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Sunday, February 8, 2004
Sorry, folks
Terribly sorry for not updating. I've just been really busy lately. But here are somethings I've done the, several days...
Went to a Chinese Festival - was crowded and sorta boring but it was fun looking at the swords. I also got myself a little amulet.
School. More school. Even more School. You get the idea. Homework, reports, essays, etc. That was what really kept me busy from posting at my Otaku :'(
Eh... *tries to remember* I can't think of anything else other than today. So, lemme talk about today. I went to the movies with 5 of my friends. We went to watch the Butterfly Effect. Trust me when I say this: it isn't really worth watching... I didn't like it. It wasn't scary. But I laughed quite often because there was killing ^_^ After the movies, we went to a bookstore and then to an electronic store. It was sorta enjoyable since I had friends with me. We went to a Starbucks and bought some drinks with caffiene... My friends got all hyper; I remained neutral... But the effects will kick in soon, I know it. I get sleepy and then hyper... Oh well.
Wait... Just two nights ago, I got a call from some friends in Iowa. I don't know why but they just wanted my number and stuff. But I have to say, Mitch, the oldest of the trio, has a really good voice ;) And after that call, a bunch of other [guys] wanted to hear my voice....and have my number. *sweatdrops* Weird... Oh well.
Yeah...that'll be it. Sorry, I'd make the post longer but the caffiene is making me drowsy right now. :yawns:
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