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Everywhere that is somewhere. ( You wont hide from me! )
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School o.o;
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Begining of Time
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To become complete...... youll know when my goal has been reached.
Reading Manga, watching anime, sleeping, internet surfing, listening to music, learning new things.
Video games. ( Trust me...the way i play has to be some sort of talent. ) Saxaphone, Clarinet, Computer skills.
O.o; Well hello everyone. It is I, the great Shadow Lord.Im a kind of laid back person who loves to just chill with his friends. Im a goth. Im into metal, alil old rock, and alternative. I also listen to classical music and Jrock. My favorite animes other than X would consist of Evangelion, Escaflowne, Sailor Moon ( Dont ask... ), Naruto,and Lain. I like many other Animes but they seem to be my favorite.
Thursday, January 19, 2006

Hey, how has everyone been? I on the other hand have been truly miserable. Been having bad relationship problems, Id rather not get into it because I dont like ranting about personal issues. Also, my girlfriend has her own site and might get angry or something stupid so Id rather not discuss the issue.
On another note. Ive won a few soul Calibur tornys. Im happy about that. Ive also been playing a new game called Baten Kitos. Its like a GNC but its like one of the best ones Ive ever played. Id like to say wassup to Vicious, I havent talked to you in awhile, I havent had the chance, because im always at work. Also, lyndsey, I tried to get in contact with you but I dont get off until late, really late at night, thats why my mom tells you to call back later, you never do though...
So..How have all of you been? Ill try and visit most of your sites, Ive been doing alot of rping on Gaia, thats another reason I havent been able t6o do stuff latley. Nothing interesting has really happen...hmm
You tell me guys, if you were in a relationship, and you saw your girlfriend 3 times a month at the most, what would you do?
If she has never said she loves you first, before you said it to her, other than once..what would you do.
If you go out of your way, money and time was to see her and feel unapreciative..what would you do? Cause like, I know she cares but she acts like she doesnt care at all.Oh well....just another thing Ill have to clean up...
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Friday, November 18, 2005

The King has returned from his long slumber. I dont have a computer and as you can see this is the result. Well, On my days off im going to try and update. Also, if you can, go to Neji212123 Site. Shes new and needs guestbook entries. I will visit some sites today. Sorry for the long ass wait.
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Yes, iTS BEEN awhile. ( Thanks for quiz's Luminae )
. What is the geekiest part of your music collection? I have no idea..umm..Yundi Chopin?
2. Do you like school? Kinda..
3. What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? I don't have one.
4. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? Not a damn thing...unless they can make your hair grow super fast..
5. Do you have a completely irrational fear? Rape? Needles? Molestation? I fear nothing but hell.
6. What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments? Staring at my surroundings constantly.
7. Are you a pyromaniac? No.
8. Do you have too many love interests? Hell no.
9. Do you know anyone famous? No
10. Describe your bed: Its a queen size but with flowers as sheets and comforters.
11. Are you spontaneous or planned? Planned.
12. Who would play u in a movie? I dunno. I have too many things about me for anyone to play me but me.
13. Do you know how to play poker? No
14. What do you carry with you at all times? Nothing in particular....because I switch it up alot.
15. What do you miss most about being a kid? Innocence
16. Are you happy with your given name? Ofcourse, Ive seen some crappy ass names....
17. How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? About 2000g and thats if I had the internet..
18. What color is your bedroom? Blue
19. What was the last song you were listening to? System of a Down- Deer Dance.
20. Have you ever been in a play? Yeah
21. Have you ever been in love? Sadly....yes
22. Do you talk a lot? Not really...on the phone yeah but it person no..
23. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? Hell fucking yes....I am the greatest.......Ii just better stop before I start ranting..
24. Do transient, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? Yes.
25. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? Yes.
26. Do you spend more time with your girlfriend/boyfriend or your friends? Man....its equal.
27. What is your ideal marriage location? I dont have one, as long as its not the slums...or in Baltimore.
28. Which musical instrument do you wish you could play? Electric Guitar.
29. Favorite fabric? That material my prom date was wearing....god that felt good...
30. Something you love and hate? Life
31. What kind of bedding do you use? I dont understand....
32. Do you tell your friends about your sex life? Yeah...
33. What's the one language you want to learn? Japanese
34. How do you eat an apple? This is the dumbest question Ive been asked all year..
35. What do you order at a bar? Water
36. Have you ever pierced your body parts? Hell no and I dont intend too either.
37. Do you have tattoos? No, but I will be getting one soon.
39. Do you drive a stick? Yes...yes I do...wanna see?!
40. What's one trait you hate in a person? stupidity
41. What kind of watch do you wear? I use a cell phone.
42. Do you wear socks? Most of the time.
43. Do you consider yourself materialistic? I wish I could..oh how I wish.
44. What do you cook the best? Noodles, sad isnt it?45. Favorite writing instrument? Those really nice pencils..
46. Do you prefer to stand out or blend in? I cant blend in so hey....
47. Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? Hell no!
48. What's one car you will never buy? That Beetle. That is the ugliest driving peice of shit ive ever seen. Who created that? The German? Id kick there ass if they were in front of me...
49. What kind of books do you like to read? Anything interesting
50. If you won the lottery, what would you do? LOL!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!......LMAO!!!!!
51. Burial or cremation? Burial, I want all those bastards too see my corspe knowing there the ones who drove me to my grave..
52. How many online journals do you read regularly? I don't read any regularly..
53. What's one thing you're a loser at? Getting what I deserve.
54. If you don't like a person, how do you show it? I tell them Im not attracted to them and that im thinking of talking to someone else.
55. Do you cry in front of your friends? Never.
56. What kind of first impression do you think you give to people? "....He shouldnt exist"
57. What's one thing you like to do alone? Masterbate.LMAO.....but seriously, I like to practice playing video games alone...
58. Are you a giver or a taker? Both..
59. When's the last time you cried? I dunno....its been a long time....oh I remember, it was the time I tried to cut my mothers head off with my sword.
60. Favorite communication method? In person.
61. How many drinks before you're tipsy? Drinks of what? Im still under age..
62. Do you think you're cute? I think im alright.....
63. Do you have problems changing clothes in front of friends? Yes....I cant even sleep without having full body clothing on...
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Thursday, May 19, 2005

THEN I HAVE VIDEO GAME CLUB AT THE END OF THE DAY. WE ARE HAVING PIZZA!!! THEN, AT THE MOVIES, I HAVE A FREE 25$ VALUE. FUCK YEAH!!!! YO......Im just so happy. Only thing that can make this day better is sex....o.o; have all of you been? Brandon we really need to set a offical time so we can get this done.
Well...........I HAVE STAR WARS TICKETS!!!!
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Well...damn. We dont have D and D today...but thats ok
Well, Otakons coming and im preparing for the tournament. Life has slowed down for
Bad stuff has stoped occuring latley. Ofcourse you have your daily annoyances but for the most great. Nothing incredibly bad has been happening.
It would be cool if me and Rin could hang out again..
Well.... I dont have much too say today.....peace.
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