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myOtaku.com: shinsei tenshi

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Its been tough...
~Quote from me~
"If blood tasted like strawberry fanta I would become a vampire in a second!!!"

~Current Mood~
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Hey people!

I got my staples out about a week and a half ago... I was so happy to have them out... and then on Thursday last week I sprung a leak (literally). It was just a tiny hole at the bottom part of my incision but it worried me so I went back to the doctor. So I'm just sitting there as he looks at it and all of a sudden he says to the nurse, "Is there a pair of scissors in here?" I of course was freaking out and he calmly says, "You have a small pocket of liquid right under the skin so I'm going to make a hole to let it drain out. Don't worry the skin is very thin here so it shouldn�t hurt". He was wrong!!! It freaking hurt like crazy!!! So now after having the false hope of finally healing up dangled in front of me it is violently snatched away by just three snips... GAAAAAA!!!! >O<

I actually got to get out of the house last weekend and I went to the mall and stuff and to EB games were I found the ever elusive History of Trunks movie to complete my collection (except for Bojak unbound that one sucks). So I get home and I'm taking off the sales stickers when I decide to open the box. THEY GAVE ME THE WRONG FREAKING MOVIE!!! I had been searching for that one forever and they give me the wrong movie!!! >_<* Needless to say I'm going back today to get the right one... *huff* *huff*

Well... any way after this week I'll be back in school... I doubt I'll get all the makeup work done before I get back... *sigh*

Oh yea... I almost forgot... I'M AN SENIOR OTAKU NOW!!! YES!!!!!! *explodes*

Toodles! *^_^*

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