Birthday 1991-03-29 Gender
Female Location the dephts of hell Member Since 2007-02-03 Occupation shinigami Real Name if i tell u i have to kill you
Achievements writing 2 books Anime Fan Since as long as i can remeber Favorite Anime FMA, Inuyasha, Naruto, Ereaka 7, Yu Yu Hakoshu, Ruruoni Kenshin, Bleach, Trinty blood, Tokyo Mew Mew, Zoids, Fruits Basket, Hakaru no go, Prince of tennis, D N angel, One Piece, Mizasiki's movies, Sailor moon, Negima and the list goes on and on Goals to rule the world with my shinigami powers and my shinobi abilities Hobbies reading manga, hanging with friends, playing video games, watching anime, writing, singing, dancing, going to anime club Talents dancing, writing, reading, singing, watching anime, mutitasking, and babysitting Shinigami shinobi
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Ok hi everyone well i almost commited murder today in my math class, cuz my math teacher kept giving me back the same math work over and over just to correct it! i swear i got it back 40 times! it so annoying. i wacked my head on my desk each time that i got it back cuz i was so frustarted with it. and in the end after she had finally let me of the hook she says forget about it just tear it up! so now my wont stop trobbing and i didnt even get creitd for fucking work! i did tear it up though cuz i hated it there wasnt even anything left of the paper when i got thourgh with it. my friend sara said that that could been the teacher if she hadnt told me to calm down and have some surgar and fast. I swear if i didnt have my 50 some packs of candy with me my math teacher wouldnt be breathing right now. im trying to heal my head by listening to a janpansse music cd my friend animelover1392 made for me.well that all for today so enjoy this puzzle. oh yeah thanks everyone for saying happy birthday to me!
more on my b-day
hey im back! wow i went to school then to commuity sevicer and then to my friends house. i got nailed in the head by a tennis ball gusse watching price of tennis isnt enough to actally play tennis in the real world i'll be around to people sites today well as many as i get to!! lol im on another sugar rush and i got more manga for my b-day plus i got gift cards to Barns n Nobles and Waldens books witch means more manga! yeah for manga *worships manga gods* Comments (3) |
ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah its my birthday im fanilly 16 yeah i'll post more when i ge home from school but dont worry nothing gonna bring me down Comments (2) |
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Yeah my birthday tommorrow its the first birthday of mine on otaku cool. If yous want to make a card or something you can.not much today. found out that i have to take a test on my b-day plus play my most hated sport tennis! oh well my frinends asure me that this birthday will be one that i cant forget. Comments (2) |
Monday, March 26, 2007
Hyper time
Hello everyone im on another sugar rush thanks to my good buddy FLEWDAS 66288! for my b-day party last saturday he gave me two big bags of starburst and its only monday and one of the bags is already gone! Yay surgar! add those starbrust with my b-day cake plus two or seven glass of soda and you get a very hyper me. i think i scared some of my teachers and some friends! oh well i got sugar im all good.
Hikyko:NO she not she annoying the heck out of me.
Loko:Calm down at least she didnt put you in a death situtaion!
Me:would you both just chill you two such be happy hyper! Even though i did get mad at my friends cuz they tryed to take away my eight new manga. well thats bout it so remember to be Happy Hyper today Sugar Sugar sugar!!!!!!!!!!! must have more sugar
Certificate of Marriage This is to certify that Yoko Kurama and Shinigamishinobi were married on March 26, 2007 Marry Your Favorite Character
Certificate of Marriage This is to certify that hatori and Shinigamishinobi were married on March 26, 2007 Marry Your Favorite Character
Hi ya
Well my birthdy party was so awsome a total worth waking up early on a saturday moring. my favorite part of the party was porably the fact that my friends were there it made turning 16 all the sweeter. a got for manga and a lot of money and two gift cerficates to fye. so i went to the mall today with my big sis and her son, Carlos and i brought more maga plus an anime Black cat to add to my ever growing collection. i love my manga *hugs manga tighly*. But beleive it or not my fav. present wastn the manga it was a cd my friend Animelover1392 made for me. Thanks animelover! i been listening to it every time i go on the computer now.and i cant put my manga down either im actally reading it as i type this. i'll try and get a picture i had my dad take of my and me at the party yesterday but all my pics of the party are still on my camora (sp?). oh and for your enjoyment i give you the part of Naruto that got messed up here ya go:
Certificate of Marriage This is to certify that Sesshoumaru and Shinigamishinobi were married on March 24, 2007 Marry Your Favorite Character
Certificate of Marriage This is to certify that Gaara and Shinigamishinobi were married on March 24, 2007 Marry Your Favorite Character
Certificate of Marriage This is to certify that Neji and Shinigamishinobi were married on March 24, 2007 Marry Your Favorite Character
Certificate of Marriage This is to certify that Haku and Shinigamishinobi were married on March 24, 2007 Marry Your Favorite Character
Certificate of Marriage This is to certify that Himura Kenshin and Shinigamishinobi were married on March 24, 2007 Marry Your Favorite Character
there are more but i think i got enough husbands now dont you? Cool birthday present that im giving myself though. the party was awsome by the way well its alomst midnight so i proabley wont get many comments here unless you people come on sunday which is actally in 10 mins my time. Comments (0) |
Friday, March 23, 2007
Battle royal chapter 6
I promised the next chapter in Battle royal and it here so enjoy ifyou didnt see my presonal fav. chapter Sesshoumaru vs ed its proabley in my archments.
