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Tuesday, February 8, 2005

Heh. Me and Kuro Kitsune Chan got into a really bad argument. So far, im labeled as stupid and wrong by so many. Tell me this. What friend tells you they lie to you and tells you they lie to your face.Then DOESNT CARE!? In my eyes there not really a friend. Especially when they majoritly do it only to you.
1. Lie, 2. Call you stupid and mean it. 3. Call you an embisile and mean it.
Everytime I go around her she acts like she doesnt want me to be around and she always acts like a bitch. Shes always assuming stuff. She said the biggest problem with me is I underestimate her. I asked her when, couldnt even give me one example! Yet Im the jerk. Yet Im the asshole.
Utter and complete bullshit! She has the nerve to say '' Well I dont see anyone chasing you around on Valintines day'' Just because I laughed at the fact two guys like her.WTF!? God, I am pissed behind that. She doesnt care about what I think nor what I feel, she thinks at times she does but she really doesnt. Yet.....shes my friend? Yet, im being the nice person and putting up with it and she thinks everything is sugar coated with candy. Im so sick of dealing with peoples bullshit. She called me a smug bastard. O.o; Whatever. I dont know if I hurt her feelings but seriously, Why should I give a fuck? I have absolutly 0 reason to be her friend, or even associate with her. Yet, I try, I try so damn hard, and she doesnt see my efforts. Sure, im anti-Social but people gotta realize that when I do talk im trying to communicate. She will never understand me until she starts to care. I dont even know why Im blowing this out of proportion...-_-; She always seem like she has something to say and then she doesnt... Oh well. Fuck it. Im sick of caring and getting nothing in return but insults and Mental Isolation.
I hate it when people hide what they feel from me. Im strong enough to take whatever is dished at me....I wont hurt them....-_-;
On a good note I bought Phantasy Star online 2 and that game is great. Guys, you tell me what I should do with the argument situation. Obviously I have one side of the story and the other is different...
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Monday, February 7, 2005

My weekend? .....
And thats all that really needs to be said about that. One good thing is that I bought Phatasy Star Online 2. Dont go see BoogyMan. That movie is shit plus cow shit. It is a well oiled machine of stupidity.
Valentine day is coming. God, this peice of shit day. Im sure you people will probably enjoy it and I hope you do. Me, ill be looking at my ex..lmao with another guy. God I hate her.
O.o; Eh If I havent been around in awhile its because I dont have a computer and I will get around to all of your sites.
Eh....I guess you people deserve to know what happened on my weekend. On saturday we went to the mall and then..we walked around and did absolutly nothing. I was basically a third wheel since my friend Rin was there. ( Sidney was all in his face )
Then we caught a movie which was a 30mins late. That was so stupid. I didnt even eat that day because I went to see that stupid ass movie that I really didnt want to go see. I only did it because Rin wanted to see it and Im a good friend. Sidney threw popcorn at me the entire time.....-_-; I will never understand her.Ever. That day was so ...ugh.
One day I will have a day when everything goes my way. When it does, Ill smile. Guilty Gear rocks to another level...its just so beautiful.The music....::Bows::
Eh, I better stop ranting off because I could talk forever. o.o; ::Fades::
P.S: Tell me what youve planned for Valentines day and if theres anyone in the WORLD you could spend it on tell me who and why...
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Friday, February 4, 2005

Im gonna find a way to put my picture on this site eventually. I just gotta figure out a way how.
My friends are suppose to be regrouping. Seems like his girlfriend doesnt want to go and he does. Eh, whatever. I have nothing else to do anyways and thats why Im going. Im not getting anything out of going....-_-;
Oh yeah, what do you people think of my music? Wouldnt it be cool if all of us on MyO just lived on the same would be so cool. They should have a convention somewhere just for MYO members and have mad anime and games stuff. It would be so cool.
Hey, any armored core fans in the air? It would be so hard if Armored core and Zone of the enders fused into one game. Would be best game of the year for a very long time. Well, I believe I've ranted long enough. I just wanted to say, your lucky you dont live here Purgatory... o_-; LOL.
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Thursday, February 3, 2005

I might possibly be going to the mall again this Saturday with the same people as before. O.o; I shouldnt go but I have hope that things will be different this time.
I might actually have alil cash aswell. Everyone who read my quiz, thank you.
Eh, me Hot? In a 1-10 I give myself a 7 and at best an 8. Im not great and nor am I ugly...but I give gackt a 10....AND IM A GUY!
Well, Im in school and this sucks, peace out. ( Ill add picture later... g2g )
Well Im back and its after school. All I wanted to say was with the last quiz if you can Id like it if youd send it to me answered if I havent seen it already.
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005

