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myOtaku.com: Shinje

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I'm definately loving Charles' Otakupedia idea right now, it's pretty awesome. If not only for the fact it's a totally useful tool for remnsicing about my past life on theotaku network. I cans ay "I was there" when Kuja got the ban, "I was there" when V6 took a month to roll out, "I was there" when MAMA staggered whimsically into the light of day.

I've never been so dedicated to one netwrok before, which is awesome for the most part, although I do wonder how 4 years gets off going by so quicky... I'm not sure if I will be experiencing OB from behind a zimmer frame, but onyl time will tell.

And getting my own article on Otakupedia? Wow, that's definately a highlight worth remembering for some time to come. Thanks Alan. ^_^

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