Chapter 6
The next day before the tourament began Hinata & Neji were right outside the Battle Dome talking to Lee, Tenten, Kiba, and Shino.
Hinata:What if i cant beat Nami?
Lee:You stood your ground against Neji, you can handel this
Neji: Hey! you can handel this your densitied to win.
Tenten:their right Hinata you can do this just remember your ninja way and that we will in the stands cheering you on
Kiba:Hinata you got to stop dutbing yourself and start facing things head on
Shino:in a strange way Kiba is correct besides Hinata you have an easy oppoinet.
Hinata:maybe your right...
Everyone: Aggggggghhhhhhh
Naruto came out of nowhere scaring everyone.
Naruto:Hinata dont go giving up without a fight you got that! It like when you fought Neji he made you doubt yourself and now your doubting yourself by yourself. You sworn you wont run away any more if you go back on that word then your going back on your nindo your way of the ninja.
Neji attacked Naruto with his gentle fist style.
Neji:Come on Hinata we have to go your match is going to start soon.
Lee,Tenten,Kiba,shino&Naruto:Good luck Hinata
As Neji & Hinata walked back into the battle dome they saw Gaara standing in their way. Neji immedatly stepped in front of Hinata.
Neji:Gaara what do you what!
Hinata grabed Neji's shoulder to afraid to say anything
Neji:you cant have her. I would sooner die then then let you have Hinata. You forget i know what you tried to do to lee and what you did to that Half demon.
Gaara: i want hinata give her to me.
Hinata: Neji...
Neji:Dont worry your not going with him
Loko:Whats going on here, its not allowed to have fights outside of scudule matches. Come Hinata.
Loko somehow got past Gaara & Neji without anyone noticeing and as quickly as she had arrived she left with hinata.
Neji:Gaara what do you want with Hinata?
Gaara had run after Loko & Hinata.
Loko:Hinata you wait here until i start your match ok. and dont worry bout if Gaara comes back sercurity is all over this place.
Hinata nodded her head & Loko left for the tourament.
Loko:Welcome to Anime Battle Royal! Are you ready see Nami vs Hinata! Well ready or not here they come. From the right Nami & to the left Hinata
Nami ran out to the arena but hinata never showned.
What you think. any gusses on what happened to hinata and whats up with gaara gusse your have to wait and see next.
i wont be on at all tommorrow its my birthday party so i'll be pretty busy my birthday next week by the way
Ranting again
wow im i tired i hate days like today first i woke up late causing me to ave to run to catch my bus, which in turn made me more tired. i did make on the bus after a lot of running. i got to school and reliezed i had forgotten my cell phone at home and i needed to call my dad after school. im still in fight with my friend over that thing from yesterdays pick.i got a quesstion for u all im i wrong to be mad at him? cuz hes making me feel guilty bout it and it starting to worry me that he wont come to my sweet sixteen party saturday. i dont want to blow my whole friendship over this after he's always been there for me when i needed him. plus our fighting is driving our friends crazy. anyways i kinda of topic there, i had choir pratice today and my choir instructer is an idoit she has a singing a Italin song and she cant even say the words in italin event though there right there on the paper. She also asking for me to kill her she tells us to think bout the ones we lost for this one song and she makes me cry each and every time i need to stop myself from crying because i cant let my family know that i still cry over my dog and aunt (both die i believe i mention my dog before). And then i had a total freak out with the friend im mad at in the middle of everyone since it happened at student most hang out arena during class passing time. i cant believe some of the things i said to him. Man i hate my temper! then i had a science test that might decide if i get a c or f in the class. then i had 4 more test in my english class my absolute wrost subject. And then i had commutiy serevice and the teacher im suppose to do it with blaied on me to go to a baseball game in plippie like baseball more important then his work, i mean he's got a major event tommorrow that he got to be ready for. and i come home to a crying baby that i have to watch man when did my life get so lame and hard at the same time. well i acatlly have the next two chapters in my fanfic done but i'll only post the next one tommorrow cuz i want to work on the other a little bit more so if you want to read the more of anime battle royal be here tommorrow. i have a treat for you there are two random polls, oh by the way im running out of ideas for the random poll so if you have any im gladly take them.
Random poll 1: