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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
The Protector....or The Dumb***
I'm not sure if I am right or wrong about this so I'll let you be the jury. My family calls me a "hero",I'm not really sure cause of what it cost me. Here's my story:
Two days ago I was on my way home and saw a woman being attacked at the metro station where I live. I don't know what came over me but I flung into action. I took them down and I have some battle scars to prove it. 10 stitches and a few briuses.(One guy had a knife which explains the stiches.)I took them out though...(thanks to the martial arts training I do)Unfortunately they got away. As I helped the woman she began screaming at me! Apparently she wanted it to happen. They were her family and I found out they were a couple's kids that live down the street. I had hurt them really bad....apparently I broke his arm and dislocted his shoulder. The other has a broken nose and is having trouble seeing(temple strike) Because of my actions I am now to be lisenced as a weapon.The good thing is cops aren't pressing charges. Meaning I can't hit anyone unless it is self-defense or competitions...>_< I am mad but I am also confused. I think I did the right thing but now I feel I should have minded my own business. I am due in court two weeks from now.*sighs* Now Im at work.....thinking.....what should I have done? I have a chance of beating them in court and avoid all of that but, part of me feels I should be liscened. I say that because when I was fighting them.....I felt something.......I felt......good. True story.
I have been in martial arts since I was 6 and I still attend to this day. I sometimes teach. I never felt that way before. I have only fought one maybe three times in my life and each time I fight I either seriously injure or beat the crap out of them,and I feel bad about it. I didn't mean to do it this time,it just happen. Well I guess everything will be okay....I hope.
What am I?............someone please tell me.
P.S. For those who want to know what styles I know: Ninjitsu,Go-Ju Shoryin,Kung-Fu,and Kempo. I mastered the katana,nunchuku,staff,and sai. that I think about it....I guess I do live up to my screen name.HAHAHAHA
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
The king of pranks ^_^
I have a confession to make....I am a bit of a prankster. (I only trick people who deserve it.) Today I tricked my boss! *gasp*
Yeah I was bold but it was worth it. While he was away from his office I switched his furnitue around and changed the time on all the clocks. We were about to leave work 4 hours early but one my co workers spoiled it.(hes next) *evil laughter* I know ,as a shinobi I shouldn't but hey, we can all have a little fun. Well I gotta go. My patient is calling me.
Later ^_^
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Monday, December 27, 2004
Oh yeah.....

What's your Battle-Cry?
this quiz was made by Aroihkin of PlanetKulitron
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The Promise..........
When you called me, I'd answer.
I dawn my armor and stand ready to defend you from all that could harm you. My armor will not break for it is filled with honor,courage,and wisdom.
When you were lost, I was your guide. Faced with decisions that seemed hopeless I stood by you leading you down your own path to lead you to your own light.
When you were in danger,I was your protector. Putting my life on the line at a moments notice. Ready to take on anything no matter the odds stacked against me. Guiding you to safety is my priority.
I can give you the world and many things to come,I can undergo the pain of soul as we become one.
I am the truth,I am the lies,I am death, and I am alive.
I am a promise that has been passed down through centuries before. I am peace before the war.
I am honor and I am true..... I AM THE SHINOBI....and I promise to watch over you.
(This poem is dedicated to anyone for whatever reason....I just felt I had to write it.....its been a rough day.....)
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Sunday, December 26, 2004
Happy Holidays evryone. I hope everyone is doing well. My christmas was good. Good food and family was civil enough.(can't expect much from them....*sigh*)
I didn't get much....all I got was money....which isn't bad at all. I got just about $1500 so im going shopping later on. So far I bought a coat. Well I hope you all are safe and warm. And I shall see ya next year.^_^ (careful on new years...thats when the freaks come out....*shivers*)
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
A Shinobi's Job is never done.....
Seeing that it is the holidays, a lot of people come into danger alot,so I shall be on the job 24/7 If my services are needed. Evil does not rest and niether do I. ^_^
So you can all rest easy and enjoy your holiday. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!! *drinks egg nog*
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
A little Holiday humor ^_^
Why Santa Clause is Scary,Weird,and BAD!!
1. The average American takes six months to pay off holiday credit-card bills.
2. What is Pogonophobia: The fear of beards.
3. There are currently 78 people named S. Claus living in the U.S. -- and one Kriss Kringle. (But many Krispe Kremes)
4. December is the most popular month for nose jobs.
5. Weight of Santa's sleigh loaded with one Beanie Baby for every kid on earth: 333,333 tons.
6. Number of reindeer required to pull a 333,333-ton sleigh: 214,206 -- plus Rudolph.
7. Average wage of a mall Santa: $11 an hour. With real beard: $20.
8. To deliver his gifts in one night, Santa would have to make 822.6 visits per second, sleighing at 3,000 times the speed of sound. At that speed, Santa and his reindeer would burst into flame instantaneously.
9. If Santa were black presents will be delivered on the 26th because every store have a christmas sale.
10.Santa is the only elf out his bunch that grew up and showed his age....>_< bummer.
11.Santa is only nice one day out the what does he think of us for the other 364 days?
12.He gets more women to kiss him under misletoes and sit on his lap than any man(except Hugh Heffner)
13.He breaks into YOUR HOME!! While your sleeping!!
Just some humours things me and my co workers thought up. Happy Holidays!!!
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
A girl asked a me if I thought she was pretty. I
She asked me if I would want to be with her forever....and I said no.
She then asked me if she were to leave would he cry, and once again I replied with a no.
She had heard enough. As she walked away, tears were streaming down her face.
I grabbed her arm and said....You're not pretty you're beautiful.
I don't want to be with you forever. I NEED to be with you forever!
And I wouldn't cry if you walked away...I'd die...
I like this poem. I dedicate this poem to all the female otaku members. Never let anyone tell are something your not. You Are Somebody!
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Monday, December 20, 2004
Maybe its me........
I swear the wierdest crap always seems to follow me like a lost puppy. I got approach by a 50yr old street walker......*shivers*...she followed me half way home trying to get me to aquire her services.I gave her $10 to leave me alone and told her go buy something useful like some common sense. Of course she was high of the globe but at least I got away. Whew!! Either Im strangly attractive, or just have the oddest luck.>_< Oh well.....she wasn't that bad looking for a 50....she was just....oh hell with it, SHE SMELLED LIKE ROTTED FISH!! Forget finding nemo find her some CLEANO!!! Well I going to shower and off to bed.............................................NO PEEKING!!!! I MEAN IT!! LMAO. Until my next strange day....later
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
The end of class
I finally finished teaching those fools.Its hard to imagine but older men get real imature about that topic.I would think that younger people would start acting silly. Just goes to show that even grown ups are can be kids too. I would share more of my class but I'm really tired. So I may share tommorrow.So good night...
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