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Monday, April 4, 2005

Man..I havent been on MYO since spring break. My spring break has can I put it.....O..K.
I did get 177 dollars for tax stuff. I spent that in one day. I called Eric, I called all of my friends, and even my best friend and they all were "Busy" Boy was I mad.
So I said fuck them and I went to the mall with my money. Damn was that the greatest day ive had all year.
I bought...
2.Resident Evil 4 ( This game is the shit! )
3.A crow left of the Murder ( Incubus CD )
Eh..and I spent my money on something else...-_-;
It rained that entire day so hard I couldnt even see. I was about to cry I was so happy that day. It tells you something that I get that happy over something so really shows how terrible my life is....
Me and my ex girlfriend have worked out our differences. We talk now. I still have a small problems with her though.
On Sunday we were suppose to go to the movies and she ditched me. I went to go see it anyway. I saw Sin City. Its pretty damn good. Boy shes gonna pay for ditching me like that. I try to give people chances...but all people do is give me reasons not to. God I feel stupid, I bought her something that costed me alot of money...
I wont be doing that shit again.
Me and Rin are starting to fade away. Dont get me wrong...were still really good friends, its just we dont even hang out any more, or even talk on the phone because his life is so consumed with his girlfriend. And Dude, you cant say that it isnt....
I finally got that 12 page paper done over the spring break. I am so happy about that.. Anyways, If I dont get to your webpages then tell me how your breaks were....peace out because I have some pages to see...
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Thursday, March 24, 2005

I miss this game so much.. It had rained all day yesterday, I love the rain. Today so far has been shit creek. I was suppose to "enjoy" my self today and that didnt go as planed because she was "sick". Bullshit.
Then I couldnt play video games because my little sister has to watch the fucking T.V TO WATCH BARNEY. God, thats really starting to make me mad that I have to sit around and let her use my damn T.v.
Then me and my grandmother started yelling at each other because I cussed in front of her. EVERYONE IN THAT HOUSE CUSSES IN FRONT OF HER AND SHE DOESNT SAY SHIT. Thats so weak....-_-;
Now im doing absolutly nothing. Hopefully this day will get better somehow. If only had something...something to make me happy. Like Final Fantasy 11. Id cry....oh id weep....-_-
I need a Job, then I wouldnt have to go through this shit. Oh well....
You guys have got to find a way to go to Otakon. Its so fucking great. If you dont know what Im talking about the website is Well...I guess ill be leaving soon, Im starting to get really hungry....
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Well, today I went to the mall with Eric. I watched him trade in a ton of great games for two games....-_-; But oh well, it makes him happy.....everytime he does it...-_-;
Later today I might go hang out with Luminae it all depends on how things go. I got a new wallpaper, this is actually the wallpaper Ive wanted for the longest time but I just could never get it.
Im so hungry, I havent really ate all day. When I go home im gonna play tekken all day. Me and my ex have become better associates now. I guess I've forgiven her for the grimy shit shes done, and for that im amazed. Well...I had something important to say but I definitly cant remember. Spring break has finaly begun and so has my reports...-_-; but Ill get it done.
You know, Ive probably said this before but did you notice that everyone is writing storys now? I want to write one but there are so many reasons why I wont.
1. People dont always read them and swear they do.
2. Its to time consuming lazy.
3. I dont want to follow in the steps of others, If I would have started first then that would have been another thing..yet the other two reasons stand stronger than this one so..heh..
Well, im out....peace..
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Monday, March 21, 2005

Well, this is my last day of school before the spring break. Those bastards gave me a quater project, along with my 10 page and 30 page assignment. They will burn for this!
Eh..I have d&D today, so thats cool. Ill probably level up since Ive been killing everything.
HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK.. I got a brand new PS2. God I am so happy behind that. My ps2 has been broken for about 6 months. Retribution will begin! People thought I whipped there asses before in games....they havent seen shit yet. I also have Tekken 5.
I wonder how all of you have been?Especially Lynn. Eh, luminae, just PM me about the Wensday thing.
On Saturday, Me and my best friend and another guy spared about 15 times. My body hurts in places I didnt thought I had. I won almost all of my spars except thats good. I hit one guys chest so hard that when he took his shirt off there was a huge blood stain in the middle of his chest and he was bleeding. We had to stop because we really didnt want him to get hurt....he said he felt a burning
Just incase I didnt tell anyone, I know Judo, some Akido, and Pheonix Eye fist. Well...I better stop ranting. Talk to me people..
I did go see the Ring 2. It was pretty damn good. My ex kept jumping on me because she was scared to hell. They didnt even get to see the movie because they kept covering there eyes......-_-; Pussies. Oh well.. If you havent went to go see it you should...
1 more thing. Kei, see if you can get like a large Gackt with wings, morbid kinda...and make it wallpaper size. Id greatly apreciate it. Peace..
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Friday, March 18, 2005

