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myOtaku.com: Shinigami shinobi

Monday, May 7, 2007

  hi everyone well today my two friends got the news that they didnt make it into this music program at school so they got all depressed. a bunch of students at my school were away on a feild trip to washington dc so many students in my science class were on the trip that my teacher just gave us a free day so of course i went on myo and answered pms and went around to your sites i will be around at other sites who updated after i did that so dont worry i dont forget anyone. i had to miss my anime club today because my big sister couldnt find someone to watch the baby for 15 minutes till i got there (anime club is an hour n half but my sis doesnt leave until 15 before the end of the club. so that got me pissed but i got pissed at this very random thing the bus in front of mine had this smiliey face draw on the back window it was so annoying i wanted to run up to it and pounch it, yes i know its just a drawing but it was so annoying. so that was my day time for the anime theather

sorry its the only one of episode 4 that i can find i know its not the best but at least its something.


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