Another quiz-survery
[[Kissed your cousin?]] .......
[[Ran away?]] No.
[[Pictured your crush naked?]] Yes.
[[Broken someone's heart?]] I doubt it....
[[Been in love?]] Eh....probably...
[[Cried when someone died?]] No.
[[Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have?]] Yes.
[[Broken a bone?]] Yes,many...
[[Drank alcohol?]] No and i dont intend to.
[[Lied?]] Yes.
[[Cried in school?]] No..
[[Love at first sight?]] No.Hell no.
[[Kissed on the first date?]] Eh,
[[Monsters?]] I deal with you people right?
[[Aliens?]] See above for the answer..
[[Ghosts?]] I've been slapped by one and punched in the face by one...
[[Heaven?]] ......
[[Hell?]] If living on Earth isnt, god.....have mercy on us all.
[[Cheating?]] Not really.
[[Coke or Pepsi?]] Coke
[[Sprite or 7-Up?]] Sprite
[[Girls or guys?]] Girls
[[Flowers or candy?]] Neither..
[[Scruff or clean-shaven?]] Clean shaven if possible o.o;
[[Quiet or loud?]] Quiet
[[Pools or hot tubs?]] Neither.
[[Blondes or brunettes?]] I like both...
[[Bitchy or slutty?]] Neither.
[[One pillow or two?]] Two.
[[Pants or shorts?]] Pants.
[[Gap, American Eagle, or Columbia?]] None...they suck....
[[What do you notice first?]]The Moan.
[[Last person you slow danced with?]] If you caught me doing this youd better savor it.
[[Worst thing to do?]] I have no idea.
[[Best place you know of to go?]] Not here...oh god, not here.
[[Short or long hair?]] Either.
[[Piercings or none?]] Either, as long as there are a controled amount of piercings.
[[Showered?]] When I woke up
[[Had sex?]] ...::Counts the endless months::
[[Have been to a party?]] I dont do parties, i do ''Get togethers''
[[Had a great time with the opposite sex?]] This hasnt happened for a very long time...
[[Your good luck charm?]] I only have bad luck.
[[The worst song you've ever heard?]] Be ba...its a song from something simular to the Telatubies.
[[The best thing that has happened to you today?]] I'm alive, right?
[[Color?]] Black
[[Movie?]] Les Meserable...
[[Subject in School?]] History.
[[Online buds?]] I dont have any anymore. I use to have alot.
[[Place to go when you have no where to go?]] My best friends house.
[[Cars?]] Ferari ( I hope i spelled that right )
[[Food?]] Cheesecake.
[[Ice cream?]] I dont deal with icecream.
[[Soft drink?]] Ice Tea, brisk.
[[Sports to watch?]] I don't like to watch sports,I like sports to hurt.
[[Holiday?]] Christmas.....
[[Season?]] Spring
[[Breakfast food?]] Grandmothers eggs..
[[Place to go with your honey?]] My honey?.......I dont have a honey.
[[Place to go with your friends?]] Anywhere as long as its not a club. Also, as long as its not very far and I have to find a way there and back.
[[Makes you laugh online the most?]] Afro Jones. ( Visit his site. )
[[Makes you smile?]] No one. Its kinda hard to do that...
[[Gives you a funny feeling when you see them?]] Sidney Smith.
[[Has a crush on you?]] Someone has a crush on me?! I wish i knew... o_o;
[[Do you have a crush on?]] Eh, if i did I wouldn't say it on here.
[[Gives you kisses?]] You should burn in hell for asking such a question.
[[Do you like to kiss?]] See above.
[[Has it easier, guys or girls?]] Girls.
[[Sit by the phone waiting for a call all night?]] Who the hell is that important!?
[[Save AOL conversations?]] No.
[[Save emails?]] No
[[Wish you were someone else?]]
Eh, Not to many people I wish i were like, I love myself. Id like to look like Gackt though..
[[Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?]] No, Pregnancy? Periods? Harrassment? Not as strong as the other sex physically? Hell no.
[[Want to look differently?]] Alil, I wish i had more muscle maybe. Long jet black hair. Thats about it.
[[Cried because of someone's mean words?]] Hell no. Words dont have that great of an impact to make me cry.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005