o.o; I might go to the movies today and go see The Ring 2. Eh, no one really wanted to go with me so Im going....
My ex girlfriend and my friend Jaleesa are suppose to be going. Nine times out of ten me and Jaleesa will be going..^_^; I hope I have fun because im tired of schoolwork and Im happy today is Friday. My ex said if I go to prom, shed buy me a 30$ meal afterwards. I really dont want to go....but whether I go or dont go I have to pay 324$ out of my own pocket for senior dues so I should just go...-_-
I wonder what everyone else is doing on Friday. Have you guys seen Luminae.....shes
Eh, I havent seen the first ring so can you guys tell me just exactly what the movie is about and everything? I have some schoolwork to finish so Ill be on later...hopefully.
My friends are so grimy, I wanted to play Phantasy Star in Game room and they wouldnt let me play....i think that was so damn gay. Especially since I said I was going to play earlier....and there like next week first come first served. Sidney just so happen is bring the damn GC. So I wont be playing at all more than likley......-_-; Amai Kugura...I like your new advatar but the old victom one was ten times better....
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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Well, I have d&d today. Todays also career day. I have computer programing, graphic design and teaching. Oh...the joy...-_-;
My ex broke up with my friend...lmao. Oh well..i shouldnt be laughing but joy does reek through my viens for many reasons.
I will also be playing phantasy star online with my friends on thursday and whipping more ass in tekken...hopefully. How have you guys been? I dont wanna go to my damn prom but everyone wants me to go. My ex said she wanted ti see me in a pink suite.....a goth in a pink suit....-_-; some people cant be helped. Well, the bell rung and im already late, i might post again...peace out.
Oh and pissed you didnt
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Monday, March 14, 2005

O,o; Me and my friends went out on Saturday. Eh, it was kinda crappy until my other friends came and save the day. Poor Eric...lmao.
Oh well....lmao....( Just joking ... )
Well, I did go over my other friend Jasons house and we played a shitload of games. I can honestly say that Sunday treated me with justice....
My internet teachers a bitch! He assigned a 30page, website due in a couple of weeks. And it has to be on my school. ><; Ill find a way to get it done.
Amai kugaru has the sexiest advatar....o.o;
Well, ive ran out of things to say pretty much. I wish Lynn would call, but shes always busy so..oh well. O.o; I still havent decided what im going to do to my you guys think I should beat his ass? I think im going to get him killed in D&D...that would make me feel alot better..
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Friday, March 11, 2005
And here it is..
Well, I halled ass out of the room and he was no where to be found. So then I went looking for the bitch because I wanted to beat his ass! I couldnt find him.
Though, I found him afterschool and I was like... " You know I would have let you use the computer if you needed work to get done, why where you trying to make a scene?"
He said " Yo, I was joking, I wasnt gonna fight you and get my shit ripped, you know Im crazy right?"
Man he was a whore....I should have beat the fuck out of him just for raising his voice...meh....I need something to relax me to a high some ass....
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Look at this shit.
O,o; You know....guess what.
Im in computer Lab and some guy comes up needs the use the computer. One he isnt even in my class period. So the teacher comes by and says if your not doing work then you need to let the other guy use the computer.
I sayed, " Why do I have to get up? Your not even in this class?" So he gets in trouble for not being in here and hes like " When you get out im gonna fuck your big ass up" Yeah right, I cant wait until I get out of this class....let him start some shit. Im looking for someone to beat up. It will be nice practice. First fight ive goten while at this school. Everyones like " Your a snitch, your a snitch" How the hell am I a snitch when I would have had to suffer because of his wrongdoing? Hell no. Let the bell ring....
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Heh. Well, I actually enjoyed myself yesterday after school. I finished all my work for all the teachers. ::Trumpet plays::
The work war has come to an END!
Second, I got to play tekken 5 with Zan and Afro Jones. Well, as usual, I am underestimated....::Cough Cough:: Afro Jones ::Cough::
And as usual, an ass kicking by me proceeds these underestimates. We all had fun though. I must admit, they are good.........just not up there with me yet...lmao.
My Ex girlfriend goes with my friend now. What type of shit is that? I thought me and him was cool. The funny part is, he didnt even tell me, and niether did her. They tried to hide it behind my back....those whores! Rin sayed beat his ass....what do you guys think I should do?
Luminae, Eh, if you get the chance, call me eh? me! Or ill eat your spleen.
Kei-chan,bloodandtears, and Amai, Im so sorry I havent been going to your sites. Ive been tied down to work like a fool...
Eh, and if I didnt say your name, well.....tell me to and I will,LOL... until next time guys..
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