well i have a random title up since i couldn't think of any @.@
Well i have some new fanart up and i would appreciate it if you guys checked it out!
Hosted By
X-men Chick
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Have a nice day yall! *hugs*
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Thursday, August 9, 2007
Hey everyone! Sorry that i havn't been on in a while i had to go to West Palm Beach to do stuff. Well i don't thinth that i'll be able to get to allof y'all's sites today v_v Well I'm going to be gone again Next week cuz we have to go to West Palm again. We're going to the Palm beach mall to buy school clothes *we get discounts since my eldest sister works there* And we're going to buy school supplies and get our hair done! Well have a nice evening everyone!
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Monday, August 6, 2007
Gay Bar
This video is hilarious! XDDD
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Sunday, August 5, 2007
Thursday, August 2, 2007
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Hey there Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!! How are you all?!
I'm doing alright!
I got's a new fanart up!
Petite Princess Yucie
Hosted By
Please check it out!!
Anyways, This morning i woke up, went in the garage and i found a bootleg DVD of the movie 1408! I watched it to the middle part but i havn't fineshed yet. Also, last night, i found this black binder in my garage and it had this stuff about which craft and stuff, IT WAS AWESOME!!!!! It had these printouts, these stuff about talking to your spirit guide (everyone has one) It was soooooooo coooool!!!!!!!!!! And i'm totally keeping it! My mom is interested in stuff like that so she let me have it!!!! BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!*cough*
Oh, and Thank you Effie-san for making me a new button!!
Well have a nice evening yall!
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