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Sunday, January 9, 2005
Next Episode.....
For those who missed the last one,read the last posts to catch up. Here we go:
Story 4-Black Demon
Episode 2- Shadow's Awakening
I stood ready for Kenji to attack. His skill was feared among the lands and was a force to wreckon with. I played the defensive and dodged most of his attacks.
Kenji:Hmm..Your good.Just as I expected form the son of Hirashio.
Kenji: But there is much for you to learn!
Kenji appeared behind me and kicked the hell out me.I flew towards the wall but recoved bouncing back stiking him with my fist sending him to the ground.
Kenji: Why you little shit....!
Get him!
Kenji's followers surronded me.
Shadow: This could get ugly.
Suddenly, I felt a something inside me growing. A feeling that scared me.A feeling of being unchained. I felt a power of darkness.
Ninja: What the hell...? Do you feel that?
Ninja 2: My god....his Ki....its...its..
An arua of black flame surrounded Shadow's body. His eyes became red with fire. His armor and sword changed into a hellish appearance.
Dark Shadow: I will tell you once.....back off.
Kenji:So its transform only when threatened. Very well.*sheths blade* I had to see it for myself.
I surpressed my Ki back to my normal state.
Kenji:So you learned your father's Oni technique.Still if you can't control it.I you will die.
Shadow: It has a time limit.After 4hrs. It begins to drain your soul.And it only generates evil ki.
Hanza: Which the name black demon comes from.
I nodded.
Hanza: Well it can't be all bad, Besides your father used it to save our lives.
Shadow: And where is he now?.....
Kenji: Nevertheless, you will have to face your father in battle.And he will kill you if you don't learn to harness it.
Good luck on your mission.
Kenji and his goons left.
Hanza: I hate to admit it, but he's right.
Shadow: Oh...shut up.
Hanza: Hey make sure you visit Kagumi,she been looking for you.Its about your mission.Meet her in the IT wing.
Shadow:The IT WING!
Hanza: to be you.Later!HAHAHAHA
Kagumi,one of the female operatives in EDFS. She was the first one I met when I joined up.She was beautiful.Wonder what she wants. I headed to the intelligence wing of our sector. Kunochi's specialize in this area. Probally because they can do things men can't.
One thing I do know. Rookies are eaten alive here. I've heard rumors.
I as walked down towards the door the fellas began humming taps.
Man: Dead man walking!!
(Always the new guy....)
Commander: Shadow! We have to depart now! There's been a distress call! Its Midnight!
(Thank you lord)
Shadow: On my way!
(sorry Kagumi.....)
I rushed down the corridor to meet the commander.........
End of Episode 2
Hope you liked it.Stay tuned for Episode 3- The Mission part1
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Saturday, January 8, 2005
Alright....let get started......
Well let us continue with the story.For those who missed it look at the last post.Alright, here we go:
Story 4: Black Demon
Episode 1- Bad Blood
(Inside E.D.F.S.)
Man: We have to act now!
Man 2:We dont even know where to begin.
Man: There forces are moving and whats worse they have Hirashio on their side!
Commander:That's enough!
(both become silent)
The situation is great but we can't send another team out. Its too risky.
Man 2: So what do we do. We lost track of Midnight and Gojen.
Commannder: Im sending in one of the Elites. (pushes intercom) Send him in.
Voice: Yes sir.
As I enter the room all eyes were on me. Maybe it was my looks....
Commander: Gentleman, this is Shrijo Kabagami,codename Shadow.
Man: Are you crazy! He's a rookie!
Man 2: I agree, he just joined up a week ago!He's not ready!
Commander: On the contary,he is the only one we have. And the only one who can use the sword.
Man: Kabagami....HE'S HIRASHIO'S SON!
Man 2:Hmph, think you can kill your old man?
Shadow: He's already dead.
Commander: Then its settled. You shall be breifed in the morning. You may leave us now.
Shadow: Very well...
I walked out the room with a stigma over my head. Its been haunting me since he died....the son of Hirashio.The greatest Shinobi operative in our clan.
Now faced with a mission to find him....could I do it?.....
I started down the hall to the gallery, that was our cafeteria. Not the best food, but close enough to mom's cooking.
Hanza: Yo,Shiro!
Shadow: Hanza, what going on?
Hanza: Heard you got orders, congrats.
Shadow:Yeah...i guess.
Kenji: How a little chicken shit like you pass for a EDF operative?! And got orders before me!
Shadow: Kenji, I don't have time for this.
Kenji: Heh...thats why they picked you.Cause you the son of a bastard! Your father was no shinobi!He was weak, thats why he defected!
I dropped myy food on the floor and stood poised in front of Kenji. Kenji was EDFS top agent besides Midnight and Gojen. I wasn't scared though.
Kenji: Heheheh.....bad blood is bad blood. You want to fight little man?*draws his sword* How bout it?
Shadow:*draws blade* Sure,I need a warm up before my mission.
Kenji charged me with everything he had.He used the Shizima-ryu style of ninja. I stood ready for battle....a battle that would change me forever.........
