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A speck of fly shit on a map.
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Akishi Miyamoto
I've done numerous concerts and solos...
Anime Fan Since
I was 10, I think.
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noooo! I love too many!
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singing, piano, drawing, anime, computers, writing
Talents talents are my hobbies, so...
| Shinigami Akumu
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Woah, dude...I'm like...alive and shit?
XD Konban wa! Genki desu ka? Hmm...I'm just "okay". That's it. XD Cause this cold is driving me crazy. I'm coughing SO much and even with medicine and cough drops and shit I can't sleep at night cause I can't stop coughing and stuff. It's REALLY annoying. I wake early in the morning and can't fall back asleep. It really sucks. And physical activity is like...out of the question cause I cough even worse. Getting sick like this always causes weight loss. x_x But you can bet once I'm better I'll be up and running again!(literally) ^^ So no worries about me.
Oh, and dude, Lord Boxy, was it? XD You're scary. Two guys kissing is so NOT hentai. Hentai means at least one person is naked and things are showing and...yeah. That was simply shonen-ai if you want to get technical. But LATER in that doujinshi...*coughs* lets just say it' We'll leave it at that. *blushes*
Now, if you've seen as much of naruto as I have, you'd know-Naruto and Sasuke certainly like each other as more than friends. They never say it outright of course, but just the more I see, the more it seems like it. I can't say so much WHY exactly cause a lot of you haven't seen 145 episodes like I have. I may very well finish the series today or tomorrow. I've been downloading the first movie already in advance and it's done. So, I'll be watching that afters. The second movie isn't out for download yet, I don't think. And that's cause it's still in the theater, along with Full Metal Alchemist-which I also intend to download when it comes out over there. >_> *cough* SO THEN!
Life around here is pretty boring and shit. I'm sick, but I still gotta do chores, though my mom has been a little less demanding about it. Like, she hasn't killed me for not doing the dishes yet. Though I'm betting I better do some of those dishes today and make a REAL dinner or I'll be on her shit list. XD Let's see...what sounds good for dinner? Pork asian dish. Yesh, and asian dish...hmm....oh, the possibilties....*grabs all asain cookbooks and looks* I'm amazed with myself-I can cook so much more than I used to. I used to be only able to cook Ramen. o_O (Naruto would have loved that). Now I can cook like...anything. XD
Oh, me and Jeremy made a Punisher shirt yesterday. It turned out really cool. (See? If we fight about something, it's over as quick as it started. But nooooo, not with Erik) He printed out the outline of the skull and I cut it out while he pinned the black shirt to cardboard(cause we wanted the skull on a black yeah) and then we put theoutline on there and pinned on the eye and nose holes for the skull. Then we dripped silver spray paint onto it. It looks really cool. ^^
Ummm...yeah. Not much else to talk about. I visited some of your sites already, and I'm gonna try to visit more later, when most of you ahve updated. Ja ne!
Everybody likes to say "if I were you..." or "If I were in your position..." but you know...don't listen to them. They can talk, but until they've actually been through it, they have no idea what in the fuck they would really do.
Example...Reenie(my mom's friend) was all telling me that if my dad doesn't get out my mom will HAVE to find someone else. Like she HAS to. That she NEEDS to companionship. Well, fuck, she can be alone if she so chooses! I would never accept anyone else as my father anyway. I didn't tell her at the time, because I didn't have the courage, but...she can't decide what my mom has to do. Only my mom can choose that. And he WILL get to come home, so there's no damn point talking about it anyway. My mom later told me Reenie's husband Jim had told her that if he was the one in there he would have his wife get a divorce so she wouldn't have to deal with it. WHAT. THE. FUCK. Oh, so you'd like to sit your ass in there with no one coming to see you? You'd like to be alone? The only reason my father wants to get out is to see us, to be with us again. We're his hope. Without hope you have nothing. So I better never hear those words or anything like it out of their mouths again. I already have a million reasons to hate them. But if they speak like that to my mother, myself, or anyone in this family again, I will never forgive them.

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