![ZOMG! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!](http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b317/sesshomaru_rocks/120238.gif)
4/\/d k1ll s0m3 p33pz 1n s0m3 w4y.
Ho, I've always wanted to try that. Anyways, exams are next week, which means it's time to panic. Yup. *runs away*This sucks, I'm totally breaking down here. These marks decided which UNI I go to, and I want good marks. Very good
So much work. It totally sucks also knowing I'm not having the same clasess >.< It was tre fun this semester, really. Next is hell. I think I actually have 4 exams...I've never had that before...;_;
Yesterday, I was shooting a music video, from 10-4. Today were finishing it(?), I think. It was pretty fun.
Everything else is going well. I've been chilling with my friends lately..but now since this stupid week is coming, I can't anymore. After all this, we're going out, to relive some stress, you know? XD.
Bleach is getting awesomer. Yes awesomer, it's a word, it's my word XP.
"Without despair, and grief you cannot experience happiness and love."
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