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Tuesday, January 4, 2005

NARUTO!!! O.O;! I just realized i didnt put Naruto anywhere on my site and i felt pretty bad. So heres its special recognition. O.o; Whatever you got for Christmas i want you to put on my comments here. >>; As for you Kitsune Chan, i hope you liked your gif! Vote for me......not Zan. ><; ( HI YOSHIKI! )
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
Happy new year although this isnt exactly new years. I wonder how all of my fellow otaku new year has begun. Do me a favor and send me any comments on how your new years have went. Well, peace out. Also, the new quote for today is '' If you always think negetive then nine times out of ten you will recieve a negetavive result... Until next time my minions.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
This is in recognition of my friend Zan's site. He loves Gundam and i enjoy it aswell. Christmas is coming even closer. Sadly for me i just lost my job at power gamer....><; Now i wont have any cash and christmas is doomed for me.................DOOMED!!! >
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
How has everyone been doing? I LOVE all of you Otaku and thats why i need you to contribute and sign my guestbook!On any note. Vote for me for! Not Zan! As your new and dark ruler i will provide all your pocky needs! I will smother you all in despair and bring to the world a new order of darkness. I will bring poverty into poverty and sorrow into depression....o.o..... And poverty into poverty........ o.o;Face it! You want a ruler who will do everything for you, not a ruler who gives you the choice of the matter!! DEAL WITH IT!!! On a new note... Hmm....im sure all of you know about the Otakon. If you are going then i want you to comment on the Otakon and what you thought about it. Also if you will be going again. If you dont know about the Otakon it is a huge anime convention that comes to Baltimore Maryland every year. The web addresss is www.Otakon.Com. Its the only good thing about this sucky city so you should all go if you havent. I will add a quiz or something like it......eventually. Quote for today is
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Friday, December 10, 2004
Hello all my fellow minions. I just wanted to say ive seen some very interesting sites latley. Yoshiki has a very nice site so visit hers if you havent! O.o Also visit Zans site. Hes abit of a looney toon but he has a decent site! >> Im so out of words here... But i will start puting quiz's and stuff up eventually so expect that soon. If you havent sign the guestbook then once again....do so. I will deeply appreciate your servitude. :: Bows slowly and then fades ::
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Thursday, December 9, 2004
>< I havent had time to post because of school and etc. Christmas is coming. I wonder what all of you Otaku's are looking forward to getting. I this year am not getting anything ><. Be thankful for what you have because you may never get it again. Im going start giving a quote on every post starting today. Todays quote is
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Monday, December 6, 2004
I am...
I am the silence that no one speaks of.
I am the insanity inside the insane.
When the crow looks left and the dog looks right, youll know i was there.
When you live in today you live into lust.
Mind shall shatter, body shall rust.
When thee angels cry and the demons bow.
I am the eternal hate you hold inside so no one will feel your wrath.
I am the fear, the sorrow the pain, the hate, the pleasure, and thee end.
I am the reason kids wet there beds.
The reason Sages cry and villians change there objectives.
I am the reason you have churches.
I am war, famine , and poverty.
All this i am. But to describe me..
I am the world. I am Time.
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Friday, December 3, 2004
Finally, through the course of my site i actually have time to post instead of working on it. Hello all my followers. It is I Jin, the shadowlord of today tommorrow and Ever! Ive come to speak a few words. One. please do me a favor and look at Zans site then look at mines and tell me what you think. Im only doing this because he swears his site is soooo much better than mine. Also if you havent sign my guestbook please do so. Show people my site and blah blah blah. Also, i need help with banners, quiz's and gif images, so if you would be nice to help me then PM me. My post will be alil more ....interesting, once my site is completed.Goodday..oh....and.. Let the psyco's of the nether world raise HELL upon your filthy carcuses!! ( >< I probably spelled that wrong.. )
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Wednesday, December 1, 2004
ITS BEGUN!! I FINALLY ADDDED SOME NEW STUFF! Sorry i havent posted in awhile guys. I was terribly sick. Im back now and its time to do some work. Im going to change my music though. O.O This site is incomplete and still in the making. Please sign the guestbook though if you can! Well, time to get back to work my fellow Otakus
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
I have figured out alot of things for my site! Yes!!! I am in the making! If you can help me with wallpapers for the main site then let me know. Also with banners and etc. Please sign guestbook if you will. I havent put post in awhile but ill try to keep updated. School and working on the site make it hard for me to make time to do post. Peace my fellow Otaku demons! >.>;
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