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Tuesday, February 8, 2005

Heh. Me and Kuro Kitsune Chan got into a really bad argument. So far, im labeled as stupid and wrong by so many. Tell me this. What friend tells you they lie to you and tells you they lie to your face.Then DOESNT CARE!? In my eyes there not really a friend. Especially when they majoritly do it only to you.
1. Lie, 2. Call you stupid and mean it. 3. Call you an embisile and mean it.
Everytime I go around her she acts like she doesnt want me to be around and she always acts like a bitch. Shes always assuming stuff. She said the biggest problem with me is I underestimate her. I asked her when, couldnt even give me one example! Yet Im the jerk. Yet Im the asshole.
Utter and complete bullshit! She has the nerve to say '' Well I dont see anyone chasing you around on Valintines day'' Just because I laughed at the fact two guys like her.WTF!? God, I am pissed behind that. She doesnt care about what I think nor what I feel, she thinks at times she does but she really doesnt. Yet.....shes my friend? Yet, im being the nice person and putting up with it and she thinks everything is sugar coated with candy. Im so sick of dealing with peoples bullshit. She called me a smug bastard. O.o; Whatever. I dont know if I hurt her feelings but seriously, Why should I give a fuck? I have absolutly 0 reason to be her friend, or even associate with her. Yet, I try, I try so damn hard, and she doesnt see my efforts. Sure, im anti-Social but people gotta realize that when I do talk im trying to communicate. She will never understand me until she starts to care. I dont even know why Im blowing this out of proportion...-_-; She always seem like she has something to say and then she doesnt... Oh well. Fuck it. Im sick of caring and getting nothing in return but insults and Mental Isolation.
I hate it when people hide what they feel from me. Im strong enough to take whatever is dished at me....I wont hurt them....-_-;
On a good note I bought Phantasy Star online 2 and that game is great. Guys, you tell me what I should do with the argument situation. Obviously I have one side of the story and the other is different...
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