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myOtaku.com: shioan

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Name by Goo Goo Dolls
Some things you don't really need to know about me. I'm a certified anime otaku. Likes to draw and daydream. I dwell in my fantasies, whether they're partial or pure. I'm capable of making my own little big world. When locked up in a room for one day, just leave me with a pen/pencil and lots of papers with "Love is All Around" playing in the background, I'll survive. I'll just probably draw or do origami.

I'm a perfectionist and very painstaking. I love to try new things but I know my limits. Stage-fright is my greatest downside and I tend to be shy around people especially when it's my first time meeting them but get to know me and I tell you, I'm really bubbly. I hate it when my parents/relatives brag about me. And I hate it when someone scolds me for venting out my frustrations.

I always try to find something to look forward to no matter how superficial it may be. Just as long as it can keep me going and won't bore me, it'll do. Idleness, I absolutely hate that. There was even one time when I cried because I couldn't think of something to do.

I'm kinda proud of my birthday because it's the longest day of the year. And I've never won a raffle nor lottery nor anything like it.

I keep a junk box, by the way. You'll never know when you need such things.

I know.

I'm weird.

So dare to know me.

Sunday, October 1, 2006

My Bed is a Portal character quotes
Pretending to be lost
Not to remember;
That I may find my way back
To prove my worth;
I would have deceived them all
And reigned in a stack of lies
Then I met you...

--Danyell Donahail

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