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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
can all of you ppl do me a favor??? please
there is this girl who joined MyO a few days ago and i don't remember her name.....i didn't save her as a friend nore did i sign her GB (didn't have time to), i remember somethings about they are:
her avi is of a moon
she has an all black BG
and in her vitals she said something about black arts/magic or something like that
her words are all in white.......
i wanna know her name cuz i wanna sign her GB, so can you ppl please help me find her if you do then can you tell me her name in a PM or AIM or even in a comment will work^^ thanks
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Friday, April 8, 2005
THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well a few days ago that girl with no face and whatever i called her was kicked outta my group of friends!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT LOOSER NEVER KNEW WHAT HIT HER!!!! SHES SO CONFUSED SHE THINKS THAT IF SHE SAYS HI TO ME IN THE HALL THEN I'LL BA FRIENDLY AND SAY HI TOO!!!! HAH!!!!! LIKE I'D DO THAT!!!! IN YOUR FACE FREAK!!!!!!!! srry i couldn't resist^^ i'm jst soo happy, you know?!?!?! but any way shes outta the picture and so is my sanity!!! i've been depressed a little for an unknown cause. but then when i get depressed i just do something with my friends and i feel pain is healling and its a weekend^^ i'm gonna sleep for a few hours and then wake up around 12^^ over hear we have time change and it messed up my sleeping cuz now i wake up at about 5 am (an hour early) and it makes it hard to get back to sleep. well how is everyone doing???
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
i hate today.....i woke up and my entier body hurt and still does.....theres a limit to what i can do without pain....and guess what i had PE today. talk about pain in the butt!!!! i had to walk/run 3/4ths of a mile it felt like this guy was stabbing me in the gut with all of these knives!!! to get up my stares i have to crawl and i havn't tried getting down them yet...(thats gonna be Hell).....well to top it all off.....i was gonna sing to some ppl and a guy named Evan G. was gonna help me....but when we started the song he got scared and ran away so i was joined by my sister in the middle of the song.....then i went to sing to another teacher and this girl named Koleesha was gonna help and she did....she didn't run away....then this guy named Tyler D was gonna sing with me to someone else but he ran away scared!!! DOES ANY ONE BESIDES ME SEE A PATTERN?!?!?!?! well now here is what i think of this day...
PE......CRAP!!!!....some boys at my school.......FREAKS!!!IDIOTS!!COWORDS!!!!GO AND DIE WERE I CAN WHATCH YOU SUFFER!!!!! pain...too much!!! well srry if i went overboad but thats kinda how i feel right now...and srry for ppl who were offended(not the ppl i wote about though)
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HI PPL!!!! I'M A LITTLE HYPER EvEN THOUGH I FEEL CARSICK STILL. i was in the car for 6hours and it was murder....nothin to do nothing to make me from feeling sick if i don't wanna sleep, it was too hot....parents wouldn't turn on AC so we opened windows...but all in all i had a boring yet wierd time.
i met my uncle Christ and he hunts ghosts and looks like a rock artist^^ and i met my other uncle, uncle Tony, who is easaly beaten up by his wife, but still loves her....and i met my uncle Aron who is still a teanager and going to go to colleg after summer break....and i got to tell true ghost stories to my 2nd cousins and my uncle Christ and my sister...but formost of the time i was really bored cuz everyone only looked at old photos and talked to eachother.....over and over and over.....but i'm back and my best friend missed me so did my my other friends too^^.......did you guys miss me???
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Friday, April 1, 2005
before i go....
i like this pic^^

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BYE BYE PPL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well later today i'm leaving for Indeana(sp) to go meat up with my grandparents and family. its my grandparents aniversary and i won't be here for saturday and possibly sunday.....i have no idea how to get there and niether do my parents.....i have no i dea what the heck to say to anyone there. and no idea y i'm even going... o whell i don't leave till about 6:00pm
BYE BYE PPL!!!!!!!!
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Thursday, March 31, 2005
THE WEB IS......!!!!! you can hardly do anything without a username....mine is Loner.
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Wednesday, March 30, 2005
I found a web
i found this web it has really cool pics but theres a prob with do anything on this web you have to be a user but its really hard to find a name, and this web it soooooo slow that its hard to stand....i joined it any way^^
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!
*looks around* srry ppl the easter bunny ain't here......GUESS WHAT I GOT TO DO AN EXPIRIMENT TODAY!!!!!I MADE MARSHMELLOW GUM!!!!!!! ALLS YOU DO IS TAKE A MARSHMELLOW (i used bunnies and duck marshmellows)STICK IT IN THE MICROWAVE FOR 12-20 SECONDS(i mostly use 12sec) THEN YOU PULL IT OUT WITH YOUR HANDS AND IT WILL BE ALL GOOIE BUT JUST LET IT SIT FOR A LITTLE(i kept it on my fingers and just moved my fingers around) THEN STICK IT IN YOUR MOUTH!!!! BOOM YOU GOT MARSHMELLOW GUM^^
tell me if you like it or not, k

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Friday, March 25, 2005
This sucks bad!!!
god! i just whent to my friends site (they live here near me)and they are complaining about a friend of mine and the thing is...this whole danm thing started when some one joined our group....i allways have hatted her dunm ass!!!! shes the Bitch!!! thes the poser!!!!shes the idiotic freak with no face!!!No real life!!!No real self!!!!! She coppies to get what she wants!!! she uses friends!!!!she has no real anything!!!! and if you don't beleive me then go back into your memory and find me and what i kept telling you through out this whole shit of a situation!!!!!!
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