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myOtaku.com: Shinn7755

Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.

Friday, September 16, 2005

New Fanart!!
i just posted new fanart!! omg! isn't that amazing!! sorry if i haven't post any fanart lately. //_- i've been kind of busy at the moment. i have tennis pratice, i have to praticing playing the viola, do some requests, um...i do some activities at school, and i think thats all. well, hope you like my new fanart! //_^
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Friday, August 26, 2005

Business.. //_-'''''''
hey everybody! sorry if i haven't posting any pictures lately. //_- well, because i have lots of activites to do. //_- i have a tae-kwon-do tournament coming up, and i'm doing tennis, and i have lots of requests to do. oh, thoughs of you people who ask me requests, sorry if its goin to take so long. //_- cause i'm really busy at the moment. if i'm not busy, i'm goin to post some pictures here, and i'm going to put the peeople requests. well, need to do homework. //_-
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Sunday, August 7, 2005

sup!!! i just want to tell everyone that i'm doing requests! it could anything! i don't care!!! it could be from any anime or manga!!!! i'm goin to draw it anyway!!! sorry, well, i am doing requests, if you have a request you want to ask me, feel free to tell me! //_^ till next time! //_^

may fortune smile upon us. //_^

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Friday, August 5, 2005

I'm From Fanart Central
if ppl recognize my art somewhere, yes, i'm from fanart central. i'm hungryflashes735 in FAC, i just changed my name because hungryflashes735 sounds wierd, //_- so i changed it to Shinn7755. //_^ if you don't know what i'm talking about and don't kno what that site is. thats ok. you don't have to know. well, i'll post more picture later if i have time. till next time. //_^
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I'm new
ya, i'm new in this site, so i'm not really familiar to somethings here. //_- well, i'll try my best to get some drawings in this site to. i'm really lazy drawing and coloring and stuff. //_- and thanks for you ppl commenting on some of my pictures! i really appriciate it! //_^ i think i'm really goin to like myotaku. well, till next time! //_^
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