Anyways, Anime North was fricken awesome. So much cosplayers, not enough memory on my camera >.<. Anyways, I'm like in love with the stuff I got XDD. Wann see? Click hurr..I LOVE my new bag XDD
As you can see, I have a new theme up. Actually, I got the idea from Vicky. She made a theme from coloring a scan of Bleach, and made it into a theme. Awesome ne? XDD. So I asked her, if I could do the same, since that was too awesome to give up. Here, I colored a scan from the anime and manga called NANA by my favourite manga artist, Ai Yazawa. The theme is called Friends, something so LOVELY featuring NANA O. & NANA K. from the anime and manga NANA. The song is by Olivia Lufkin, called Winter Sleep, this song is also an ending from the anime. Now, this is my birthday month, and I wanted to do somehting special. So, I made this theme for Vicky. I wanted to do something for her, 'cause last month, when everyhting went wrong for me, she was there. She's just to awesome. I know this is small, but I just wanted to try and please her. Hope you like it, deary. I also have a new quote at the bottom. Kitto Daijoubu means You'll be alright. XDD
I made another post at Sanguinet_Icons. So please go over there and look at Vicky and I's icons XDD
Exams are coming up...yay...
ZOMG! I finished Hana Yori Dango Live Action. I'm so happy! It was AMAZING. I'm like totally in love with ARASHI now. They fricken rock XDD
Okay guys, I have nothing else more to say..
"Kitto daijoubu if you keep on dreaming, seeing and believing in yourself"
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