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Monday, January 31, 2005

Well. My weekend was full of shit. This is how it went. I had to go to counciling for almost killing my mom. Boring as shit for 5 hours straight. Then I had to take this long ass walk in the cold to the mall. I had on converses so my feet were freezing. Once in the mall.. we did basically nothing.
Since i was low on funds i definitly couldnt buy anything. Well...and then something else happened that really made me mad. ( Eh, if you wanna know then PM me. )
We had to leave early....then when we went outside then it was snowing. It was cold as shit. Walking down a icy hill ( It was the only way back to the subway. ) Rin Synoske decided to fall and take me down with him....><;. Now im really freezing and my feet went numb. Once we get to the subway we waited for it. Got back and had to walk all the way to his girlfriends house. My feet are pretty numb.... On the way back i ripped my pants. Those pants costed me 60$. Mind you, gothic wear is not really cheep. Boy was i pissed.
After we take her home. We got poor directions from her and didnt know how the hell to get home. First we miss the bus and then almost missed the second bus. ( Mind you its still snowing and freezing. And i have on converses. ) Once we got on the bus. We were on the WRONG FUCKING BUS!!!!
Well, we got off once we realized just what bus we were on. We had to catch another bus to get were we had to go... and we waited in one of the most drug attic places in all of Baltimore. We were almost greeted by a junky but he luckily got on the bus before he caused us trouble. We labeled him ''Crazy Steve''.
Then. I had to walk home, and this was not a short walk in the cold mind you...
That day was amazingly shity...well for was. '' I never put all my eggs in one basket...''
On another note, i did speak to Purgatory on the phone. VERY decent conversation we had. Shes a nice girl. Her voice is very soft, like a sweet school girl, which is funny because shes a goth.
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