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myOtaku.com: Shio3

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 10/20/05:
*falls a sleep*

Lazy School Girl
u r very lazy u just love to sleep, hang with
friends. hey that kool to be laid back but
don't be slacker try to get out more.

What kind of a girl r u? (kool pics)
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Result Posted on 10/18/05:

sea wicken
A sea wiccan watches over you. You are an
unpredictable human being. Your emotions
fluctuate like waves and your mind swims
swiftly with thoughts and fantasies. You are
smart, but you have trouble paying attention.
You're a big fish in a small pond. Your sea
wicken may not always be by your side, but she
is always watching over you. With her magic,
she is always protecting you. When you are in
the water, nothing can harm you. Water is your
safest haven.

Who is your soul guardian?
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Result Posted on 10/18/05:

dark vampire
A Dark vampire You are a dark vampire you have lost the spark, and
the will to care about the kill any more you
cry black hollow tears, you use to be feared
and your name spread fear across the land among
humans and vampires alike. For this reason you
are alone, you regret this but you know it is
too late. You became like that because you
became attached to someone and now they are
gone you dont see any reason to exist!! It is
almost like you live for other people/vampires
when you loose this you will again be powerful
and free. You have to learn to live for
yourself and not for others and realise that
the whole world isnt against you!!

What sort of vampire would you be and what is your story?(great pics)
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Result Posted on 10/18/05:

goddess of the air
You are the goddess of the air:You are very open
minded about things and don't mind trying to
see things in other people's perspectives.When
you get out of line you make sure you make your
point so other people listen to you.

What type of goddess are you???????WITH BEAUTIFUL(AND I MEAN BEAUTIFUL) PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Result Posted on 10/18/05:

Your element is Earth you grind those you dislike
with your power of earth you cause Earth Quakes
To those you want to completely destroy.You are
Earth Warrior(Rate 5 to see all Answers and

What elements do you have hiding in your soul?
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Result Posted on 10/18/05:

Earth angel
Ghosts follow you because they need your abilities!

Is there a ghost following you? And if there is what does it want?(Pics, Backround, Music!)
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Result Posted on 10/18/05:

david girl
You are followed by the Demon of Depression. The
Demon found you one day in a time of
vunerability and now taunts you. Sometimes you
don't know why, but you are sad and can be
lonely and often think that everyone hates you.
You're life is probably ok but this demon is
telling you otherwise. The best way to make
these demon leave is to percieve more through
others' eyes and find something that you are
very passionate for. Medication is a last

What Demon Follows you? ..:Interesting Pics:..
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Result Posted on 10/18/05:

You are a water angel you are quiet and timid and
have a beautfull soul. You love peace and quiet
and being around others makes you happy. You
are loved by many people female name:Luna male name:Derrian element:water weapon:magical spell casting gemstone mythical animal:water sprites

~~What kind of angel are you?~~ (great pics)guys you can do this two ^^ didnt forget you
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Result Posted on 10/18/05:

You are an earth angel you are peaceful and timid
you are loved by all (except darkness
creatures)you love nature and all animals no
matter what species they are. you are always
kind and giving and you always go out of your
ways to make people happy. female name:heather or jasmine male name:Joseph element:earth weapon:bow and arrows mythical animal:unicorn

~~What kind of angel are you?~~ (great pics)guys you can do this two ^^ didnt forget you
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Result Posted on 10/18/05:

You are a fire angel you are bold and courageous
and love danger. You can be hot tempered but
all in all you are a great person female name:Sienna male name:Scott Element:Fire Weapon:Quarterstaff Mythical animal:phoenix

~~What kind of angel are you?~~ (great pics)guys you can do this two ^^ didnt forget you
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