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• 1988-11-07
• A speck of fly shit on a map.
Member Since
• 2005-05-15
• Life
Real Name
• Akishi Miyamoto
• I've done numerous concerts and solos...
Anime Fan Since
• I was 10, I think.
Favorite Anime
• noooo! I love too many!
• Become a singer, artist, or writer
• singing, piano, drawing, anime, computers, writing
• talents are my hobbies, so...
| Shinigami Akumu
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
*dies* My god, you'll never believe what just happened to me and had me in the upmost panic I've been in, in a loooong time. So SBC Yahoo Browser has a new update with all this fancy shit, right? So, who cares? My computer is a frickin' AMD Althlon 64 Processor with 2GHz and 512MB RAM!!!! It can take anything! *glomps the poor computer* So I hold Yahoo fully responsible for what happened. I download and install the updates. So it looks all cool and browses REALLY fast. BUT, when I went to type ANYTHING in ANY browser didn't work. It took 5-8 seconds to type a letter or number, and 10-12 seconds to type a capital letter. HOLY. FRICKIN. CRAP. I tried to write SBC an email to ask for help...but if you try to type more than one letter(before the previous letter appears), it basically freezes up. now, imagine a 100 word email to them describing my problem(ha, I almost put brother instead of problem...yes, Erik IS a problem)averaging 5 letter per word, that's 500 letters plus 99 spaces(which also took 5-7 seconds to come up) which is 599 letters. Times that by, at the VERY least, 5 seconds. DO NOT do the math-I don't even want to frickin' know. But that's how long i'd be waiting for it to show up. And it would probably freeze before that happens. Anyways, so I'm freaking out by then. I tried everything I could. I tried to uninstall the update, but that also removed some OTHER icon from my desktop which I don't know what the frick that was, so i just moved shit around and put another icon on the desktop so no one knows. x_x After trying very hard to install old updates to make it go back to how it was, I finally uninstalled it ALL-EVERY BIT OF IT!-and installed an old update that I was frickin' LUCKy to find. It works perfectly. It looks different, so it's newer than what I had. And it's got the pretty speed, too. *sigh* GOD. so now it's 3:30 AM! I'm gonna be dead tomorrow-SHIT! Reenie is picking me up tomorrow afternoon to make me install that software on her computer and put on some pics....and I still ahve more to clean in my room...and I have to make dinner...and...and...and...*dies*
Question: are any of you getting these pop-ups that are ANNOYING as hell are seem to be impossible to block? They're not ordinary pop-ups. They don't come up in a window and they're animated. Even if you click on them, they won't take you to any website so you can bitch at the people who make them. And it never says where they come from. Some of them have NO FRICKING PURPOSE! Like "Tired of annoying pop-ups? Play the pop-up whacker game!" WTF-this IS an annoying pop-up dammit! Then if you click it, you can just play it, but it never opens in a window or anything...there's some for vacations, "which cruise to you prefer?" with a pic of a boat and a pic of Tom.'s for diet solutions, one's for-get this-a pop-up blocker! Uh...*thinks* *shrugs* things like that. Does anyone else get this? Or have had it? How do I get rid of it? *pokes Zac* You know this shit, don't you? Help me get riiiiiid of it! Pwease?! *huggles you as a bribe* I'm gonna be dead's nearly 4 AM now...we didn't get much of that thunderstorm...makes me mad. Looks like we may get just a LITTLE more...but there's supposed to be a cold front following it-which means it will FRICKING COOL OFF AT LAST! And be 70's instead of 90's. I dunno if I can sleep now...even though I fixed it, I feel stressed as hell about it. People are gonna use it bright and early when they get up, I know...and the browser LOOKS different-there's no way to hide that. Plus signing in is different...I don't think they'll be mad-it's not my fault. Nothing should have gone wrong in the first place, dammit! But still...I should be up to warn them...well, i will be-I get up at 7:00...that'd be 3 hours of sleep....gah. Well, I'll be alright. Personally, I don't give a shit about that right now, I'm just happy I fixed the problem...*sighs with relief* Seriously, I was in a panic!
Um, so...i went to my college class from 7-9 was fun, even though we're singing christmas songs so early(we're doing at least 12 pieces for the concert...coming from Advanced Vocal at highschool where we do 4 pieces for a concert...that's a fricking LOT)...but when we got home, Erik was here. See, on Tuesdays he and Gina are both off work, so he's gone all night. But he was home. So that ruined everything right there. He was on his cell phone and on the computer at the same time. Oh, you should see it! Chatting to Gina and talking to her at the same time! My mom says to let him be stupid but I reminded her that if he's talking on the phone, it takes him longer to get his ACTUAL business done. Which he started at 8:30 PM. We got home after 9 PM. He took until almost 11, and then Jeremy took over and was on till 11:30. GEEZ. And that left me 30 minutes to do my stuff and go to bed. How mean! But that's when the accident happened, here I am. *yawn* I'm tired..hmm...I wonder if they'll listen to me and NOT touch the PC if I put a note on there....nah-Jeremy isn't working tomorrow. He's been frickin' LAZY lately so he sits on the computer ALL DAMN DAY! It pisses me off. Why are me and my mom the only ones doing anything? I have to do dishes tomorrow, too. And kyle could at LEAST pick up his toys...he's not 2 years old anymore(though he acts like it. But actually, he's very smart and sneaky...) so i think he could do SOMETHING! I started doing chores when I turned 8. I couldn't do EVERYTHING...but by the time I was 10, I DID do pretty much everything. Well, that was back when my dad was here and helped. *cries* i miss him doing the dishes! I miss watching football with him on Sundays...I miss...*sigh* no, I can't go there. I'm stressed and depressed enough, ne? geez...I'm sorry, i'm babbling. So...only three pics tonight, cause I'm lazy...oyasumi min'na. *waves and passes out*
"Say, Aimee, do you know what class meets fourth period in Mr. Anderson's room?"
"Yeah, it's trig. Bruce was on his way to class when he ran into you."
*blinks* "How did you know about that?"
"Skip told me about it. He came into the room right behind Bruce. He said Bruce was really afraid he'd hurt you. You know, it sounded sort of sweet and romantic."
*rolls eyes* "Oh, it was wonderful. Almost as romantic as being run over by a truck."

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