End of Episode 1
Hope ya liked it. Stay tuned for our next one.
Episode 2- Shadow's Awakening
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Friday, January 7, 2005
A noble decision....
It has been a long and grueling 8hrs 45min 23sec and counting. Work is a sack of wet monkey balls! *laughing* that felt good. Well for those who are a fan of my book I just wrote,I will give a sample. The story consist of 5 stories and at least 12 episodes. Hope you like it! (feedback is welcomed greatly):
Story 4-Black Demon
Episode 1: THE BEGINNING OF A NEW LEGEND(prolouge)
It is the year 2010....
The world is still recovering from the damage caused from the battle that took place 20 years ago. A evil warlord Kazama summoned the demon king Shindoku and unleashed his army upon the world. All defenses were crushed instantly.With the world's powers running out of options,they called upon the aid of a lone shinobi....Hirashio. He slayed the demon at the cost of his life,thats what the report says anyway. Hirashiro weild the sword Hirakata...a sword used from the Shirnobu-Ryu Shinobi clan. The clan members are the only ones who can control the sword's emence power. The goverment knew of this power and sealed the sword in a temple......
Four days later, the sword was stolen and is said that Hirashio was the one who took it.He spared no lives as the evidence shows.There is also evidence that someone seen him with another,a ninja demon from the Shindoku era. As a member of the E.D.F.S (Earth Defense Force Squad) I was sent to investigate the matter and.... "handle" the situation. I am Shiro Kabagami,codename: Shadow
the son of Hirashio Kabagami and last desendant of the Shirnobu-Ryu Shinobi clan.
This is my story........
So what do ya think of the story so far? Well...hell..why not...Brace yourself Otaku, I shall display my book through my post!! *Applause* Besides you guys can critque my work.^_^
Stay tuned for tommorrow.^_^
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Wednesday, January 5, 2005
It's done......i think?
Hey everybody! I have finally finished my book!! YAY! It is complete with at least 300+ pages. The title is: Fallen Legends-The Shinobi Chronicles. Now all I have to do get it published.^_^ I thought about adding more but im undecided as to what to do. The book is a combination of tales told from diffrent shinobis dating from a distant past to a future of today and beyond. Suggestions and ideas are welcomed! I'm stumped......
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Monday, January 3, 2005
Back to work........ugh....
Well the holidays are over and its back to the hell hole! It was great while it lasted. Oh by the way.....I decided to leave their clothes out. As expected they came back. Im surprised they didn't get caught by cops but hey its crazy out there. Well,time to start the year of with a bang....time for PRANKS!! ^_^
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
Another wierd day........(why me....why now)
Judging from my title you already know another one of my adventures is underway.*sighs* Well here we go:
I caught to people in my front yard.....GETTING THERE FREAK ON!!!
ugh......I thought I was dreaming at first but as I got closer to see what the racket was about I wanted to rip my eyes out!(They were pretty damn loud...woke me up from a nice dream.)I calmly grabbed a water hose and used cold water then I let it loose on them.Its was kinda funny to see two people running down the road butt naked though.I left the girls shirt.......(if you consider what it was to be a had no straps and it was see through with hole in it that looked like claw marks across her chest.)Im assuming that a halter top? As for the guy....well I didn't care.They ran off some where but I have there clothes.
What should I do?
a.leave there clothes out so they could return.
b. Go through they're wallet and purse.Then return therir stuff.
c.Nothing thats their problem. Serves them right!
Next time I gonna get a camcorder and just record my life.
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
wow.......its 2005........
Man....last night was crazy! as soon as it struck midnight my neighborhood went into a blackout! All you heard was screams and yelling.....was almost like a horror film! Then at 1am the light came back on. My new years resloution is to be more open with my feelings and not be so much of a loner. I had that issue for a while counting the many times i've been hurt. I think I can let go of the past now. Is time to look forward.
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Friday, December 31, 2004
OMG!!!!! I just finished watching the FFVII:advent children movie!(bootleg of course) and it KICKED ASS!!! (besides hearing rowdy people and seeing hands and heads in the screen>_<)I'm not surprised by the quality it i major hit so somehow i have to get a clear version or see it in person. Im spoiling the movie for anyone but I will say this. They can go further and make part 3 if they wanted.^_^
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
Finally A Dayoff.....^_^
Well because of my injuries,I was allowed to stay home today. And it feels GOOOOOOOOODDD!! I haven't had a day off since....gosh i can't remember. I gonna remove my stiches tommorrow.I healing very nicely. Haven't figured what to do for New Years Eve or Day yet. As for my New years resolution.....I haven't decided yet.* Listening to Final Fantasy VII Soundtrack* I like this cd. On a good note I have a friend (a bootlegger) who is sending me Final Fantasy Advent Children the movie! ^_^ I can't wait!! *jumps around* Hurts self from jumping* Oooo.....maybe that wasn't smart. Well I'm going to take a nap. I'll be back later.
What are you all's new year resloution?
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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
I guess its true....
 You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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