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myOtaku.com: Shinn7755

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hello! i am Shinn! as you can see, thats my name here. lol. //_^ please feel free to look at my drawings here. i'll try to post more soon, so if your excited to see more of my art, please be patient. //_- i'm trying my best to post more picture here.

may fortune smile upon each and one of you. //_^

Sunday, October 22, 2006

   submiting some more picture
Hello everyone! //_^ i am very very sorry for the LONG delay for not being here and all, and i am truly sorry that i didn't post any new pictures in my site. so, i'm going to post some new pictures. and man, i sure have improved! XDDD hope you like'em.

oh, one more thing, is that for the people who gave me requests and all last year, i am very sorry, i forgot all about it, and please would you tell me what it is again? i'm am sorry, i truly am.

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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Talk about BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!!!
i haven't been here for QUITE awhile. cause...i'm really busy. //_- i have this tournament coming up. and have to do all these stuff. i'm sorry for people who aske me for requests and stuff. i'm really busy at the momemt. //_- i have to get good grades in school and all. so i dont' even have time to do al lot of drawing. //_- i'm really sorry. i truly am. //_- well, till next time.

May Fortune Smile Upon you. //_^

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Sunday, September 18, 2005

Even More Fanart
yes!!! i am posting new fanart in this site! i am truly happy! //_^ and some of them are gundam seed!! //_O wow. oh for those people who asked me for requests, don't worry, i'm drawing as fast as i can! so be more patient K?! //_^ well, hope you like the fanart i posted. and don't worry! i'm posting more gundam seed/destiny pictures later! //_^
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