anime girl67 (08/03/05)
Hey, thanks for signing my guestbook. I'm glad you like my site. Yours looks good too. ^^ I'll cya later
InuGirl 22 (08/03/05)
Hay thanks for coming to my site, signing my guestbook, and adding me as a friend i will do the same!! If you need any help please pm me ok!! well talk to you soon!! Later and PEACE OUT!!
~kyos girl~
Purifying Goddess (08/03/05)
I like your site - and love the avatar! ^_^ I hate when people call him Fluffy!
You can't be his girlfriend - that's me! :o ^_~
GravitationRaven (08/03/05)
Thanks for signing my GB
Your site is cool, with all the pictures and everything, and your avatar is so cool.
Aimai-Kagura (08/02/05)
Konnichiwa! Thank you so much for signing my gusetbook, I sincerely appreciate it. Haha, I love your icon, I have it in my icon folder... I love Sesshy as well, he's so awesome. You can have Sesshy, I'll have Naki (Naraku... ^_^)... I don't know why I have a certain fetish towards him. ^^; You sound like a really nice person and someone who is outgoing... the kind of person I like! I'll add you as a friend too, you seem really cool. I have to go now, and it was such a pleasure meeting you... I hope to talk to you in the future. Ja ne! ^-^
Maria~ (08/01/05)
hi .^-^
darkeangel (08/01/05)
hey kiddo. thanx for signing my GB.
see ya round.
WitchHunterfan (07/19/05)
Hey there... You have a awsome site (looking around) And thank you for signing my gb... Sesshomaru is AWSOME ^_^ I love Sesshomaru ^ ^
Please stop by my site any time you want... and I'll add you as a friend if thats ok with you... and PM me an time cause I'm always bored...
Well, I'll see you later ^_^
undeadloner (07/06/05)
thanks for signing my guestbk! living in wisconsin stinks........middle of nowhere....smells like old ppl&cow dung........everything takes so darn f***ing long!............besides, you always have to improvise fun....
Jinku the Kitsune (07/05/05)
^__^ Thanks for signing my guest book! And the icon rocks. Lol. Well I'll add ya as a friend too. Bis bald!