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myOtaku.com: Shinn7755

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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cigilli (02/06/07)

it's nice to find a nother Gundam fan on here! wanna be friends? it's ok if u don't though! :D stop by and sign my gb if u want!
take care and have a great day!

rabidchild (12/18/06)

Your art is incredible! I cant wait to see more from you. Do you do requests? I'm gonna add you as a friend, hope thats ok ^-^

latias Freak001 (10/21/06)

Shmeeep! another gundam seed/destiny fan! my favorite character is kira. hope you don't mind if I add you as a friend!

JD Person (01/11/06)

You're a great artist!
i love your art, please visit me some time!
do you do requests too?
[i hope!!!!!!]


LostChild (10/07/05)

hey!! im going to add you to my new site cuz i need to get all my friends on there!! my old name is fallenhope!! so i thought id let you know i got a new site and please add me on this name too!!


msyugioh123 (09/29/05)

cool cloro and avitar

Daisy-Chan (09/19/05)

Konnichiwa,Shinn!! XD

TQ for visiting my page!! *huggies* Hehehehe...Your arts is so cool!I love the coloring! XD Hope to see more!! XD And of course,I've add you to my friend list!! XD

EdwardElricThe2nd (09/18/05)

Konichiwa! Como estas? n_n lol nice site u gotz here. I shall addu 2 me almighty list of forever gaining friendz! w00t! n_n lol U R NOW MY FRIEND!!!!!! YAY! n_n Drop by sometime! lol CULATER! n_n
Idiots do cool things.

That's why it's cool.

Da cheerio king knowz da bestiest. do watz rite & don't do drugz. Thanx! n_n

-ur friend 3dw4®d3lric7he2nd♣♠

Angiru (09/11/05)

Hi hi! ^__^ Nice site you got here! I may not like Shinn much, but that's okay! He still makes a good couple with Stellar...


WitchHunterfan (09/05/05)

Hey there ^_^
Your site is awsome ^_^ I saw your fan art and you can draw really good ^_^ I hope you keep up the good work on your drawing... And it's nice to met you ^_^
Please come by my site and please sign my gb... I'll add you as a friend if thats ok with you... And you may PM me any time you want ^_^
Well, I'll see you later ^_^

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