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myOtaku.com: Shinigami30

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Hey, welcome to my other little corner of the web, at MyOtaku.com! [that's corny]Anyway, I'm a serious guy who wants to see more anime. I sure we got tons of those around here. (Metric tons... I'm Canadian) Anyhow, Hi, Bye, and see you next time you come!

Friday, June 11, 2004

Well, sorry I haven't wrote for so long (again!). This has been a busy symester, what with EQAO, summatives, and Arts Fest, but it's almost all done. I just have exams to do on tuesday and thursday, then I'm free for almost 3 months. I think that's worth it.
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Tuesday, April 20, 2004

I'm really bored... And to top it off, I've auditioned for two Arts Fest Plays, and didn't make it for either!
Oh well...

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Saturday, March 27, 2004

I went away for a few months, and came back o find that a number of people had been here, but now that I've been back and updating somewhat regularly, NO ONE at all has been here.
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Wednesday, February 18, 2004

   Happy belated B-day...
Yeah, for St Valentine's day I got to stay home and babysit... No valentine, nothing on TV, and I'd eaten my Valentine's treats the day before.
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Saturday, February 7, 2004

   Oscars over
Yeah, they were yesterday at my school... It was an awesome show. Very funny. The dance afterwards wasn't my best, however.
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Hey, its not my favourite style, but its not my least favourite either.
Kenshin's pretty cool, from what i hear... I haven't seen Rurouni or Samurai X, but I hear they're great.
Cool, I get to be tough...