Hello my fellow demons. Im in the computer lab. Absolutly nothing interesting is going on. Its funny, one of my friends has the same number of guestbook entries as me, yet he doesnt know how to add a picture...or music. Wierd.
I love Jrock. Dir en grey are so good... I wish i also had the lain music cd. If you havent played Guilty Gear....your losing out. It is by far the best 2D fighter ever created. I love that game. ( IT IS BETTER THAN MARVEL VS CAPCOM 2!! )
Luminae, you said you know about the tripp company, PM me about that. I would really like to know about that.You sound down to earth, not really sweet or mean or anything.
My next weekend I am sure wont be as shity as last week.Well atleast I hope. I beat Rin Synoske, in Naruto 3 and It was Neja vs Gara Nara and Itachi. I STILL WON. 2 Rounds straight and the computer was on the hardest difficulty. Even though I lost 10 times ( I counted Eric ) before I won the fact remains I did that and he said it was "Impossible". I normally win, thats why i tried such a feat. ( None the less you give me the most challenge out of anyone Eric. )
Hopefully Me, you, your girlfriend, and....Sidney can all play games over someones house sometime? That would be fun...hopefully.
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Monday, January 31, 2005

Well. My weekend was full of shit. This is how it went. I had to go to counciling for almost killing my mom. Boring as shit for 5 hours straight. Then I had to take this long ass walk in the cold to the mall. I had on converses so my feet were freezing. Once in the mall.. we did basically nothing.
Since i was low on funds i definitly couldnt buy anything. Well...and then something else happened that really made me mad. ( Eh, if you wanna know then PM me. )
We had to leave early....then when we went outside then it was snowing. It was cold as shit. Walking down a icy hill ( It was the only way back to the subway. ) Rin Synoske decided to fall and take me down with him....><;. Now im really freezing and my feet went numb. Once we get to the subway we waited for it. Got back and had to walk all the way to his girlfriends house. My feet are pretty numb.... On the way back i ripped my pants. Those pants costed me 60$. Mind you, gothic wear is not really cheep. Boy was i pissed.
After we take her home. We got poor directions from her and didnt know how the hell to get home. First we miss the bus and then almost missed the second bus. ( Mind you its still snowing and freezing. And i have on converses. ) Once we got on the bus. We were on the WRONG FUCKING BUS!!!!
Well, we got off once we realized just what bus we were on. We had to catch another bus to get were we had to go... and we waited in one of the most drug attic places in all of Baltimore. We were almost greeted by a junky but he luckily got on the bus before he caused us trouble. We labeled him ''Crazy Steve''.
Then. I had to walk home, and this was not a short walk in the cold mind you...
That day was amazingly shity...well for was. '' I never put all my eggs in one basket...''
On another note, i did speak to Purgatory on the phone. VERY decent conversation we had. Shes a nice girl. Her voice is very soft, like a sweet school girl, which is funny because shes a goth.
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Friday, January 28, 2005
Damn.....take a look at my report card

Well, I got my grades back.......
I did so bad. I passed all my classes for the semester but i failed 3 classes for the quater. I dont know how im gonna get into college. ><; My grades were so shity. I guess i need to stop being so lazy. In one of my classes i went from a 100 to a 64....><; Well, atleast Zan did way worser with his grades than me.
I hope for the best on this weekend. Eh....i got to go to the bathroom...o_o ::Fades::
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
You Bastard!

If you make me mad. This is what I will do to you. Only difference is, this is just the 1st thing ill do to you.
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Eh, i finally finished that poem from before. I'm suppose to be hanging out this weekend with Rin Synoske and DemonicWolf06. Supposedly its gonna be good but i dunno. Last time i waited in the freezing cold for DemonicWolf06 and we didnt do anything. Man was i pissed. I refuse to do that again.
On another note. An old girlfriend called me that i go to school with. We got into such a bad argument. Im never talking to that bitch again. She will die and burn in hell like the sluty thing she is. Hah, i actually tolerated that whore. ( Heh..shes gonna go with my friend within a few days,watch... ) Eh, girls can be so sluty these days... ><;No respect for themselves. Its funny, when you break up with someone and a few months later you realize just how horrible they were.All there flaws. Then youll slap yourself for actually going with them in the first place. I still havent decided whether im going to my prom yet.....i dunno.
I also wanted to inform everyone that if your an Otaku, please go to the Otakon. The website is YOU WONT REGRET IT.
Id also like to give a shout out to my favorite Otaku friends.. Luminae, Purgatory,Yoshiki, Kei Chan, Vicious 2,Shinigami,VampireMage666,Steel Girl and a few others. If i didnt list your name its probably because i know you in real life.
Eh....todays report Card pic up. I wonder how i did. I bet i failed Algebra 2. ><; Lets find out....shall we?
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