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• 1987-08-20
• Everywhere that is somewhere. ( You wont hide from me! )
Member Since
• 2004-11-10
• School o.o;
Real Name
• Tyrell
• Living
Anime Fan Since
• Begining of Time
Favorite Anime
• X
• To become complete...... youll know when my goal has been reached.
• Reading Manga, watching anime, sleeping, internet surfing, listening to music, learning new things.
• Video games. ( Trust me...the way i play has to be some sort of talent. ) Saxaphone, Clarinet, Computer skills.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Well, today I went to the mall with Eric. I watched him trade in a ton of great games for two games....-_-; But oh well, it makes him happy.....everytime he does it...-_-;
Later today I might go hang out with Luminae it all depends on how things go. I got a new wallpaper, this is actually the wallpaper Ive wanted for the longest time but I just could never get it.
Im so hungry, I havent really ate all day. When I go home im gonna play tekken all day. Me and my ex have become better associates now. I guess I've forgiven her for the grimy shit shes done, and for that im amazed. Well...I had something important to say but I definitly cant remember. Spring break has finaly begun and so has my reports...-_-; but Ill get it done.
You know, Ive probably said this before but did you notice that everyone is writing storys now? I want to write one but there are so many reasons why I wont.
1. People dont always read them and swear they do.
2. Its to time consuming lazy.
3. I dont want to follow in the steps of others, If I would have started first then that would have been another thing..yet the other two reasons stand stronger than this one so..heh..
Well, im out....peace..
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